Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 431 Doubled again, the power limit of the bald head

Chapter 431 Doubled again, the power limit of the bald head

"I think you are also a master. You pushed the card out a little on purpose to make me guess the exact position, but this card must be a nine of diamonds. There is no doubt. Please open the card. Don't think about it." No matter how fast your technique is, it is impossible to be faster than my eyes!"

He Jincheng laughed.

The man in the shirt had an ugly face, Xin Dao really met a master this time.

He could indeed exchange that card for something else, but if the opponent is really a master, he can completely see his own tell, even if he refuses to admit it, it seems impossible.

There is no other way but to open the cards.

The man in the shirt lifted the card tremblingly, and a bright red Nine of Diamonds appeared in front of everyone.

"Hahaha, it's really the Nine of Squares, isn't it, brother, you are too good!"

Du Fei stretched out his head to look, and immediately burst out laughing.

The bald man's complexion visibly sank.

How can this be seen? Could it be that this kid's eyes can see through?

"Okay, it's my turn, give me a new deck of cards!"

He Jincheng looked at the bald head and waved to him.

Although the bald head looked ugly, he still threw a new deck of cards to He Jincheng.

He Jincheng opened the cards, took out the big and small kings, and was about to shuffle the cards.

"Wait, I want to check the cards!"

The man in the shirt opposite suddenly reached out to stop He Jincheng from shuffling the cards.

"Hey, you don't even trust your own people, do you think this bald-headed brother is colluding with me?"

He Jincheng smiled playfully.

The bald man on the side looked even more ugly, thinking that when did I join you?
The man in the shirt blushed, but insisted on checking the cards.

"I just want to see if the number is right, so as not to affect my judgment! You just need to open it, and I'll take a look!"

"Okay, then I'll satisfy you!"

He Jincheng nodded, and then spread out the cards backwards.

The man in the shirt fixed his eyes on He Jincheng's hand and the cards on the table, and quickly memorized the position of each card in his heart.

"Confirm it, don't worry, I won't pay a thousand!"

He Jincheng put the cards away again, and then began to shuffle them.

His shuffling skills are very poor, he can't even shuffle the most basic half-folded cards. It's been washed.

"Okay, let's take this one!"

He Jincheng didn't spread out the cards either, but drew one out of it and put it on the table.

The complexion of the man in the shirt became even uglier.

He hoped that the opponent was a master at shuffling the cards. In that case, the playing cards would be shuffled more regularly. With his own memory, he could completely remember the positions of all the cards.

However, He Jincheng is just a novice at shuffling the cards. Every time he shuffles the cards, the position of the corresponding cards will be interrupted irregularly, so after the final shuffling, the man in the shirt has completely forgotten the positions of those cards. Now He Jincheng He didn't even know what the drawn card was!

The bald man looked at the man in the shirt with an ugly expression on his face.

Ma De, you kid is known as the God of Gamblers, why did you get discouraged when you played with a young kid?

Although this gameplay is very novel, you still agreed. Since you are not sure, what the hell did you agree to do?

"'s the Six of Hearts!"

The man in the shirt gritted his teeth and said an answer.

He Jincheng's face froze, and then became very exciting.

"Am I right? Hmph, drive quickly, don't think about extra money!"

Seeing He Jincheng's reaction, the man in the shirt was overjoyed.

He just remembered a general idea, He Jincheng's card should be a six or a hook, and it must be a heart, but he didn't expect to bet right.

"I don't know what it is, but seeing that you are so sure, I think you should have guessed it right. How about this, in order to avoid you saying that I am out of money, let the bald brother play this card!"

He Jincheng raised his hand and said nervously.

The bald man frowned slightly, and glanced at the man in the shirt. Seeing him nodding towards him, he stopped hesitating and stepped forward to open the card.

When he saw clearly what the card was, the bald head's face immediately became even more ugly.

And the smile on the shirt man's face also froze there.

Eight of spades, how could it be eight of spades?This is impossible!
"Impossible, you cheated, it must be like this, I remember very clearly, that card must be six of hearts!"

The man in the shirt immediately became excited, slapped the table, pointed at He Jincheng and shouted loudly.

"Hey, hey, you can eat indiscriminately, and you can't talk nonsense. The cards belong to you, and the person who turns the cards is also your own. How can we pay a thousand? Let's pay for 150! "

Du Fei knocked on the table and said with a smile.

The bald scalp feels a little numb.

Just now He Jincheng won more than 130 million, Du Fei won 8, and Cheng Lu won more than 150. The total sum is exactly [-] million!
give money?Of course not.

The bald head brought people in to make He Jincheng lose all his money, but he won again unexpectedly.

"Okay, don't be ashamed, let's go down!
The bald man glared at the man in the shirt, and said in a deep voice.

Obviously the bald head's status here is not low. Although the shirt man was still unwilling, he could only leave obediently.

The bald man sat across from He Jincheng, his face was cloudy, and he spoke for a while.

"Brother, the future is long, why don't we discuss it?"

"Brother Baldhead, what do you mean, you can't come up with such money to pay?"

He Jincheng squinted at the bald head.

"That's not the case. The members of our Feilong Gang can still afford this little money, but if you take it all away today, our Feilong Gang will really lose face!"

The bald head smiled lightly.

"Really? Whether or not your Flying Dragon Gang has face doesn't seem to have anything to do with me!"

He Jincheng spread his hands.

"Our boss Fei Long loves face very much, if you let him lose face, he will be very upset!"

Bald's tone became a little more serious.

"If I don't get the money, I won't be happy either. I said, brother bald, what are you going to do? Tell me a good word, or let's be quick, let's get as much as I can!"

He Jincheng said impatiently.

"Okay, how about this, you take away 100 million, and the rest is just pumping water, I can help you solve this matter, how about it?"

The bald head said directly that this was the limit of his power.

"In addition, there is another condition, that is, please don't come to our place to play in the future. We have many places to play in Southern Metropolis. Our temple here is too small to accommodate three great gods!"

(End of this chapter)

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