Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 458 Officially Started, The Fair Exceeded Expectations

Chapter 458 Officially Started, The Fair Exceeded Expectations

After a few more days, the clothing fair was finally successfully held under the eyes of everyone.

Jiang Hai, the official leader, appeared in person, presided over the opening ceremony of the fair, and expressed his warm expectation and affirmation for the fair.

According to what Jiang Hai said at the opening ceremony, this clothing fair represents the successful opening up of our country's economy, and the spring of private enterprises is coming.

Because the clothing fair in Nandu has been announced for a full month, not only Nandu, but even several nearby provinces know about it.

It just opened today, and some wholesalers or garment industry practitioners from all directions came to visit the exhibition.

The companies participating in the fair, led by the Qingmeng clothing brand under the He Group, showed their most fashionable styles and the most advanced production techniques to the visitors.

Many wholesalers from other provinces were deeply attracted by these styles and craftsmanship, and immediately expressed their willingness to cooperate.

Qingmeng Clothing will not only care about itself, it will also introduce suitable factories to wholesalers while accepting orders.

Because the styles produced by Qingmeng Clothing are relatively new, many times they are not suitable for some wholesalers to sell, and it is the most correct to recommend some more suitable factories or enterprises to them.

Just on the first day, Qingmeng Clothing received 5000 million orders, and some other exhibitors also received expensive orders.

Jiang Hai was shocked after making some statistics.

The exhibition is expected to be held for three days, but the order volume on the first day has already reached [-] million, which is far beyond his initial expectations, and he did not expect it to be so popular.

Originally, no one had done the trade fair, including the higher-ups who thought it might be a thankless task.

If you really do a good job, it's okay, but if there is any mistake, you may be the only one who has memorized it.

So after seeing the sales volume on the first day, the child was relieved, and at the same time, according to himself, he really made the right bet.

According to this trend, it is definitely no problem to win [-] million in three days. With this report card, I will definitely be able to increase a lot of points in next year's election, and it is not impossible to make further progress.

Sure enough, the second day continued the popularity of the first day, even faintly surpassing the first day.

Jiang Hai didn't do anything that day, just strolled around the venue of the fair, leading people to maintain order on the one hand, and on the other hand to be able to provide relevant services for exhibitors and buyers in the first place.

It was only the next morning when Jiang Hai got the good news from He Jincheng that Qingmeng Clothing had received more than [-] million orders.

This made Jiang Hai feel a lot of emotion in his heart. He really didn't expect that such a small trade fair would make such a big achievement.

Although Nandu can be regarded as a relatively open city, compared with some coastal and southern cities, the openness is relatively conservative.

The GDP of the whole city is only one dollar a year. As a result, Qingmeng Clothing received a large order of [-] million in just one and a half days. What does this mean?This means that the production organization of Nandu City is likely to double several times this year.

For the first time, Zhang Hai felt the importance of openness and the terrifying energy brought by the market economy.

In the afternoon, Jiang Hai and Zhao Xiu walked around the venue, maintaining order and helping some policy issues that could be resolved in various aspects.

After walking around, Jiang Hai didn't find anything that really needed help, so he came to Qingmeng Clothing's booth again.

The person in charge of Qingmeng Clothing's booth today is Du Fei. Jiang Hai had some contact with Du Fei yesterday. He knew that Du Fei was a veteran, so he had a good impression of him.

Jiang Hai also served in the army before, but the type of army is more literary and artistic, so there are some differences with Du Fei, but after all, both of them came from the army, and they more or less have some common topics.

Originally, Jiang Hai wanted to ask Du Fei for some information, but before he got here, he heard a chattering voice from the front, as if a foreigner was talking to Du Fei.

When he looked up, he was indeed a blond-haired, blue-eyed foreigner, pointing at the messy things on a piece of Qingmeng clothing and saying a lot of things that no one could understand.

Du Fei was stunned. When he saw this foreigner at first, he felt a little strange. He took his clothes and went up to chat with him very enthusiastically. Anyway, it doesn't matter whether he understands or not, more contact will not be a big deal. bad thing.

As a result, as soon as the foreigner saw the clothes Du Fei was holding, he immediately changed his face and babbled a lot, making Du Fei bewildered.

"I said what's the matter with you? Can you say something that people can understand? This is China, not your small country."

Du Fei was speechless.

I can't understand this foreign language myself, so what's the use of talking so much?I didn't know to bring a translator when I went out for a stroll.

"My Chinese language is not good, but I am very angry now because your clothes are copied from our company."

The foreigner struggled to speak out word by word.

Although it was not very clear, Du Fei understood immediately, and immediately his eyes widened.

"What did you say? We copied your company. What company are you? I've never heard of it. Where can I find you? Tell me where you opened a store in Nandu?"

Lu Fei suddenly became unhappy, even if you guessed someone, you can't just talk nonsense.

Plagiarizing this kind of thing is no different from a liar. This is the biggest doubt about the integrity of a business.

"I don't understand what you are talking about, but I can tell you very clearly that you must have copied our designer's ideas to make this dress. I want to sue you and you must stop this infringement immediately, otherwise If so, I will definitely sue you."

You said the foreigner at the top of your voice, but because his Chinese language is really bad, he thought about every word for a long time, his face turned red, and then he said such a sentence.

Du Fei scratched his ears, probably understood, and was speechless in his heart, wanting to roll up his sleeves and give the foreigner two slaps.

You say that we plagiarized as soon as you open your mouth, but you show evidence. Is it plagiarism to say that others plagiarize?

(End of this chapter)

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