Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 491 Promise to drink, a chance to become famous in one battle

Chapter 491 Promise to drink, a chance to become famous
Ou Hongwei said earnestly, as if he did all this for the good of He Jincheng.

"If the two of us can't go there together, forget it. Thank you, Ou Shao, for your kindness."

He Jincheng smiled and said that he did directly reject Ou Hongwei's invitation.

Ou Hongwei squinted his eyes and looked up and down. The anger in He Jincheng's heart had reached its peak, but now he was sometimes in front of beautiful women on this occasion, of course he couldn't get angry.

"Oh, that's such a pity. If that's the case, then I won't force it. Brother, we can be regarded as acquaintances. Can we have a drink together after the meeting? You also know that in my capacity , but there are many rich and powerful friends around you who can introduce you to some business, so it's good."

Ou Hongwei said it with a smile, the corners of his mouth raised uncontrollably with a touch of complacency.

"Okay, let's talk about it after the press conference is over."

He Jincheng looked at Ou Hongwei with a smile and already had a good way to deal with him.

Don't you like to drink? Then I will let you drink enough in the evening. After drinking, you will never want to drink again in this life.

"Okay, then it's settled, I'll go to other places first, and I'll come to you before the end."

Ou Hongwei also heard that He Jincheng agreed, and was overjoyed. He stood up and clapped his hands, then walked to the side.

Now that He Jincheng agreed, his chance has come.

Don't you have the final say on your own drinking at night?

However, in order to be safe, he still decided to enrich it, lest his subordinates make any mistakes to spoil his elegance, which would be bad.

"Why did you agree to drink with him? I'm annoyed when I see this kind of person."

After Ou Hongwei left, Ye Qingmeng frowned and said softly.

"Don't worry, wife, I will treat you to a big show tonight."

He Jincheng held Ye Qingmeng's hand with a smile and said in a mysterious manner.

"What a big show, you still keep it secret and don't let me know."

Ye Qingmeng was slightly taken aback, knowing that He Jincheng must have had a stomach full of bad water. It seems that Ou Shao is really going to be unlucky today.

"You'll know when the time comes."

He Jincheng patted Xiaoye's palm, "The new product launch is about to start, let's see to what extent the Red Star Group has plagiarized."

Soon, as time went by, people gradually began to enter the arena.

In addition to some entrepreneurs, many reporters also came here to report on the new product launch of the Red Star Group.

Some of these reporters were specially invited by the Red Star Group, and they actually paid for them to join hands to report on their new product launch today.

At the same time, there are some more authoritative institutional media, but the number of people coming from these media and newspapers is not very high for the release of new clothing products, and generally it is just a simple report.

Seeing so many reporters coming, He Jincheng's heart moved, and he told Ye Qingmeng to wait here for him to come back soon.

Immediately, He Jincheng got up and walked towards a reporter.

The reporter was a bespectacled young man who looked like he had just graduated from college.

The man came by himself, holding a small notebook and a pen in his hand, looking around to find a place to sit down.

If it weren't for seeing a press card hanging around his neck, no one would think that this person would be a reporter.

"Reporter Chen, right?"

He Jincheng glanced at the man's press card and knew that the man's name was Chen Gongming, and he greeted him with a smile.

"Oh, hello, I'm Chen Gongming, may I ask who you are?"

Chen Gongming was slightly taken aback. He didn't know He Jincheng, so he asked suspiciously.

"It doesn't matter who I am. The important thing is that I think you are a good seed to be a reporter. It's just that you haven't had a chance to make a name for yourself. That's why you are not appreciated by the leaders."

He Jincheng Xiaohe said it.

Chen Gongming's face was confused, he didn't understand what He Jincheng was talking about, or, although he understood what He Jincheng was talking about, he didn't understand why He Jincheng wanted to tell him these things.

"What on earth do you want to do? I don't know you, don't bother me if you have nothing to do. I will conduct an interview later."

Chen Gongming was very unhappy, and said impatiently.

"I believe you must be an impartial, fair and impartial reporter. I also have some inside stories here. I wonder if you want to know?"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"What exactly do you mean?"

Chen Gongming frowned and asked.

"These things can prove certain things. You can take a closer look. When the new product launch starts, you will know what you should ask."

He Jincheng didn't say much, just took a few pieces of paper to Chen Gongming, then turned around and left.

Chen Gongming's head is confused, let's talk about this person's insanity first.

For no reason, I gave myself a few pieces of paper and said a bunch of inexplicable words.

Just when he was about to crumple up the paper and throw it away, his eyes lit up when he saw some patterns and lines drawn on the paper.

These seem to be design drafts of clothes, and they still look like first drafts. Could it be that...

Chen Gongming immediately realized something.

The invitation letter issued by the Red Star Group for this press conference also showed the design of some new products, which seemed to be almost the same as those depicted in these design drafts, or very similar.

This is somewhat intriguing.

We must know that most companies will not disclose the information of these new products when they launch new products, especially the design drafts, which need to be kept strictly confidential.

The young man just gave these design drafts to himself inexplicably. If these design drafts are the new products launched by Red Star Group at this new product launch conference, then this matter is not so simple.

Or it was the design draft of the Red Star Group that the young man stole just now.

But after he stole the design draft, instead of selling it to his peers, he went to the new product launch conference and secretly stuffed it for himself. What does this mean?
Even the most boring person in the world would not do such inexplicable things.

In this way, there is only another possibility, that is, these new product designs of Red Star Group are actually plagiarized from others?
Thinking of this, Chen Gongming immediately became excited.

If I can raise reasonable doubts at the new product launch conference and present these design drafts as evidence, then I will trigger a big news that will shake the entire Chaoyang City and even the entire clothing industry.

And he will also become famous by virtue of this report.

(End of this chapter)

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