Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 446 Du Fei was furious, the He Group made major adjustments

Chapter 446 Du Fei was furious, the He Group made major adjustments

Du Fei has the heart to kill.

He had just finished dealing with Guo Chunliang's matter, but he didn't expect this kid to turn around and find someone to block He Jincheng.

With He Jincheng's skill, of course he won't suffer a disadvantage, but this incident is enough to make He Jincheng greatly discount his ability to handle affairs!

Thinking of this, Du Fei couldn't bear it anymore, and drove directly to Guo Chunliang's house.

When Guo Chunliang saw Du Fei coming, he thought it was his subordinates who had succeeded. Du Fei had come to Xingshi to inquire about his crimes. I just made my own claim.

He also prepared some gifts and planned to go with Du Fei to visit He Jincheng who should be injured and hospitalized.

This is a stick to show your energy, and then give a little bit of sweetness to show that you are still willing to cooperate with your He Group, but if you want to open a store here in Mengshan, you have to get the consent of me, Guo Chunliang. OK.

Thinking of this, Guo Chunliang was very proud of himself. This move of his can be said to be superb!
"Oh, old Du, why are you here? Is something wrong?"

Guo Chunliang greeted him hypocritically, he knew Du Fei's temper very well, he was a very righteous person, as long as you talked about brotherhood with him, he would confide in you.

I used this trick to win the agency rights of Qingmeng Clothing in Mengshan.

"That's right, something went wrong!"

Du Fei's face was livid, and he looked at Guo Chunliang coldly.

This cold gaze made Guo Chunliang's heart skip a beat, wondering if Du Fei could have seen his tricks?Impossible, logically speaking, Du Fei is not someone who can think so much.

"Old Du, what's the matter, just tell me what's going on, brother, I may not have the ability to open a store, but I still have some energy on Mengshan's side, as long as it's not something that breaks the sky, brother, I can help you solve it !"

Guo Chunliang said with a straight face.

"Well, I ask you to do me a favor. In Mengshan, I don't want to see you do any business again. Can you do it?"

Du Fei said in a deep voice.

"Haha, this isn't... um, Old Du, what are you talking about?"

Guo Chunliang was about to agree without even thinking about it. He realized it after halfway through the sentence, frowned slightly, and asked in amazement.

"From today onwards, you will stop doing business. This is a lesson you have taught us, Mr. He. I hope you will be smart and don't make trouble for yourself! This is the first time I will inform you, and it will also be the last time , if you let me see you getting involved in any business again, don't blame me for turning my face and denying people!"

Du Fei said coldly, then turned around and left.

"Old Du, please speak clearly, what's going on?"

Guo Chunliang shouted hastily.

Du Fei stopped, turned around abruptly, and punched Guo Chunliang in the face, directly breaking the bridge of his nose. Blood flowed for a moment, and Guo Chunliang's appearance was horrible.

"Guo Chunliang, I am a straightforward person, but if you treat me as a fool, you are making a big mistake. Remember what I said today, otherwise, I will definitely make you regret it!"

Du Fei's eyes burst out with a breathtaking coldness, and he shouted in a cold voice.

"Du Fei, you fucking bastard, I tricked you into messing with you!"

Guo Chunliang held his nose, the pain was tears and blood flowing from his nose.

"You know what you have done yourself. Of course, you can continue to fight against me. I'm afraid you won't be able to bear the consequences!"

After finishing speaking, Du Fei walked away without even a chance to turn Guo Chunliang's face.

Guo Chunliang's nose was smoking, but he also knew that Du Fei was a military king, so he didn't dare to act rashly.

After going to the hospital to treat the wound, he learned that all the subordinates he sent out had been beaten and disabled. For a while, he only felt a chill on his back, and he was terrified.

"Made, this time I really kicked the iron plate!"

Guo Chunliang gritted his teeth, thinking to himself, but his eyes were still full of resentment.


Back in Nandu, He Jincheng immediately began to investigate and rectify all franchisees under Qingmeng Clothing.

The reserve cadres recruited before were useful, and five inspection teams were formed to conduct strict and meticulous investigations on all franchise stores.

In just half a month, He Jincheng discovered many serious problems. In addition to the problems in the [-] franchised stores, even the self-operated stores also had many problems.

He Jincheng knew that this was due to the frequent problems caused by the crazy expansion of the market. If the management is not in place, there will be cheating and cheating, so he made a decisive decision to close some stores with serious problems for a period of one month. Subsequent unqualified ones will be directly disqualified as agents.

After this rectification, more than 100 stores were closed at once, and many franchisees complained, but He Jincheng had a tough attitude and was unwilling to cooperate, so he directly canceled the agency qualification without any room for negotiation.

Some merchants were unwilling to compromise and opened their businesses secretly. After being found out, they were directly disqualified as agents. After closing several stores in a row, these franchisees really cooperated.

After the store rectification policy was issued, He Jincheng held an internal adjustment meeting, mainly to make some personnel adjustments to the company's middle and senior management.

Du Fei was demoted by two levels and is currently serving as the vice president of the marketing department. A college student who performed well was promoted to the position of director of the marketing department. management positions.

Zhou Qingyuan continued to serve as the general manager of any group, but He Jincheng transferred two college students to take up the position of vice president, so Zhou Qingyuan could only be separated.

The eldest brother He Jinshan was also transferred from the garment factory to the headquarter group as the administrative director, while Ye Qingmeng also started working in the company and is currently the financial director.

In addition, the company has newly established a corporate planning department, which is mainly responsible for corporate publicity and prospect planning.

He Jincheng asked Lin Haiyuan to be the director of the planning department.

At present, the company's four main departments, administration, finance, marketing, and planning, will definitely be more detailed in the future, but due to the lack of talents in the company, there is no way to do this.

"In another month, it will be the end of the year. We have achieved a lot this year, but there are also many problems. I hope everyone can learn from the lesson, stay true to the original intention, and fight the last battle well before the year to bring our group together. Lay a solid foundation and lay a solid foundation for a century-old enterprise!"

This is the summary made by He Jincheng in the final meeting.

(End of this chapter)

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