Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 440 Invite the Elderly, Two People Unannounced Visits to Franchise Stores

Chapter 440 Invite the elderly, the two of them unannounced visits to the franchise store
He Jincheng chatted with the two old people for a long time. From the conversation, He Jincheng knew that Jiang Houde was also a tailor in the past. He was good at making cheongsams and gowns. He had customized clothes for many famous people. He was also very famous back then. A great tailor.

It's just that because of the factors of the times, he was also affected. The family business he had accumulated all his life was confiscated, and he was arrested and rehabilitated. My husband and I live together in this small house of less than ten square meters.

The two old people have a son who secretly ran away to Hong Kong City in the early years. He has been there for more than 20 years and has lost contact with him long ago, so they have no one to take care of them these years.

On weekdays, I rely on the help of my neighbors to make a living, and when I have nothing to do, I take on a few sporadic small jobs, which can be regarded as barely getting by.

Listening to the old man's narration, He Jincheng felt a lot of emotion in his heart.

"Old man, the main business of our He Group is to make clothes. Although the times have changed, we must not forget these old crafts. Now we really need people with superb traditional clothes making skills like you. I don't know if you would like to Don't want to help me?"

After He Jincheng thought for a while, he spoke sincerely.

"Me? Hahaha, Xiao He, stop joking. I'm a bad old man, half of my body buried in the soil. Now I'm trembling with needles. How can I help you!"

Jiang Houde quickly waved his hands and said with a wry smile.

"Old man, you are only under [-] now, and your bones are a bit weak, but as long as you cultivate well, you can still recover a bit. In addition, I am not asking you to make clothes for me, I want you to be our company The consultants of our company, just teach a few master tailors in our company, just give them pointers, and you can do me a favor, how about it?"

He Jincheng said seriously.

He didn't say that on purpose out of sympathy.

National traditional costumes, especially cheongsam, are handicrafts and cannot be made by machines.

Now maybe most people are a little xenophobic and think those fashionable clothes look better, but in the future, the national trend style will be the real tallness, a top-notch cheongsam can even sell for a high price of tens of thousands of 10,000+ .

Therefore, He Jincheng definitely didn't think of inviting Jiang Houde to be the consultant because of overflowing sympathy, it was completely from the perspective of company development.

If the company can master the most pure and traditional garment-making technology, it will be an advantage that others cannot surpass. At the critical moment, it is definitely a way to stand out from the encirclement and help the company move to a higher position.

In addition to considering the interests of the company, there is also the consideration of the feelings of traditional clothing. These are the craftsmanship left by the ancestors. Since we have established an enterprise, we have the obligation to pass it on.

In the end, it can also help the elderly Jiang Houde improve his life.

Of course, He Jincheng has no reason to refuse to do this good deed that kills three birds with one stone.


Jiang Houde still hesitated.

He wasn't worried that his body would not be able to hold on, but he was mainly worried that He Jincheng said this out of sympathy. If he didn't do well, wouldn't he bring trouble to He Jincheng?
"Master, don't hesitate. I sincerely want to invite you. You don't want to break the inheritance of our craft, do you?"

He Jincheng invited again.

Seeing He Jincheng's serious expression, Jiang Houde was finally shaken in his heart. After hesitating for a moment, he finally nodded and agreed.

"As long as you don't dislike my troublesome old bones, then I should do my best!"

The thick point nodded vigorously.

"Great, our company has you as a senior in charge, and the level of this garment making will definitely be able to take it to another level!"

He Jincheng was overjoyed and said with a smile.

When Du Fei bought the medicine and came back, He Jincheng quickly decocted the medicine for the old man, and helped the old man cook a meal. After the meal, he took Du Fei away.

"Old Du, I have already invited Uncle Jiang to be our company's technical consultant, but his health is still a little weak. I will write a prescription. Tomorrow, you can grab some medicine and health care products and send them to Uncle Jiang. In addition, I'm going to take them to the Southern Capital, so you can also contact me to find a place, and when the uncle and aunt are in good health, you can arrange this matter, and you must take good care of them!"

In the car, He Jincheng gave orders.

"Don't worry, Mr. He, leave it to me!"

Du Fei also respected the old man Jiang Houde very much, so naturally he would not have the slightest evasion.

"Let's go to the franchise store now!"

He Jincheng nodded, the matter of the franchise store must be handled properly.

"Then I should notify the boss here?"

Du Fei asked for instructions.

"No, let's just treat ourselves as ordinary consumers, and go over there to spend and have a look, so we can really experience what kind of service attitude Mengshan's franchise stores have!"

He Jinsheng sneered and said.

Looking at He Jincheng's expression, Du Fei knew about this matter. He Jincheng must be going to investigate to the end, not only broke into a cold sweat for Mengshan's franchisee.

He knew how frightening it was for He Jincheng to get angry.

If Mengshan's franchisees really play this trick of shoddy, they will definitely be stripped of their skins.

The two drove to Mengshan's trade city.

This commercial city is a place specially built by the local government for self-employed people to do business. There are three floors of small buildings, a row of ten shops, and a total of six buildings. It is the most lively commercial street in Mengshan.

The largest franchise store of Qingmeng Clothing in Mengshan is located in the first row of the commercial city by the side of the road. It can be said that it is definitely the best gold store, with the largest flow of people and the best business.

Because the clothes of Qingmeng Clothing are very fashionable, and they are also well received in Mengshan, so the business here is particularly good.

It's three o'clock in the afternoon, and the store is already full of people.

After He Jincheng and the others parked the car, they got out of the car and walked towards the clothing store.

Because there are too many people, they have to line up at the door and wait for someone to come out before letting people in.

Seeing this scene, He Jincheng was quite happy. The better the business, the higher the income of the He Group. At the same time, he was also a little worried. The Qingmeng Clothing brand will be stigmatized by them sooner or later, and the He Group will be the most affected by that time.

Therefore, He Jincheng attaches great importance to this matter, and must find a way to completely solve this stubborn disease.

"Everyone line up, don't jump in line, I'll let you in and then go in again, hey hey hey, are you deaf or stupid, who let you in, stand outside for me!"

At the door, a fat man who looked like a security guard held a ruler for measuring clothes in his hand, yelling at the people in line.

(End of this chapter)

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