Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 454 Niujia clothing, Da Zhuang wants to open a franchise store

Chapter 454 Niujia clothing, Da Zhuang wants to open a franchise store

He Jincheng picked up the wine glass with a smile, and the two had a toast.

This Niu Dazhuang is not bad by nature, but he likes to show off some money, for fear that others will not know that he is rich.

Fortunately, he was still sincere to people, so He Jincheng didn't feel disgusted.

After drinking for three rounds, the two had already drank a bottle, but it turned out that they were all right.

"I said, old He, what are you doing now? Let me tell you, the development direction of our country is definitely becoming more and more open. Why don't you just do business with me and let our brothers grow bigger and stronger together? You heard Have you ever seen Qingmeng Clothing? It’s a big business. It’s said that hundreds of branches have been opened in a month, and now there are more than 300 branches. The business is good, and the two factories are too late to supply the goods!”

Niu Dazhuang persuaded sincerely, and when he mentioned Qingmeng's clothing, his face was full of envy.

He is also in the clothing business now, and his goal is to be as big as Qingmeng Clothing.

It's just that Niu Dazhuang is not stupid, although Niu Dazhuang is a bit aggressive. The advantage of Qingmeng Clothing is that it has a unique design and sufficient production capacity, which is why it can achieve such a rapid expansion.

And Niu Dazhuang's company is actually just a small workshop, picking up some sporadic jobs, as long as you work hard, you can still make some money.

It's just that, now that more and more people are doing this, the business of Niu Dazhuang's small workshop has gradually become worse and worse. Up to now, he can earn 2000 yuan a month, which is not bad.

So Niu Dazhuang specially came to the clothing fair this time to look for opportunities and see if he could cooperate with other companies or distributors.

The last time I met He Jincheng at the hotel, Niu Dazhuang invited a person in charge of the venue of the clothing fair to help him set up a venue for the fair, so that he could get involved.

Niu Dazhuang's company is called Niujia Clothing, and its scale is relatively small. In addition to a small workshop, it also has two local stores, but now the business is getting worse and worse.

According to the qualifications of Niujia Clothing, there is no chance of being invited. Fortunately, Niujia Clothing had a good business before and saved a lot of money, so this is the ability to move about this matter.

"I just opened a small clinic and a small company. I really can't make much money. By the way, Da Zhuang, why are you here this time? Do you really want to invest in us?"

He Jincheng said with a smile, he didn't say much about his business.

"Investment? Of course I want to. Unfortunately, I also make clothing. You Qingmeng clothing is too big here. If we invest here, it is not a dead end! This time, I am here to participate in the fair. Expand your network and see if you can take two orders!"

Niu Dazhuang said with a wry smile.

"That's good, do you have the qualifications for the fair? I know some people who can help you!"

He Jincheng was overjoyed when he heard the words. It would be great if he could help his old classmates in the fair.

"Really? Do you still remember the last time I invited someone to dinner here? It was just to invite a person in charge of a trade fair to dinner, but the result has not been solved for me until now. I wonder if I have encountered a liar!"

When Niu Dazhuang heard what He Jincheng said, he grabbed He Jincheng's arm and said excitedly.

"I heard that the organizer is very strict. No one would dare to go through the back door in private. If the organizer finds out, the person in charge of the venue may not be able to afford it!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Oh, let me just say, why haven't you given me any news for so many days? Think about it. I heard that the organizer is Nandu He Group. This Qingmeng clothing is an industry under the He Group."

Niu Dazhuang slapped his thigh, and then said in a daze.

Before the He Group strictly investigated the fact that its franchisees were shoddy, there was a lot of trouble. Niu Dazhuang also heard about this incident and was still thinking that these franchisees were really squatting in a latrine.

There can only be one franchisee of Qingmeng Clothing in a city. At that time, Niu Dazhuang also wanted to open a franchise store, but someone else took over the route light, so he could only stick to his two stores.

In the end, the business of the two stores in his family is getting worse and worse, while the two franchise stores of Qingmeng Clothing are getting more and more prosperous.

Niu Dazhuang is also quite honest. He doesn't resent Qingmeng Clothing, but thinks that Qingmeng Clothing's business model and their clothes are very novel.

So I really wanted to learn from them, but it was a pity that although I had some money, I couldn't open a franchise store.

This time to participate in the clothing fair, in addition to expanding his network, Niu Dazhuang also wanted to see if he could open a franchise store of Qingmeng clothing with him.

"If you need it, I can find someone to contact you. Although I can't guarantee it [-]%, there should be a chance."

He Jincheng smiled and said.

He didn't want to expose his identity directly, so that Niu Dazhuang would not think too much when the time came.

"Hehe, He Jincheng, since you also know people from Qingmeng Clothing, why don't you just talk to their boss and ask our old cow to open a franchise store. To tell you the truth, our old cow likes listening to a certain clothing store. I have a special liking for the franchise store."

Lili on the side heard He Jincheng promise this and promise that in a big tone, and said very unhappy at the moment.

In her opinion, He Jincheng is just a poor classmate, not as good as her own old cow, but in the end she is still pointing fingers here, really taking herself seriously.

So Lili, she just thought of killing the other party with one sentence.

"Lili, what are you talking about? Jincheng also has good intentions. Regardless of whether he is a man or not, he wants to help me."

Niu Dazhuang glared, and reprimanded Lili very displeased.

"Why are you training me? Didn't they say that they knew people from the trade fair? The trade fair was held by Qingmeng Clothing. He knew people from the fair, so he knew people from Qingmeng Clothing! If that's the case, Then it would be better if the person who directly introduced Qingmeng Clothing got to know us."

Lili is not a master who can only cling to others, pinching her waist, staring at Niu Dazhuang with her eyes.

Niu Dazhuang was a bit simple-minded, and when Lili scolded him so much, he scratched his head in doubt, thinking that what Lili said was really reasonable.

"Hey, I said, Lao He, do you know someone from Qingmeng Clothing? If you do, why not introduce it to me directly, I really want to open a franchise store."

Niu Dazhuang scratched his head, looked at He Jincheng and said with embarrassment.

(End of this chapter)

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