Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 490 The Young Master of the Ou Family, a Poor Playboy

Chapter 490 The Young Master of the Ou Family, a Poor Playboy
He Jincheng immediately decided to go to the Red Star Group's new product launch conference with Ye Qingmeng, and it was also a small tour for the two of them.

Chaoyang City is not far from Nandu. He Jincheng drove there in less than two hours.

With the invitation letter, you can stay in the hotel for free.

The Chaoyang Hotel is at the same level as the Nandu Hotel, and it is also a five-star hotel.

After the two checked in, they came down together to check the situation at the venue.

The new product launch event has not started yet, and there are not many people present at the scene.

He Jincheng and Ye Qingmeng found a seat at the back and sat down, then quietly waited for the press conference to start.

After about half an hour, the number of people gradually increased, and people began to sit down next to He Jincheng and his wife.

"Hey, buddy, you're a bit unfamiliar, you're not our Chaoyang entrepreneur!"

A man with shiny combed hair took the initiative to talk to He Jincheng.

The man glanced at Ye Qingmeng's face, and the surprise in his eyes couldn't be hidden immediately.

Unexpectedly, there is such a beautiful woman in Chaoyang City.

And the man who ran over to talk to He Jincheng, was naturally aimed at Ye Qingmeng.

"Yeah, we are from other places, don't know how to call it?"

He Jincheng smiled lightly, seeing what this man was thinking, but it's hard to say who will take advantage later!

"Hahaha, sure enough, it turned out to be a friend from other places. Get to know him, Ou Hongwei. Maybe you haven't heard of me, but you must have heard of my father. My father is the chairman of the Red Star Group, Ou Hongxing! "

The man stretched out his hand towards He Jincheng with a smile and said.

He Jincheng looked at Ou Hongwei with great interest, and shook hands with him lightly.

"Nice to meet you!"

"Hahaha, the visitor is a guest, you are welcome, by the way, who is this lady?"

Ou Hongwei looked at Ye Qingmeng with a smile, and stretched out his hand towards Ye Qingmeng, wanting to shake hands with her too.

He Jincheng knew that this kid's purpose was not pure, so he moved his body to catch the trace, and blocked Ou Hongwei's hand.

"Ou Shao, this is my wife. I feel cold recently, and it's not convenient to shake hands with people! I'm Wang Dong, it's my honor to meet Ou Shao today!"

Naturally, He Jincheng can't use his real name anymore. In the past two years, he has become more and more famous, especially in the nearby provinces, as long as he is an entrepreneur with a little bit of strength, he has heard of the name He Jincheng.

"Oh, it turned out to be Mr. Wang. It's a pleasure to meet you. Where did Mr. Wang come from?"

Ou Hongwei was very displeased at not being able to shake hands with him, but he still tried his best to bear it, sitting next to He Jincheng, talking and chatting with him with a smile.

"I'm from Dongshan County, a poor place. I heard that our Red Star Group launched a lot of good products today, so I thought I could buy some goods and make money when I go back!"

He Jincheng made it up casually and defined himself as a small boss from a small place, so it was logical to ask questions about products.

"Dongshan County, it seems that Mr. Wang still has some energy. A small county town has received our invitation letter. It seems that we can really make friends!"

When Ou Hongwei heard that He Jincheng and the others were from a small place, instead of despising them, he became more enthusiastic.

Small place is good, people in small place, I can't handle it casually, even if I really deal with this beauty, this kid Wang Dong can't make any waves!

"It's okay, okay! Why does Ou Shao have time to come to the seat behind us? You, the young master of the chairman, should sit in the first row!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

When you mentioned this Ou Hongwei's face froze slightly, he was very unhappy.

Of course he also wants to sit in the first row, but he, the young master, has no real power at all in the Red Star Group.

On weekdays, he is arrogant and domineering, and other people will give him some face, but on such an important occasion, he will never dare to act recklessly, otherwise, what awaits him will be the rage in his head, and the sporadic future. There is nowhere to take the money.

Ou Hongxing was also the highest in the army when he was born, and became the head of the army.

Later, he was discharged from the army and changed careers because of an injury. With the advancement of reform and opening up, Ou Hongxing also saw a lot of business opportunities, and gradually made the Red Star Company into a Red Star Group that is no smaller than the He Group. He is also a very remarkable figure. up.

On the other hand, Ou Hongwei, this person is more arrogant and domineering on weekdays.

Before Ou Hongxing went to sea to do business, he used to fight with people in the army compound, and sometimes he took a group of people to fight with another small group, and his nose was often bruised and his face was swollen.

I have grown up in the past few years, and I am considered sensible, and I have gradually improved a lot.

But the Red Star Group is getting bigger and bigger, and he, the young master, is getting richer and richer, and he spends more and more on weekdays, and is extremely arrogant.

It was only in front of his father Ou Hongxing that Ou Hongwei restrained himself a little.

Like today's Red Star Group's new product launch conference, Ou Hongwei just came to join in the fun.

Generally speaking, at meetings like this, some entrepreneurs would bring their own children to gain knowledge. Don’t dudes like Ou Hongwei like to make friends on weekdays?

But what Ou Hongwei didn't expect was that he just came here and found a peerless beauty. Although she is already a wife, she is still so beautiful that it makes people's hearts sway, and she doesn't look like a married woman at all.

Now Ou Hongwei is only thinking about how to get He Jincheng away, and then create a chance for himself to get close to Ye Qingmeng.

Hearing what He Jincheng said, Ou Hongwei immediately had an idea in his mind.

"Dude, do you want to sit in the front? It's not hot, I'll find you a seat, wait a minute, how about letting you sit in the first three rows."

You should know that the closer you are, the more important your identity is. The people sitting in the first three rows are basically the top entrepreneurs in Chaoyang City or other cities.

Being able to have the slightest contact with these entrepreneurs can be of great help to one's future business.

No one will refuse such an advantage.

"That's great, can my wife and I go there?"

He Jincheng's face was full of joy, but he couldn't stop laughing in his heart.

You can guess this kind of trick even if you use your brain a little bit, it's nothing more than trying to spend yourself.

This young master of the Ou family seems to be very mean-spirited!

"Are you two together? This may be a bit difficult. Brother, I see that you and your husband are so close, so you don't care about such a short time. After all, business is more important!"

(End of this chapter)

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