Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 493 Questioning, threats are useless

Chapter 493 Questioning, threats are useless
The moderator once again took the stage to preside over his process.

As soon as the words were finished, a reporter raised his hand. The two parties seemed to have agreed in advance. Remember, if you ask a question, the host will stand there and answer without any mistakes. The answer is even more orderly and well-founded. .

You even got the questions from several reporters and answered them perfectly.

In the end, the host finally connected to Chen Gongming.

Chen Gongming, Reporter Chen has been raising his hands to express his urgency from the very beginning.

The host may have listened to good things and heard too much, so he didn't care for a while. Anyway, it's the last question. After they ask them, the press conference can end.

Chen Gongming got the microphone, cleared his throat, and then spoke slowly.

"Leaders of Red Star Group, seniors in the clothing industry, colleagues in the news industry, hello everyone!"

"My name is Chen Gongming and I am a reporter from Chaoyang Evening News. I am very happy to be able to attend the press conference of Red Star Group today. After seeing the new products launched by Red Star Group, I was greatly shocked. I not only lamented that we The traditional costumes of China contain the crystallization of the wisdom of the ancestors. For these traditional cultures, we need to inherit and pass on the excellent culture."

What Chen Gongming said at the beginning was normal, obviously he was praising the new product of Red Star Group.

I have to say that Chen Gongming's remarks are still very level, so that everyone in the Red Star Group smiles and nods, which is very useful.


A sudden turning point made everyone stunned, and some people didn't even realize it, they were even ready to pack their things and leave directly.

However, it was just such a sentence, but it attracted everyone's attention to Chen Gongming.

Seeing Chen Gongming standing up and looking around, there seemed to be a bit of mockery on his face.

"But it's a pity, the creative source of these new products of the Red Star Group will somewhat raise some doubts."

As soon as these words crystallized, the whole venue boiled up. In a word, the whole venue where you and I were twittering instantly turned into a vegetable market selling vegetables.

"Chen Gongming, you, what do you mean? Are you implying that our Red Star Group cannot copy other people's ideas?"

The host's complexion immediately sank, and he questioned Chen Gongming coldly.

"Do you dare to say that all these new products of Red Star Group are your own originals? The cheongsam and Changsha Zhongshan suit are our traditional costumes. You have indeed made a lot of changes to better meet the aesthetics of modern people. But it is very different. Coincidentally, I also have several designs in my hand. Scraps, and the design drafts on these scraps of paper are very similar to these new products of our Red Star Group. I want to know how the Red Flag Group should explain this matter?"

Chen Gongming asked neither in a hurry nor in a hurry, neither humble nor overbearing.

At this moment, everyone didn't know what to say, but many fellow reporters couldn't help clamoring for Chen Gongming to give him a thumbs up.

Those who will be invited here to participate in the new product launch are basically some small and medium-sized newspapers.

These newspapers usually don't have much money, and can only rely on local enterprises to maintain a little livelihood. Sometimes, in severe cases, all employees' salaries will not be paid until the next month.

Many people have suddenly changed in this way after working in a newspaper for a lifetime, and of course they don't agree.

"You are talking nonsense, you are talking nonsense, believe it or not, I can sue you for defamation?"

The host immediately became furious, pointed at Chen Gongming's nose and scolded angrily.

"We all know that before the appearance of new products, all design drawings cannot be circulated, whether it is the designer himself or the company or institution he works for. As long as the copyright owner has not indicated that these drawings can be shared The relationship or the practice is illegal."

"However, the three design drafts in my hand look very similar to the size of the first few bags of clothes that have not been folded. It can prove that these design drafts in my hand have existed before, so why, the new product of Red Star Group At the press conference, there will be these products, could it be that your people leaked these design drafts to me?"

Chen Gongming continued to say that the design draft paper in his hand was rattling.

"We still have to ask you this. Where did you get it? Security is involved in these things. Come quickly and arrest this person who stole our design draft and send it to the police station."

The host shouted loudly on time, and soon two security guards walked over aggressively.

"Sorry, you don't have the right to arrest me. If you want to send me to the police station, please come up with the correct answer that I stole your design draft. Otherwise, I can sue you for using violence to detain others and limit my freedom." personal freedom."

As a reporter, Chen Gongming couldn't shrink back because of such a small matter.

Especially now that he needs a big chance to stand up, threats are definitely useless.

And the bigger your brain on this matter, the better. Both yourself and the team can upload related videos as soon as possible to get more attention.

Regardless of the reasons, in general, what Chen Gongming has to do now is to find out who copied the design draft.

Such a piece of news can be as short as ten and a half months, or as long as three or five years.

He Jincheng is quite familiar with this. He still remembers that in the future, there will be a very great basketball player who will create a brand under his own name to sell related sports products.

And Huaxia also has the same brand in China, which borrowed the name of that star, and as a result, the two sides went to court.

The companies on Huaxia's side even produced some ridiculous evidence to prove that they did not copy each other.

But in the end, the foreign brand won, which also shows that the domestic judiciary is relatively fair and is becoming more and more rational.

Whether it is a brand or a design concept like this, it is not uncommon to plagiarize each other, and it takes a long time to actually file a lawsuit, so many people simply give up the right to sue for fear of trouble.

Seeing that Chen Gongming was so difficult to speak, the host didn't know how to deal with it.

He looked helplessly at the audience, wanting to ask the company management for help.

"Okay, today's new product launch is over. If you have any questions, please feel free to write to us directly."

At this time, a manager in charge of marketing stood up, smoothed things over, and ended the whole press conference with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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