Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 474 I have decided to go, I am only responsible for contacting the buyer

Chapter 474 I have decided to go, I am only responsible for contacting the buyer
The next day, after Wu Yusheng sobered up, he seriously thought about what he said yesterday when he had dinner with He Jincheng and Zhou Qingyuan.

There was no turning back when he opened the bow. Although Wu Yusheng still felt that he was somewhat sorry for Dix, but since he had made a choice, he had no choice but to go on like this.

So, on this day, Wu Yusheng came to work at Dix Company with some guilt.

Throughout the morning, he was a little distracted, still struggling in his heart.

After drinking so much wine yesterday and being so provoked by He Jincheng's words, Wu Yusheng agreed.

As a result, when I arrived at the company today, I started to waver again.

Wu Yusheng had his own office. After closing the door, he sat behind the desk, smoking a cigarette with a sad face, and the thick smoke covered his face.

Wu Yusheng smoked more than half of a pack of cigarettes in a short while, but he still couldn't make up his mind.

At this time, the landline phone on the table rang suddenly, which startled Wu Yusheng.

Unhappy, Wu Yusheng picked up the phone and said in a somewhat uncomfortable tone: "Who is it? What are you doing!"

There was a noticeable pause on the other end of the phone, followed by an angry shout.

"Wu Yusheng, who are you talking to? How many times have I told you that you have to show me absolute respect? I think you don't want to be the manager anymore, do you?"

Wu Yusheng couldn't be more familiar with this voice.

High-spirited, half-baked Mandarin, who else could it be if it wasn't my boss, Dix!

"Sorry Dix, I was busy just now, and a phone call suddenly interrupted my train of thought, so there is something wrong with my tone!"

Wu Yusheng apologized subconsciously, but soon his brows frowned.

Why did I become so humble again?

"Hmph, don't quibble with me here. Now that the Nandu market cannot be opened, you have to take full responsibility. I will leave Nandu in two days and go to another city. You should stay here and do the follow-up work well. If there is another If there are any mistakes, you can submit your resignation yourself."

Dix's tone was very bad, and with one sentence, he put all the responsibility on Wu Yusheng.

Wu Yusheng had black lines on his face.

The main reason why the dix movement could not be popularized in Nandu was because its own products had no way to compete with He's Group without the slightest advantage, and the price was too expensive.

Monks who come from outside are good at chanting scriptures, but this principle does not apply after they come to Nandu.

The clothing of Dix Sports is crushed by Qingmeng Clothing under the He Group in terms of style, product quality and price, and has no advantage at all.

At the last trade fair, Dix ran to the booth of Aoki Clothing and accused Qingmeng Clothing of plagiarizing their product concept, which was actually a helpless move.

That was the absurd behavior of Dix after he had made no progress in Nandu, and he became angry out of embarrassment. In the end, he could only become a joke in the eyes of others, and he didn't get the slightest advantage.

"Mr. Dix doesn't seem to have much to do with me, right? I admit that I am the person in charge of Nandu Market, but you also know that the failure of Nandu Market is not because of me. After all, you are also a direct participant. one……"

"Are you questioning my words? Wu Yusheng, I think you really don't want to be the person in charge. If that's the case, you submit your resignation report directly, and I will approve it immediately."

Dix directly interrupted Wu Yusheng, his tone full of contempt and disdain.

Wu Yusheng was stunned, his hands tightly clenched the microphone, and his face gradually became gloomy.

Good Alex, I have been loyal to you until now and I don't want to betray you, but you never look at me as an equal, you don't give me any dignity, and you threaten me with resignation every now and then.

Although I, Wu Yusheng, don't have much ability, I can do some things with Dix after all.

However, these things are not even a fart in your eyes, right?
Since you are not benevolent, why should I talk about loyalty with you?
"I'm sorry, Mr. Dix, I know what to do. I will deal with the matter here as soon as possible. I don't know what your opinion is about the batch of equipment we shipped over here?"

Wu Yusheng took a deep breath, and said with a forced smile, trying not to detect any flaws in his tone.

"The quality of these machines is good, but the Nandu market cannot be opened now, and these machines will not be used in a short time. Take a look in the next two days and ask if there are any buyers. As long as it is not Qingmeng Clothing of the Heshi Group We can sell it to him while buying. In terms of price, it is based on the market price, which cannot be lower than [-]% off."

Dix also knew that if this batch of equipment was placed here, it would only occupy the warehouse and cash flow.

The Nandu market cannot open up other markets, and there is no need to increase the production line. It is very likely that these machines and equipment will be released for two or three years. After two or three years, the new machines and equipment may be updated and iterated. By then These equipment and machines can't be sold at any price.

At present, such machinery and equipment are still relatively popular in China.

At present, China's industrial development is far inferior to that of foreign countries. As long as the equipment is not too old, it can basically be sold.

"Okay, Mr. Li Kesi, I will deal with the contact in the next few days."

Wu Yusheng answered as respectfully as possible.

"After finding a good buyer, I will meet with the buyer in person, and we will make a deal after discussing this matter, do you understand?"

Dix spoke again, obviously he couldn't fully trust Wu Yusheng.

There are a total of ten machines in this batch of equipment, which can be equivalent to the traditional six production lines.

Ten pieces of equipment, each with a price of more than 10 yuan, a total of 100 million yuan, even if the deal is 90% off, it is [-] yuan.

This is not a small amount of income, but naturally you won't let Wu Yusheng deal with it completely. It would be bad if this kid is rich in his own pocket and greedy for tens of thousands.

Hearing Dix's words, Wu Yusheng was even more determined.

What He Jincheng said yesterday finally woke him up.

Dix is ​​just a full-fledged capitalist. If he follows him in a short period of time, he can earn a salary that far exceeds that of the same position in China.

But there is no dignity in life, and there is no passion in work.

Is such a job really worth fighting for a lifetime?the answer is negative.

It's just that Wu Yusheng really thought it through today.

"Alright, Mr. Dix, I'm only in charge of contacting the buyer, including questions about the price. Why don't you talk to the buyer directly?"

(End of this chapter)

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