Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 473 Promise to help, you really have a business mind

Chapter 473 Promise to help, you really have a business mind
Wu Yusheng quickly calculated in his mind that the business of self-operated stores is the best. If there are ten self-operated stores in a year, the turnover can reach at least 1000 million or more.

Then the commission alone is more than [-], plus the year-end bonus or other special rewards, the trees have reached an unimaginable level.

Wu Yusheng is also a person with high self-esteem, but so far he has never thought that he can get such a high income.

Thinking of this, Wu Yusheng couldn't help swallowing.

It would be a lie to say that you are not tempted. Facing the temptation of such a high salary, and the other party gave a guarantee for at least three years, this is definitely full of sincerity!

"Mr. He, you gave such a good condition, don't you have other restrictions? For example, after three years, you will definitely kick me out directly."

Wu Yusheng took a deep breath, but he still didn't agree immediately. He was thinking that if he betrayed the original company and joined the new company, and was fired after three years, he might not have a foothold in the industry by then.

Earning 40 to [-] yuan in three years is indeed a very attractive condition, but if because of this incident, my career ends three years later, it is naturally not worth the loss.

"You asked a very good question. Our company is not a charity. The reason why we can give you such good conditions in the early stage is mainly because you can help us with the equipment. That is to say, you have given us and Sheng Group It is valuable. Three years of high-definition, I think it is a compensation and reward for you. As for whether you can continue to stay in the original position or adjust to other positions in the company after three years, it depends on your personal situation. capable."

He Jincheng paused, then continued.

"If your ability is strong enough and we recognize it, then your position and salary will definitely go up. But to put it bluntly, if you really lack ability or have moral problems , of course we will resolutely resign. I believe that no matter which company you go to, if you have problems in these two aspects, no one will want you."

What He Jincheng said was very reasonable both emotionally and rationally.

Zhou Qingyuan nodded again and again, isn't that the case? If you are really capable, work hard in our company and you will never be treated badly. But if you are not capable enough and have some moral problems, then you must not be able to do it.

We Mr. He sometimes don't even value your ability, but pay more attention to your character.

Of course, today you chose to help the He Group, to a certain extent, you betrayed the original company or their boss.

But if you look at it from another level, it's nothing.

First of all, the transaction of this set of equipment is a very normal business.

Dix's reluctance to sell to the He Group was not because they had no plans to sell this batch of equipment, but because Dix suffered from He Jincheng's humiliation at the exhibition, and it was entirely out of the psychology of getting rich. Those who are willing to do business with the He Group.

Wu Yusheng's complexion was uncertain, Huanhuan went to the chair and sat down, reached out to pick up the wine glass and poured it for himself. The glass was full, and the last glass of two taels of white wine was poured into his stomach.

"Cough cough cough..."

The wine was poured into his stomach in one gulp, choking Wu Yusheng, his face flushed.

After coughing fiercely for a while, he calmed down.

"How about Manager Wu, can you give me a letter of approval today? If you can agree today, it will be a timely gift for our He Group, but if it is delayed for another two days, it may just be icing on the cake."

He Jincheng's fluffy words have explained the pros and cons of Wu Yusheng's next choice, and you have explained clearly.

If you don't want to help, there is no problem at all, you can just leave, but if you want to join the Heshui Group, then you have no chance.

If you are willing to help, you can immediately agree directly, and then help the He Group purchase this batch of equipment in a short period of time.

This is definitely a timely help for He's Group, which can increase the production capacity of He's Group's garment factory in the fastest time.

If you are still hesitating and procrastinating, this will cause the deadline for equipment purchase to be postponed continuously.

This is definitely not a good thing for the He Group. Even if the machine is finally bought, it will be too late, and it has been produced for several days. For the Heshui Group, it is just the icing on the cake.

After hearing He Jincheng's words, Wu Yusheng immediately regained consciousness.

Yes, why are you so grumpy?Are there any other options now?It would be unbeautiful to directly agree and then hesitate.

"Okay, I promise you, but how to purchase this batch of equipment still needs to be arranged by me."

Wu Yusheng said with a sullen face.

"That's natural. Thank you, Manager Wu, for joining our He Group."

Overjoyed, He Jincheng raised his wine glass and toasted Wu Yusheng from afar.

"Hahaha, that's great. From today onwards, we will be a family. Let's have a good drink today. Everyone will not get drunk. I will arrange the rest."

Zhou Qingyuan was immediately overjoyed. He didn't expect Mr. He to come up with such a radical method, and even get things done. He deserves to be a leader. Why didn't he think of it?
A few people sat together and started drinking and chatting. During the period, Wu Yusheng briefly talked about the purchase of equipment, which probably meant that the He Group should not use the main body of the He Group to purchase it, but find someone who is more familiar with it. The person on the network went to buy the equipment, and then paid the full amount. After the equipment was in hand, the acquaintance brought the equipment to the He Group, and said that it was leased to the He Group, not to mention that it was sold to the He Group, so even Dick Si later found out that there was something tricky in it, and if he wanted to track down the matter, he couldn't find anything.

I have to say that Wu Yusheng is very business-minded, and he came up with such a good solution in such a short time.

Dix and the He Group are in dire straits now. Dix has great ambitions. He not only wants to capture the market in Nandu, but also wants to make all the local enterprises in Nandu collapse and be annexed by him in the end.

This is the hateful face of capitalists.

It's just that Dix obviously underestimated the power of the He Group this time.

That's right, from the point of view of the overall size, He's Group is just a local, slightly famous enterprise, and last year's marketing revenue was just over [-] million. For He's Group, it is definitely a commemorative data.

But in the face of the Dix movement, it is simply nothing, not worth mentioning.

Dicks face the whole world, and their size is so large that even if there are ten or more than a dozen together, they can't match one Dicks.

(End of this chapter)

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