Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 455 Arousing suspicion, pretending to be drunk to lure dreams

Chapter 455 Arouses suspicion, pretends to be drunk and lures dreams

"Well, I'm not too sure about it. After all, Qingmeng Clothing's franchise stores have relatively strict standards for attracting investment. If you meet the standards and the local market is large enough to not affect other stores, you should still have a chance."

He Jincheng frowned slightly, and said hesitantly.

"Yes, as long as you know the people over there, you can introduce me. Whether you succeed or not, you will be my good brother."

Niu Dazhuang was overjoyed immediately.

"Okay, then let me tell you something, when the time comes, the two things will be resolved together."

There's no way, since it's all about this, He Jincheng has no choice but to agree to it for the time being, at worst, let Du Fei connect with him directly.

It's just a franchise store, and you don't need to show up in person.

Lili next to her had a look of surprise on her face. He didn't expect He Jincheng to actually agree to this matter.

Originally, he said this intentionally to save He Jincheng's face, to let him know how much he weighed, so that he wouldn't be ashamed of himself.

But she didn't expect He Jincheng to act like the real one, which made her a little confused.

While several people were eating and chatting, the door of the box was pushed open, and then a beautiful figure walked in slowly.

"Jincheng, I'm here. I'm delayed by something today. I'm really sorry."

Ye Qingmeng's voice came, and it was Ye Qingmeng who came.

Both Niu Dazhuang and Lili were attracted by the voice, and when they looked up, they were stunned.

I saw Ye Qingmeng wearing a woolen coat and a turtleneck sweater, looking very fashionable and elegant.

The key is that her clear and beautiful face gives people a feeling of watery hibiscus, fresh and refined.

"My wife, you are here, come and do it quickly. Let me introduce you. This is my old classmate Niu Dazhuang. This is Dazhuang's partner, Lili."

He Jincheng got up and took Ye Qingmeng's hand, and then brought them to the table to introduce them to her.

"Hello, I'm He Jincheng's wife. My name is Ye Qingmeng. You can call me Qingmeng or Xiaoye."

Ye Qingmeng smiled softly.

"Hey, sister-in-law, you are too beautiful, just like the stars on TV. How lucky are you, Lao He, to find such a beauty like sister-in-law."

Only then did Niu Dazhuang come back to his senses, and then he said loudly.

"Ye Qingmeng? Sister-in-law, your name is Ye Qingmeng?"

Lili, on the other hand, heard Ye Qingmeng's self-introduction, and her mind suddenly buzzed.

She thought it couldn't be such a coincidence.

He Group, Qingmeng Clothing, He Jincheng, Ye Qingmeng?
Could it be that He Jincheng is the boss of the He Group, and Ye Qingmeng is Qingmeng of Qingmeng Clothing?
Lili felt dizzy for a moment.

It's like I was setting off a beggar a second ago, which was dirty and smelly, but the beggar turned into an emperor the next second.

How is this possible?
Ye Qingmeng is a very smart person. He knew from your reaction that He Jincheng must not have introduced his business to Niu Dazhuang and the others, so he said with a smile as soon as he thought about it.

"Siblings don't think I'm the proprietress of Qingmeng Clothing. Although I really want to, it's really not that I'm still in school, I'm in Nandu Normal University, and I won't be graduating in a year."

Although Lili still didn't believe it, since Ye Qingmeng said so, she couldn't help it.

"I'm late today. I'm sorry. I heard that my brother and sister are here too, so I prepared a little gift. I hope my brother and sister won't be disgusted."

Saying that, Ye Qingmeng took out a wooden box from her bag.

This is a moderately priced Wenwan bought by Ye Qingmeng from Shanbaozhai. It is a pretty good quality jadeite bracelet, just right for girls to wear.

"Thank you sister-in-law!"

As soon as Lili saw the jade bracelet, she immediately fell in love with it. She is also a discerning person, and she could tell at a glance that the bracelet was very valuable.

But the cow, Da Zhuang scratched his head, not paying much attention to such things.

After chatting about some business matters, the two stopped talking about these things, and instead began to recall the fun things they had together when they were young.

When it came to the rise, both of them laughed and toasted and drank.

Ye Qingmeng got acquainted with Lili, and the two of them listened to the two men chatting nonsense, and at the same time whispered to each other.

Gradually, both Niu Dazhuang and He Jincheng drank a little too much.

Ye Qingmeng saw that the time was almost up, so he thought about sending the man back quickly, lest he would really drink too much when he got there, and the two girls couldn't lift them even if they wanted to.

Then, under Ye Qingmeng's persuasion, although the two of them stopped to drink, it was obvious that they had drunk too much.

Once a person drinks too much, the body will be very heavy, because the person who drinks too much will sink unconsciously, even if you can easily hug the other person, but if the other person drinks too much, you will hug her again. It will be very difficult.

Fortunately, Manager Ma saw that He Jincheng and Niu Dazhuang had drunk too much, so Manager Ma immediately arranged for someone to come over to help.

"Madam He, otherwise, you can stay with us today. You see, Boss He and Boss Niu drank so much, it's not good for you to send them back."

Manager Ma looked at Ye Qingmeng and said respectfully.

Although Ye Qingmeng didn't come to Qingjiang Hotel very often, Manager Ma still knew He Jincheng's wife.

"It's okay, then trouble Manager Ma, you see, this man makes mistakes when he drinks too much, it's really annoying."

Ye Qing dreamed about it, and felt that what Manager Ma said was quite right.

Carrying the two men back so drunk will also affect the family, so it's better to just take a good rest at the hotel.

Anyway, it was arranged by Manager Ma, so there must be no problem in terms of safety.

So Manager Ma immediately asked someone to help He Jincheng and Niu Dazhuang upstairs.

There are not many rooms in Qingjiang Hotel, but each room is of a high standard.

Only more distinguished guests or special guests of the hotel are eligible to enjoy the accommodation service.

Li He Jincheng's current influence in Nandu must have this qualification, not to mention that Manager Ma wants to make friends with He Jincheng very much now, and he will naturally not let go of this kind of favor.

Since it is time to send favors, then do the best.

After the room was arranged, Ye Qingmeng sat on the head of the bed and looked at He Jincheng who was lying on the bed with a faint smile on his mouth, and shook his head helplessly.

"It's been a long time since I saw you so happy from the bottom of my heart. I really don't know, what are you thinking about all day long?"

Ye Qingmeng looked at He Jincheng and said calmly.

Sometimes he felt that He Jincheng was very close to him, as if He Jincheng knew what was on his mind.

But sometimes he felt that He Jincheng was very far away from him, because he seemed to never be able to see through He Jincheng's thoughts.

"Husband, what kind of person are you?"

Ye Qingmeng stretched out her hand and gently stroked He Jincheng's cheek.

Suddenly He Jincheng opened his eyes abruptly, and then hugged Ye Qingmeng.

"Guess what kind of person I am?"

He Jincheng said with a smirk.

"Ah, you're pretending to be drunk!"

Ye Qingmeng exclaimed.

(End of this chapter)

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