Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 445 A Kind Reminder, Overreaching Guo Chunliang

Chapter 445 A Kind Reminder, Overreaching Guo Chunliang
Du Fei's face was flushed and he was ashamed.

"Mr. He, I know I was wrong. This kind of thing will never happen again in the future!"

Du Fei promised.

"I hope so! After I go back, I will send a notice myself, downgrade two levels, and deduct the year-end bonus. No problem!"

He Jincheng said lightly.

"No comment!"

Du Fei said immediately.

He is now the most powerful person in the He Group. Last year's bonus was more than 2, and this year it must be more. After deducting the bonus, it must be a lot of money. Willingness to choose to withhold bonuses.

"That's it, I'll go back first, you will deal with the aftermath in Mengshan, and after Uncle Jiang and Auntie have recovered, you can arrange to send them to the southern capital, remember to book a sleeper!"

He Jincheng didn't pursue Du Fei anymore, as long as he learned a lesson, he couldn't beat him to death with a single stick.

"Alright Mr. He, I'll do it right away!"

Du Fei secretly heaved a sigh of relief, but he still felt a little regretful in his heart. Really, he lost tens of thousands of dollars in one sentence.

He Jincheng stayed for another day, met Uncle Jiang and the others once, and told them about the results of the franchise store, which surprised Uncle Jiang.

"Xiao He, you are impulsive. Although it is a good thing to rectify the franchise store, Guo Chunliang was a bully who no one dared to provoke in Mengshan before. If you cut off his money, I am afraid you will be retaliated against!"

Uncle Jiang is a sensible person, and he has heard of Guo Chunliang, so he said with some concern.

"Don't worry, sir, I will take care of it. The most important thing for you and your aunt is to take care of your body. Our He Group still needs your help!"

He Jincheng said with a smile, but after being reminded by Uncle Jiang, he also kept his eyes open.

After returning to the hostel to pack up his things, He Jincheng was about to go to the train station, but when he went out, he found that he was being watched.

"Sure enough, dogs can't change eating shit!"

He Jincheng sneered in his heart.

If such a person is allowed to be a franchisee of the He Group, even if there is no accident now, there will be a bigger accident sooner or later.

In the future, many brands, such as milk tea shops, hot pot restaurants, etc., will like to expand crazily, come up with a little gimmick, and then open franchise stores crazily, and some may even open thousands of stores a year.

Brand owners can make a lot of money, and then they are picked up by some capital and bought at a high price, making a lot of money.

But it's all quick money, and it doesn't last long at all.

Once any scandal occurs in one of the franchise stores below, it is very likely that the brand will lose its due value. This is the reason why a rat's shit will ruin a pot of porridge.

Therefore, He Jincheng also attaches great importance to the quality of franchisees.

He has already decided that after returning, he will set up a special supervision department to inspect the stores under his banner from time to time, and immediately rectify any problems. If the franchise stores fail to meet the requirements, the cooperation will be terminated immediately.

Rather lack than abuse, this is He Jincheng's current thinking.

As for the man who was staring at him, He Jincheng calmly led him to an empty alley, then turned around abruptly, and bumped into that man face to face.

"Brother, I've followed you all the way, Mr. Guo asked you to come?"

He Jincheng looked at the man with a fierce face on the opposite side, and said calmly.

"It turns out that you have discovered me a long time ago, but unfortunately, you miscalculated the situation, and I am not alone!"

A look of surprise flashed across the man's face, so he sneered.

After he clapped his hands a few times, several tall men came out not far away, and the leader of them was Guo Chunliang.

"Mr. Guo, you are really flattered to see me off in person!"

He Jincheng looked at Guo Chunliang and said with a smile.

"Mr. He, you are too good at doing things. We joined Qingmeng Clothing. I invested more than 50 yuan. As a result, if you said a word, our money was wasted, and we just left. You let How can I explain to my brothers!"

The shop was closed, and Guo Chunliang lost his previous respect, staring at He Jincheng with a sneer on his face.

"What Mr. Guo means is that I should let you continue to do things that ruin the reputation of our He Group?"

He Jincheng chuckled, "Mr. Guo, you are also a businessman. I believe you should be able to understand that what you have done is to blame our He Group. I have not gone through legal procedures to sue you. It is already considered good." !"

"Hmph, what you said sounds good, I don't believe that other franchise stores of yours don't do this! Don't talk nonsense, now I will give you a chance to continue to be a franchisee, and at the same time, we will reduce the purchase price by two yuan Qian, if that's the case, I'll personally take Mr. He to the train station today and act as your driver!"

Guo Chunliang still wants to continue to do it, because the brand Qingmeng Clothing is really popular now, and it can almost be said to be the vane of the domestic clothing industry. If possible, Guo Chunliang naturally does not want to give up.

It's just that soft ones weren't good before, but now they can only be hard.

"Do you think I'll agree?"

He Jincheng spread his hands.

"My condition is actually not too much. After all, Mr. He is a big boss with a net worth of over [-] million. It's not difficult for us to drink some soup! But, if you really don't give face to Mr. He, Then brother, I can't give you any face!"

Guo Chunliang said with a smile, but his words were full of threats.

"Sorry, I don't think we are all the same, we can't be brothers, so I still stick to my original decision!"

He Jincheng said lightly.

"It seems that Mr. He really doesn't know how to be a human being. If that's the case, then don't blame my brother for being ruthless!"

Guo Chunliang said in a cold voice, then waved his hand to the back.


Five minutes later, He Jincheng walked out of the alley unharmed.

But inside the alley, there were bursts of painful groans.

Including Guo Chunliang, seven or eight big men fell to the ground, their arms were deformed, their legs were broken, watermelon knives, screwdrivers and other things were scattered all over the ground, which looked horrible.

At this time, Du Fei also rushed over, and he was relieved to see that He Jincheng was fine.

"Mr. He, I'm sorry, I'm late, are you okay!"

Du Fei hurried forward and asked.

"Ask Mr. Guo, you know what to do!"

He Jincheng chuckled, then took a taxi and headed for the train station.

Du Fei walked into the alley, and after a while, there were bursts of wailing. After a full 10 minutes, Du Fei came out with a gloomy expression.

(End of this chapter)

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