Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 494 An Emergency Stop, Ou Hongxing's Deterrent Power

Chapter 494 An Emergency Stop, Ou Hongxing's Deterrent Power

Chen Gongming wanted to say something, but the staff stepped forward and took away his microphone, so that although he could still speak, only some nearby people could hear him. It was set up and dragged outside.

Compared with these five big and three rough staff, Chen Gongming had no ability to resist at all, he could only yell not to push me, and then he was easily taken out of the venue.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, although they didn't know what was going on, but judging by the reaction of the Red Star Group, could it be that what Chen Gongming said was true?

This is interesting!
For a while, all the reporters were eager to try.

Most of them came here because they were invited by the Red Star Group to report on this new product launch, but there are many people who really want to dig out some hot news.

Red Star Group is suspected of plagiarism, this is very good news!
Apparently many people thought so. As soon as Chen Gongming was kicked out, many reporters chased after him, and some reporters directly blocked the way of Chairman Ou Hongxing.

"Mr. Ou Hongxing, is what the reporter said just now true? Are all these designs of your company plagiarized?"

"May I ask Red Star Group Weiwei to end the press conference hastily, is it because of a guilty conscience?"


Many reporters directly asked questions that made the Red Star Group extremely embarrassing. On Ou Hongxing's calm and calm face, a blush also appeared. This was the reason for his anger and shame.

As the chairman, he is only in charge of the direction. Regarding this new product, he only knows about it and has not directly participated in it. When the people below brought up the design draft, Ou Hongxing also thought it was very good, so he directly agreed .

Unexpectedly, this would happen.

As a veteran, Ou Hongxing is still very bold.

He pushed away the security guard in front of him, and said in a deep voice: "Everyone, please be safe, we will conduct a thorough investigation of the questions raised by some reporters just now, and after the situation is found out, we will hold a press conference as soon as possible Yes, the truth of the matter will be announced to the public. If our Red Star Group really plagiarized, we will admit our mistakes and be willing to compensate, but if someone spreads rumors and slanders our Red Star Group, no matter who it is, I will definitely find him , let him pay the price!"

After finishing speaking, Ou Hongxing strode away from the venue.

It has to be said that Ou Hongxing still has some ability to make the company so big, and he temporarily suppressed this matter with one sentence.

However, this matter will definitely not be so simple to solve.

Regardless of whether Red Star Group plagiarized or not, this matter will be reported by major media and newspapers the next day. If there is no plagiarism, the impact will be slightly smaller, but if it is plagiarized, it will be really troublesome.

The new product launch event ended in a hurry, and the Red Star Group held an emergency meeting overnight, chaired by Ou Hongxing himself.

At the meeting, Ou Hongxing's face was stern, and his eyes like sharp knives seemed to cut open the hearts and lungs of everyone present to see clearly.

At this time, no one dared to touch the mold to find out that they were uncomfortable. Everyone was smoking or drinking tea, and they dared not look at Ou Hongxing with their heads down.

With a bang, Ou Hongxing slapped the table with a slap, startling everyone present. Someone just raised a teacup, but trembling in fright, scalding hot water sprinkled on himself, stood up Come on, I touched the chair I was sitting on again, it was a flurry!

Ou Hongxing looked at all this coldly, and did not speak. Everyone put down the cigarettes and teacups in their hands, bowed their heads and remained silent.

"What's going on? Can anyone give me an explanation?"

Ou Hongxing's voice was deep and deep, although it wasn't very loud, but it carried absolute majesty, and a single sentence made people's hearts jump.

I heard that he is in the army, and he leads a group of soldiers who are not afraid of death. His hands are stained with the blood of the enemy.

Ou Hongxing, who had never been very angry today, became angry.

Before they were really held accountable, many people were trembling with fear.

Seeing that no one answered, Ou Hongxing looked at the person on the left.

"Mr. Liu, please tell me what's going on. This new product is strongly recommended by you!"

This Mr. Liu is the general manager of Red Star Group, and besides Ou Hongxing, the most powerful person.

"I'm sorry, Chairman, this matter is due to my ineffectiveness. When the people below gave me the plan, I saw that these designs were indeed novel, so I agreed without too much investigation. I bear the main responsibility!"

Mr. Liu is also a daring person, and immediately asked to take the main responsibility.

He understands that Ou Hongxing, the boss, will absolutely take the soft and not the hard, as long as you are brave enough to take on the responsibility and be willing to contribute, even if you do something with him, he will think you are a good person, and will continue to use you in the future.

"Very well, so what should we do next?"

Ou Hongxing said in a deep voice.

"This new product plan was submitted by the third marketing department. I will thoroughly investigate it today, and finally give the chairman an explanation to the company. If the plagiarism is true, I am willing to take the blame and resign!"

Mr. Liu thought for a while, and said very seriously.

He can be regarded as being put to death and then reborn, and there is no other way.

Now I can only hope that those subordinates in the marketing department did not fool themselves.

"Today, everyone is not allowed to leave the company until the matter is clarified!"

After saying this, Ou Hongxing got up and left the conference room, returning to her office.

All the executives in the conference room looked at each other in blank dismay, thinking that this time the Red Star Group is really going to have a big earthquake!
If the plagiarism incident is true, Mr. Liu will take the blame and resign, then the entire group will have a lot of vacancies, and it will definitely be a big personnel transfer.

Everyone is full of evil intentions, especially those who have nothing to do with this incident, and they are already thinking about how to gain some benefits from this turmoil.

Compared with the seriousness inside the Red Star Group, He Jincheng is much more relaxed.

At this moment, at the invitation of Master Ou Hongwei, He Jincheng brought Ye Qingmeng to a newly opened disco called Wild Rose in Chaoyang City.

Gorgeous lighting, dynamic songs, intoxicating drinks, and young people dancing wildly on the dance floor constitute the image of the disco in this era.

He Jincheng and Ye Qingmeng sat aside, looking at the crazy people on the dance floor, the two of them just drank the wine in their hands, chatting side by side, laughing from time to time.

(End of this chapter)

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