Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 442 Extremely arrogant, you dare to fight back

Chapter 442 Extremely arrogant, you dare to fight back
"Arbitrarily asking prices? Have you made a mistake? This is our store. What is casual asking prices? Go and ask, which one is not sold like this? If you want to buy it or not, if you don't have money, just get out of here. I haven't seen so many people Are you waiting to pay?"

The cashier looked impatient, and while talking, he waved the clothes in front of He Jincheng, as if He Jincheng was begging to buy clothes.

"What's your attitude? I remember that Qingmeng Clothing clearly stipulates that the customer is God, but in your place, we customers are like grandchildren?"

He Jincheng said in a deep voice.

His chest is almost bursting with anger, and he may explode at any time.

"God? This is Huaxia. If you want to find God, go to the beautiful country to find it. This is my attitude. Do you want to buy it or not!"

The cashier sneered and said contemptuously.

"I won't tell you, call your store manager, I want to complain to you!"

He Jincheng took a deep breath, he was going to be so pissed off by the cashier.

"The store manager? Hehe, I am the store manager. You can complain. If you can't afford clothes, don't buy them. Is it someone like you who bought our Qingmeng clothing? It's too expensive. Go out and turn right. It’s a stall, one yuan for a piece of clothing, go there and buy it!”

The cashier laughed, and he didn't care about what He Jincheng said he wanted to complain about.

"You are the store manager? Very good. It seems that your Mengshan franchise store is doing really well. Qingmeng clothing is such a good brand that it will be destroyed by people like you!"

He Jincheng smiled, pointed at the cashier, and said with a sneer.

"I don't think you're here to buy clothes, you're here to find fault with me. Get the hell out of me right away. I haven't sold them to you yet. It's best not to make trouble here!"

The cashier finally felt that something was wrong, and felt that He Jincheng and Du Fei must not be here to buy clothes.

"Really? Then I have to buy it today, what can you do with me?"

He Jincheng said in a deep voice.

"Oh, I see, you guys are here to find fault, right? If you dare to make trouble in my mother's place, I think you're tired of your work. Security guards, come here, someone is making trouble!"

The cashier suddenly realized, and then shouted twice into the store.

Soon, two tall men in security uniforms walked over from the crowd.

"Sister Hua, what's the matter? Who dares to make trouble here?"

As soon as the security guard came over, he immediately rolled up his sleeves. It seemed that as long as he found the target, he would immediately attack.

"These two think our clothes are expensive, and they don't want to pay for them. Send them out!"

The cashier called Sister Hua pointed to He Jincheng and Du Fei and said.

"Ma De, dog, don't come in if you think it's too expensive, get out of here quickly, don't let me do it!"

The security guard clenched his fist, stared at He Jincheng and said.

"Try it yourself, do you know who we are?"

Du Fei stepped forward and stood in front of He Jincheng, his expression extremely gloomy.

He really didn't expect that Guo Chunliang's people would be so arrogant.

It's just a franchisee, and he's about to beat someone up. No wonder He Jincheng is so angry.

"Hehe, I don't care who you are. In our store, if it's a dragon, you have to cross it, and if it's a tiger, you have to lie on your stomach. If you dare to make trouble, I will break your dog legs!"

The security guard sneered and was about to do it.

"Presumptuous, hand over Guo Chunliang to me, and tell him that if you still want to open a store, come out and see us immediately, otherwise, you three stores, don't even think about opening again!"

Du Fei scolded angrily.

He was so angry that he was about to smoke, that kid Guo Chunliang was inferior to his elder brother in front of him, and these two little security guards even wanted to fight.

"Who the hell are you?"

Sister Hua frowned. There are quite a few people who know Guo Chunliang in Mengshan, but since they know Guo Chunliang, they should know that Guo Chunliang is not someone to be messed with, and even dare to come to the store to make trouble, then these two people must not be ordinary people!
"Who? When Guo Chunliang comes to see me, he will tell you of course!"

Du Fei said with a sneer.

"Ma De, who are you bluffing? Guo always sees you whenever you want? I think you won't cry until you see the coffin!"

The security guard was not as sharp as Sister Hua, and he was used to being arrogant on weekdays. He raised his fist and greeted Du Fei without waiting for Sister Hua to speak.

"court death!"

Du Fei was furious immediately, and before the security guard swung his fist, he kicked out, directly sending the security guard flying upside down several meters away.

The customers in the store were in a mess all of a sudden, leaning back one after another, so as not to damage the fish pond.

They also knew that the clothes in this clothing store were expensive, but the owner of the store was so energetic that no one dared to say anything. They didn't expect that someone would come to make trouble today, and now there was a lot of excitement.

"Good guy, who are these two people? Don't you know who the owner of the store is? You dare to make trouble here, isn't this courting death?"

"Isn't it? I guess, it must be that Sister Hua is charging randomly again. The price of the clothes is clearly marked. As a result, when she goes to her place, it will increase somewhat. It must be too much. People don't want it!"

"What can I do if I don't want to? They are willing to sell it like this, and you have to pay if you want to buy it. What can ordinary people do!"

"Hey, I heard that Qingmeng Clothing here is just a franchise store. The stores in other cities have such a good attitude. We are also unlucky!"

"Then what can we do? The He Group is getting bigger and bigger now, and they only care about opening more stores. How can they care about the life and death of us consumers!"

The crowd talked a lot. Although they had a lot of dissatisfaction with this store, they didn't dare to talk nonsense. They just looked at He Jincheng and Du Fei with some sympathy.

If you offend Guo Chunliang in Mengshan, don't think about leaving completely.

"Made, how dare you fight back, everyone, come here!"

The security guard who was kicked into the air suddenly became furious, and after getting up from the ground, he shouted loudly.

Soon, all the staff in the store rushed over, there were thirteen or four men's, women's and men's football teams, and surrounded He Jincheng and Du Fei.

"Okay, okay, that's really great, Du Fei, this is why you are looking for a franchisee, I'm really pulling my butt with a knife today, I've opened my eyes!"

He Jincheng laughed back angrily, but what he said made Du Fei break out in cold sweat.

He secretly scolded Guo Chunliang as a bastard in his heart, for making himself miserable!

"Brothers, if someone dares to make trouble here, what do you say?"

the security guard yelled.

"Fuck them!"

All the staff shouted loudly, only Sister Hua's face changed slightly when she heard the word Du Fei just now.

(End of this chapter)

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