Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 439 Shoddy, 3 needles cured the aunt

Chapter 439 Shoddy, Thirteen Needles Cured Auntie
The small room is not big, there are only two chairs, a cabinet, and a bed in it.

On the bed lies an old woman who looks like she is resting.

When Jiang Houde saw his wife, a look of sadness flashed across his face.

"Half a month ago, my wife fell and couldn't stand up, sometimes sober and sometimes confused. I thought that our old couple would not live long, so I took out all my savings and gave it to my wife. I bought that vest, thinking that she would look beautiful before she left, but who would have thought, alas... this is the vest I bought in your store, look at it, it looks like this !"

Jiang Houde took out a folded vest from the cabinet, it can be seen that Jiang Houde still cherishes this vest very much.

However, the original red vest has completely faded at this moment, and the color has become a mess. There are still several places that seem to be torn, and some black cotton is exposed inside. It is not a good cotton at first glance.

With just one glance, He Jincheng was sure that this was definitely a low-quality product, definitely not the clothes produced by their garment factory.

Du Fei also saw it, and frowned slightly.

"Old man, do you remember correctly? Are you really buying clothes in our store?"

"Of course, I'm old, so I can still lie to you. The whole Mengshan, and only your Qingmeng Clothing Store sells this kind of vest. By the way, I still have a receipt. I'll show you!"

Jiang Houde searched in the cabinet for a while, and took out a receipt that had been preserved.

He Jincheng took the receipt and saw that it was indeed a special receipt for Qingmeng Clothing. This was requested by He Jincheng to be unified across the country. There was a special anti-counterfeiting number on it, and it was also for the convenience of customers who were not satisfied with the clothes to return or exchange them.

He Jincheng frowned, and there was an unknown anger in his heart.

He knows what's going on without thinking about it. The franchise store must be shoddy. Isn't this smashing the He Group's brand?

However, it is not suitable for an outbreak now, He Jincheng secretly suppressed the anger in his heart.

"Old man, this receipt is correct. I believe you must have bought it from our store. On behalf of the He Group and Qingmeng Clothing, I would like to apologize to you. These items are our compensation!"

He Jincheng asked Du Fei to pick up the daily necessities and put them in the corner of the room.

"No need, no need, I didn't want you to pay compensation, you should take it back, I've lived my whole life, I can't end up with the reputation of being a blackmailer!"

Jiang Houde quickly waved his hands, unwilling to accept.

"Old man, you didn't blackmail people. This is what we should do. In addition, our company has regulations. If any consumer buys fake or shoddy clothes in our store, we will compensate you ten times!"

As he spoke, He Jincheng counted 200 yuan from his bag and stuffed it into Jiang Houde's hands.

"You bought this vest in our store for 20 yuan. We will compensate you 200 yuan. You deserve the money. You must take it!"

"Ah, how can this work? How can there be such a reason? Xiao He, you'd better take it back. I'm a bad old man. Why do I need so much money? If you really want to help me, just take my 20 Just return the [-] yuan to me, I want to buy a few feet of cloth for my boss, make her a beautiful dress, and let her walk with dignity!"

Jiang Houde shook his head again and again, he was unwilling to accept He Jincheng's compensation, but looking at his wife on the bed, the old man's face showed a touch of sadness.

The two shirked back and forth for a while, but Jiang Houde was still unwilling to accept the compensation, and He Jincheng couldn't hold back the other party, so he had to offer 20 yuan, and Jiang Houde accepted it.

"Old man, don't worry, I will definitely give you an explanation for this matter! By the way, can I see the situation of the aunt? To tell you the truth, I am still a doctor, so I might be able to help!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Hey, look, I also invited a doctor to see it. It will cost a lot of money. I'm useless. The family doesn't have much money. There is no rule of law!"

Jiang Houde sighed and said helplessly.

He Jincheng nodded, and came to Jiang Houde's wife's bedside, and felt the old lady's pulse.

After a while, He Jincheng received his pulse, thought for a while and said: "Old man, I can cure my mother's illness. I don't know if you believe me or not?"

"You can cure it? Really? That's great, how much is it, I'll give you all the money!"

When Jiang Houde heard the words, he was overjoyed immediately, and quickly took out all the money on his body, holding it tremblingly and handing it to He Jincheng.

"Old man, I don't charge money, as long as you are willing to trust me, I'll treat you, how about it?"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Okay, okay, look at Zhi, in fact, I was planning to give up. I thought that after my wife swallowed this breath, I followed. If you can cure her, I will kneel down for you!"

As Jiang Houde said, he was about to kneel and kowtow to He Jincheng.

Du Fei rushed to support Jiang Houde.

"Old man, don't be like this. Don't worry, our He is always a genius doctor. Starting a company is just his side job. His real profession is a doctor of Chinese medicine!"

"Okay, that's really great, my wife, you are saved, we have met a good man!"

Jiang Houde said excitedly.

He Jincheng took out the needle bag he carried with him, took out a three-edged needle, and pierced the aunt's waist, then took out a few silver needles, and continued to give needles. After the thirteen silver needles were used up, He Jincheng Jincheng took his pulse again.

I saw him twirling the needles one by one while feeling the pulse, and took out the silver needles in a certain order after a while.

While Du Fei and Jiang Houde were waiting nervously, suddenly the auntie opened her eyes suddenly, then sat up abruptly, gasping for breath.

"Honey, you're finally awake!"

Jiang Houde's eyes were moist with excitement.

For the past half month, seeing his wife getting thinner and thinner, his heart was pierced like a knife, and every day seemed like a year.

"Old man, I... what's wrong with me? I seem to have a very long dream!"

The aunt is still a little dazed. Compared with the almost comatose state just now, although her tone is still a little weak, it can be seen that she is obviously much better.

Jiang Houde walked tremblingly to the bedside, took his wife's hand, and talked about what happened during this period in a choked voice.

"It all depends on Xiao He, it was Xiao He who cured you, thank you soon!"

Finally, Jiang Houde pointed to He Jincheng and said gratefully.

"Xiao He, thank you!"

The aunt hurriedly got up to thank He Jincheng, how dare He Jincheng let him get up, and quickly pressed the aunt's shoulder.

"Ma'am, you are still a little weak now, you need to recuperate for two more days, don't move around!"

He Jincheng said with a wry smile.

(End of this chapter)

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