Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 457 Tooling Style, Ways to Maintain Relationships

Chapter 457 Tooling Style, Ways to Maintain Relationships
"Secretary Wang, tell Du Fei to come and find me!"

He Jincheng dialed Wang Qianqian and ordered.

"Alright Mr. He!"

Wang Qianqian replied immediately, and then went to find Du Fei.

Now that the company is calling, He Jincheng also has his own office. The landline on the desk can call all department heads. Wang Qianqian, as He Jincheng's secretary, naturally has a phone, which is mainly used to receive calls from subordinate departments. On the phone, for example, if someone needs to make an appointment to see He Jincheng, they always need to ask if He Jincheng is there and if he has time.

On He Jincheng's side, if he needs to find someone from a subordinate department for anything, he will contact the corresponding person through Wang Qianqian's side.

Otherwise, the company will become bigger and bigger, and there will be more and more departments. If there is no process, He Jincheng may be exhausted, and the company's management will become more and more chaotic.

Wang Qianqian can handle it alone now, but sometimes she needs to go out with He Jincheng, which will cause no one to answer the phone, so He Jincheng has already planned to find another assistant secretary to take charge of this.

But today he was looking for Du Fei for something else.

"Mr. He, are you looking for me?"

After receiving the notice, Du Fei immediately put down all the work in his hands and hurried to He Jincheng's office.

What I did with the franchisee was full of loopholes, so I really wanted to do something that could redeem the merits.

"Well, you sit down first! Don't worry!"

He Jincheng nodded, motioned for Du Fei to sit down and said.

"How is the trade fair going? There won't be any more problems!"

"Everything is going very well. Twenty-seven of the 27 companies that have been invited have already arrived. It is confirmed that [-] companies will come tomorrow. The rest of the companies will arrive by the evening of the day after tomorrow at the latest. We will fully cooperate with the venue of the participating companies. In addition, Leader Jiang also sent some people to help with us, so there will be no problems!"

Du Fei quickly promised.

"Well, you did a good job in this matter. After the exhibition is over, I will give you a difficult task. It may not be easy to do at the beginning, but as long as you do it, you will definitely be an amazing one. You can willing to do?"

He Jincheng nodded, then stared at Du Fei, and said seriously.

"Yes, as long as Mr. He asks me to do it, I won't hesitate!"

Du Fei said immediately.

"If I take down all your positions in the He Group, would you be willing too?"

He Jincheng laughed.

Du Fei froze for a moment, but quickly said: "Mr. He, everything I have now is given by you. Even if you take away all my positions, I have no objection to making me a security guard. Please let me continue working in the company!"

Seeing Du Fei's serious and decisive appearance, He Jincheng stopped teasing him.

"Okay, stop teasing you. Our company has made a lot of money this year. Before the end of the year, I will give everyone some rewards. It is likely to be equity rewards. You are also included. There will definitely be some rewards!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

Du Fei was very excited when he heard this.

Of course, he knows what equity is. It can be said that if you don’t have equity, you are working for the company. Once you have equity, the company is equivalent to your own. Even if it is not much, the whole status will be different. The meaning has completely changed.

"How much, I haven't figured it out yet, it will be determined at that time! I want to make a heart product line now, but our existing production line is already saturated, and there is no way to add another production line, so I want to make You go and open it up!"

While talking, He Jincheng took out the materials of Niu's clothing.


This information was taken out by Du Fei, of course he knew what was inside.

"That's right, tooling, but we are not going to produce tooling, but use tooling to combine our existing styles to make a tooling series of daily clothing..."

He Jincheng told Du Fei his thoughts seriously.

At first Du Fei was a little hard to understand, but with He Jincheng's narration, Du Fei's eyes became brighter and brighter, and finally he couldn't help applauding.

"Mr. He, this idea is wonderful. We workers have strength. We make clothes according to the style of work clothes and the fabrics of daily clothes. After modification and adjustment, the clothes are more comfortable to wear and more fashionable. This idea is really great. Wonderful!"

Du Fei said excitedly.

"For this product line, I decided to ask you to cooperate with Niujia Clothing. Let's start a new company together. The basic requirement is that we have at least 80.00% of the equity. Do you understand?"

He Jincheng nodded.

"Understood Mr. He, even if it's 20.00%, their Niujia clothing is still making a lot of money!"

Du Fei said immediately.

This is true. Judging from the current development speed of the He Group, the launch of a product series will basically become a hit. Once it is rolled out in all stores, the sales in a day may be higher than that of Niujia Clothing. More than a month.

"Well, I hope that you will come to cooperate with Niu's family as the general manager of the new company. This new company should be called Win-Win Capital Co., Ltd. You can apply for registration at that time!"

He Jincheng said in a deep voice.

"Alright Mr. He!"

Du Fei quickly said that although he needs to step down from all the positions in the He Group, he can still serve as the general manager of the new company.

Of course, this is also a test for He Jincheng to himself. If this matter is not done well, I am afraid that he will never have the opportunity to return to the He Group in the future!
Thinking of this, Du Fei secretly made up his mind that no matter how difficult it is, he must finish this matter.

"This old classmate of mine has some problems, but he is still a very nice person. You can communicate with him more, and if you need help, take care of him. I won't come forward to help him, so as not to cause some trouble."

He Jincheng nodded.

"Okay, I understand Mr. He!"

Du Fei knew what He Jincheng meant. After all, now that the company is getting bigger and bigger, Niu Dazhuang is obviously not the kind of person who understands the so-called sense of proportion. Go to He Jincheng's office and ask him to help with things!

Therefore, keeping Niu Dazhuang from knowing He Jincheng's true identity is the best way to maintain their friendship, and it won't be too late to reveal it when the time is right.

(End of this chapter)

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