Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 441 Bad attitude, unified price is useless

Chapter 441 Bad attitude, uniform price is useless

The fat man's face was full of flesh, and he waved the ruler in his hand at random. As long as someone squeezed in front, his ruler would greet them mercilessly.

When someone is hurt, just start arguing with him.

"Why are you beating people? We are consumers. We come here to spend money. What kind of service attitude!"

"Damn, who cares about you coming to spend, if you don't want to line up, get out of here, have we begged you to buy our clothes? Haven't you seen so many people? Squeeze, squeeze your uncle, no matter how dishonest you are Get the hell out of me, what is it!"

As a result, the fat security guard cursed more violently, making the man blush with anger, but he didn't dare to say anything.He also wanted to run away, or have a fight with this fat man.

But the clothes in this store are really good-looking. If you don’t buy them here, you really can’t buy them anywhere else!
There is no other way, I can only swallow my anger and suffer this anger.

He Jincheng's face darkened.

It is really an anecdote through the ages that consumers come to you to consume, but they are taught to be like their grandsons!

Among other things, if every store of Qingmeng Clothing is like this, I should close it as soon as possible to avoid embarrassment.

Du Fei's face was also very ugly. He didn't expect things to turn out like this. A security guard is so arrogant, and the reason is just because the business of the franchise store is so good. No matter how good you are, you can't treat consumers as Teach me like a grandson!

Looking at the arrogant security guard, Du Fei couldn't help but wanted to go up to deal with this kid, but he was stopped by He Jincheng.

"Don't worry, we're here, let's have a good experience, and let you see what the quality of the franchisees you're recruiting are!"

He Jincheng said with a cold snort.

Du Fei blushed with shame, the owner of Mengshan's franchisee was named Guo Chunliang.

Du Fei had drank with Guo Chunliang a few times before, and felt that this person was very forthright and had a good temper with him, so Du Fei signed Guo Chunliang and handed over the Mengshan market to him.

In the end, I didn't expect this kid to cheat himself like this.

Guo Chunliang, Guo Chunliang, you wait for me to see how I deal with you.

The two waited in line outside for half an hour before being let into the shop.

After coming in, there is no one to entertain, and they all choose by themselves.

In the center of the store, a woman with a mole on the corner of her mouth shouted with a loudspeaker.

"Everyone, there is only 15 minutes to choose. After 15 minutes, let me go out if you want to buy or not. You are not allowed to stay in the store, and you are not allowed to try on clothes. Just go to the front desk to pay if you like it. Don't waste time!"

He Jincheng laughed.

No one is allowed to try on the clothes. Who knows if the clothes you buy are suitable?

"It's too much, what kind of store is this!"

Du Fei gritted his teeth and said, he never thought that this franchise store could provide such poor service.

You must know that the most important thing in He Jincheng's instructions to Qingmeng Clothing is the service attitude. All waiter and store managers need to be trained before they can work.

Now it's good, Du Fei doesn't know whether these people have been trained, but if they still have such a service attitude after the training, it can show how bad their work is!
"Okay, that's great. I really can't imagine how Uncle Jiang's body squeezed in!"

He Jincheng laughed back angrily, no wonder Uncle Jiang is so good at making clothes. He has been making clothes for more than 40 years, but he bought a defective product back home.

It only takes 15 minutes, and you don't have to try it on. No matter how good your clothes are, you still don't have time to check the quality of the clothes!

"Old Du, just pick a few pieces at random and check the quality!"

He Jincheng said in a deep voice.

"it is good!"

Du Fei nodded, and then went to get some clothes, including coats, trousers, skirts, etc., more than a dozen large and small.

As soon as He Jincheng got started, he felt that several of the clothes were not right.

Although the style belongs to the He Group, the fabric is not right at all, and half of them are shoddy clothes.

"Very well, this imitation looks good, but what kind of material is this, can people wear it? Even the rags used at home are probably much better than this fabric!"

He Jincheng was really angry.

At first, I thought it was a shoddy product, maybe it was just an occasional item, but now it seems that more than half of the clothes are inferior products, which is clearly a deliberate attempt to deceive consumers!
"Go, take it to the front desk and pay!"

He Jincheng took a deep breath, trying not to attack himself.

To do things is to do a full set, so that the owner of this store has nothing to say.

The two went to the front desk with their clothes and waited in line for a while before it was their turn to pay.

"Twelve pieces of clothes, you are here to wholesale, I'll give you a discount, let's charge you 360 yuan!"

The cashier just glanced at the clothes without looking at the labels, and just counted the money.

"Comrade, isn't that right? I bought this dress elsewhere, and it only cost 20 yuan. My clothes cost no more than [-] yuan. Why do you still need [-] yuan after you discount them?"

He Jincheng held back the anger in his heart, and said as calmly as possible.

"Where did you buy it for 20 yuan? They are them and we are us. Didn't you see that our business is so good that the supply exceeds demand? I said three hundred and sixty is three hundred and sixty. Just give it four hundred!"

The cashier stared and said very unhappy.

"Oh, the more you talk about it, the more expensive it is. Are you doing business?"

He Jincheng laughed, this is really the first time in his life that he has seen such an overbearing cashier, he raised 60 yuan for just one mouthful, if you are not happy, just increase 100 yuan.

Not to mention that in this day and age, 100 yuan is equivalent to two months' wages for a worker, even in the future, 100 yuan is not a lot, it is simply unreasonable!
"I said, why are you talking so much nonsense? My lord, do you want to buy it or not? If you don't buy it, leave quickly, don't delay others!"

The cashier glared at He Jincheng again, with displeasure on his face.

"Of course I want to buy it. Then you can't just ask for a price. Look, isn't there twenty on the label of this dress? There is also this one, which is only 15 yuan. How come to you, the total is three hundred It's six!"

He Jincheng took out the label on the clothes and showed it to the cashier.

He Group's clothes, the same style, have a unified retail price across the country, and it is strictly forbidden to mark the price randomly, but this point is obviously useless in Mengshan's franchise store.

(End of this chapter)

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