Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 453 Face is too big, ambiguous chapter 2 answers

Chapter 453 Great face, ambiguous answer
"None of them, but don't quit. I booked the box with great difficulty. Let's go up, and you'll know when we get there!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Hey, you won't tell me that you booked the first box. Last time I paid out 1 yuan, the hotel didn't even want to give me this box!"

Niu Dazhuang said in surprise.

"It just so happened to me that someone returned this box today, so I picked up a ready-made, such a good box, and it doesn't make money if it's empty, right?"

He Jincheng found a reason and smiled.

"Hey, you're really good, then I'll take your credit, and let's experience the No. 1 box that can't be booked for [-] yuan!"

Niu Dazhuang punched He Jincheng, laughed and walked upstairs.

Lili sneered, with a look of disdain.

She almost changed her impression of He Jincheng when she first heard that it was the No. [-] box. She didn't expect that he returned it and picked up a leak. It's really worthless, even the box.

But despite what he said, Lili wouldn't mind eating at a place like the No. [-] box where she couldn't afford to book, anyway, she wasn't the one who was worthless.

As soon as they entered Box No. [-], Niu Dazhuang and Lili were shocked by the luxury inside.

Niu Dazhuang started a business with his father, and now he is worth millions. I have never seen such a box, but it is the first time I have seen such a luxurious decoration, high-end atmosphere, and every piece of furniture is an antique with a certain age. The tableware is made by famous masters, even a small bowl is probably worth a lot.

Looking at boxes 888 and 666, there is no comparison with this box at all!

"This environment is really good. It is worthwhile to come to this room for a meal. It seems that brother, you are doing well in Nandu!"

Niu Dazhuang laughed, very happy.

"It's average, it's just a small business! You order first, see what you like, order whatever you want!"

He Jincheng smiled and took a menu for Niu Dazhuang and Lili respectively.

"Then I won't be polite. The last time I came here to eat, let alone, the food here is still very good!"

Niu Dazhuang was not too polite, he opened the menu and started ordering.

Lili also nodded, and began to look through the menu.

She always felt that He Jincheng was a poor classmate, and she looked down on him a little bit, so she also ordered the more expensive ones when ordering.

He Jincheng picked up the drink menu, looked at it and said, "Da Zhuang, what shall we drink today, white or foreign?"

"Why do the foreign ones drink him? Come to the white ones. Look at it. Anyway, we can't leave standing up today!"

Niu Dazhuang waved his hand and said very proudly.

"That's all right, today I will risk my life to accompany the gentleman, let's have six bottles of Maotai first! By the way, ladies don't drink white, just have a bottle of Lafite!"

He Jincheng directly ordered the drinks and handed them over to the waiter to bring them up first.

After a while, Manager Ma came over with the waiter.

"Oh, the honored guest is here. I, the manager, didn't greet you immediately. I'm really rude!"

Manager Ma first apologized to He Jincheng as soon as he came in.

After He Jincheng brought Leader Jiang over for dinner last time, many leaders also chose to eat at Qingjiang Hotel later on, which made their restaurant a big hit.

With so many leaders coming to eat, the business of Qingjiang Hotel will definitely not be bad in the future, and the more important thing is the rise of the industry's status.

So, Manager Ma thanked He Jincheng from the bottom of his heart.

But today he had something to do temporarily, so when He Jincheng came, he didn't come out to greet him. After finishing his work, he hurried over with wine to make amends.

"Manager Ma, you're being polite. We're just classmates having a meal. How can I work for you!"

He Jincheng waved his hand, telling Manager Ma not to be so polite.

"No trouble, no trouble, this is what it should be. As for this bottle of wine, I will take it as my apology to Mr. He. Hurry up, fill up a glass first, and I will drink a glass, and apologize to Mr. He!"

Manager Ma didn't allow He Jincheng to shirk, so he directly asked the waiter to open the bottle of royal salute brought over, poured himself a big glass full, and drank it all in one gulp.

"I didn't expect Manager Ma to be so big. Let's drink some if we have a chance in the future!"

Seeing Manager Ma like this, He Jincheng didn't stop him anymore. If he wasn't allowed to drink today, he would be unhappy instead.

"Okay, I'm just waiting for Mr. He's words. Come over if you have time, and I'll arrange it! We don't have anything else here, and this drink will definitely be enough!"

Manager Ma laughed out loud, feeling very happy in his heart.

He Jincheng's influence in Nandu is growing day by day. Whether it is in the business or political circles, they all have a certain right to speak. Being able to make friends with He Jincheng is absolutely beneficial and harmless.

"Okay, I won't bother you guys for dinner, I'll go down to order the food first, if you guys need anything, please ask at any time, I will serve you personally!"

After finishing the drink, Manager Ma tactfully left.

Seeing Manager Ma's respectful expression, Niu Dazhuang and Lili were a little stunned.

Although Manager Ma is only the manager of the hotel, how big is Qingjiang Hotel? In the No. 1 box, if you spend [-] yuan to order a meal, no one will give you this kind of face. One can imagine a person like Niu Dazhuang , in front of Qingjiang Hotel, it is nothing at all.

But facing He Jincheng, Manager Ma almost knelt down to serve He Jincheng.

This also means that He Jincheng's status is not higher than Manager Ma at 01:30!

"Old He, what on earth are you doing?"

With a shocked expression on his face, Niu Dazhuang looked at He Jincheng suspiciously and asked.

Lili was also hit hard. She always thought that He Jincheng was a poor dick. She never thought that the manager of the Qingjiang Hotel was so polite to him. This is not something that dicks can do!

"It's nothing, I have learned some medical skills, and I have seen a doctor for Manager Ma before. He is his savior, that's why he is so polite to me!"

He Jincheng didn't want to tell Niu Dazhuang the real situation. He is not a person who likes to show off, and Niu Dazhuang is a person who loves face. He didn't want to hurt the feelings of his classmates because of this, so he simply gave an ambiguous answer.

Hearing He Jincheng's explanation, Lili felt a little better.

Let's just say, a poor classmate, how could he have such a big face, it turned out that Manager Ma's illness was cured by luck, if you say it like this, it makes sense.

"Hahaha, no matter what, you must have more face in this Qingjiang Hotel than me. Old classmate, you are doing well. I am happy from the bottom of my heart. Come on, let's stop talking nonsense and have a drink first! "

Niu Dazhuang laughed heartily, and didn't have any doubts about He Jincheng's words.

(End of this chapter)

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