Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 496 Not Drinking Enough, Ou Hongwei's Caution

Chapter 496 Not Drinking Enough, Ou Hongwei's Caution
"Okay, Mr. Wang is refreshing, then let's change to a bigger bowl!"

Of course, Ou Hongwei would not miss such a good opportunity, so he immediately sent six sea bowls, and this bowl can at least hold half a catty of wine.

"Mr. Wang, look at this bowl, right?"

Ou Hongwei looked at He Jincheng with a smile, and waited for him to nod before filling these bowls with wine.

"No, it's still too small, make it bigger."

Unexpectedly, He Jincheng shook his head slightly, thinking that the bowl was a bit small.

Ou Hongwei cursed inwardly, this kid must have done it on purpose, is he trying to use this as an excuse to avoid continuing to drink?
No way, how could Lao Tzu's territory let you run away like this.

"It seems that it is not easy to satisfy Mr. Wang today, so I will send a bigger bowl right away."

Ou Hongwei looked at He Jincheng and said with a smile.

"It's rare to meet a bosom friend with a thousand glasses of wine. It's an honor for me, Wang Dong, to get to know Ou Shao today. Anyway, even if I drink to death here today, I will have a good time drinking with Ou Shao and all the brothers."

He Jincheng looked like he was going to die brazenly, and his expression was very serious.

"I didn't realize that Mr. Wang is so forthright. If that's the case, then we will risk our lives to accompany the gentleman today. How about this, bring all the bottles of wine I have saved here, and then bring over the beer cups! "

Ou Hongwei gave instructions.

A glass for drinking beer, that one glass is a catty, and what everyone wants to drink is white wine. If this glass goes down, even the best drinker will fall down.

Ye Qingmeng was a little bit worried, but seeing He Jincheng's normal face, as if he seemed confident, she couldn't say anything.

The wine was delivered quickly. It was Ou Hongwei's high-grade sorghum wine. There were six bottles, one bottle was 600ml, 53 degrees. This amount is definitely big enough!

Ou Hongwei also asked the waiter to bring seven beer cups and spread them out in front of him.

After setting it up, I started pouring wine into the glasses, and the seven glasses were just filled to the brim.

"Mr. Wang wants to drink, and my sister-in-law must also have a drink. We don't make it difficult for Mr. Wang. Either you two have a drink, or you, Mr. Wang, have two drinks, and we each have a drink. How about it?"

Ou Hongwei said with a smile.

This cup is a catty, and after one cup, Ou Hongwei thinks that he has almost reached his measure, while He Jincheng wants to drink two cups, and he will definitely pour it directly under the wine table. At that time, it will be his chance .

"It's fair, then I'll have an extra drink, everyone, let's do it!"

He Jincheng smiled and raised his wine glass, then clinked glasses with Ou Hongwei and the others one by one, and then He Jincheng picked up the wine glass and began to drink.

Seeing that He Jincheng was really drinking, everyone looked at each other and smiled, and started drinking wildly from the big bowl.

Others may not work, but they are the best at drinking and fighting, and they have never convinced anyone.

In the end, He Jincheng drank two bowls, and Ou Hongwei drank one bowl.

He drank a catty in one breath, and it would be a lie to say that he didn't feel it, but as a Chinese medicine doctor with extraordinary medical skills, He Jincheng understood the structure of the human body to an unimaginable degree.

If he drank normally, He Jincheng would probably only have half a catty of it, but if he drank with people like Ou Hongwei, he would naturally have to use some tricks. Before drinking, He Jincheng secretly gave himself an injection. If there is no other effect, it will temporarily suppress the absorption of alcohol, and then induce vomiting after the end, the alcohol is equivalent to not drinking anything.

So, even if Ou Hongwei and the others can drink, compared with He Jincheng who is on the hook, they are all trying to die!
After eating this bowl, everyone felt their stomachs were burning. This is not a restaurant, and there are no appetizers. If they drink dry, no one can stand it.

Seeing that He Jincheng had eaten two bowls, Ou Hongwei was shocked and angry, and said to himself that he really hit the iron plate today, this Wang Dong is really a Dionysus!
"Oh, it's not interesting to just drink, how about this, I'll ask the waiter to serve us some appetizers, let's continue drinking!"

After saying that, Ou Hongwei asked the waiter to prepare side dishes.

There are definitely no big fish and meat in the disco, but some peanuts, edamame and so on can still be provided, and the waiter will serve them after a while.

"Of course you can eat, but we don't have enough wine, how about this, whoever wants to eat, how about we just have a bowl?"

He Jincheng said with a smile, and then asked the waiter to bring a box of wine, opened it directly and filled several large bowls on the table.

"Mr. Wang, you are a bit ruthless, let's pad our stomachs first!"

Ou Hongwei didn't dare to drink like this, his stomach was empty, and if he directly drank two catties, it would be fatal!
"Why, Ou Shao, you can't do it?"

He Jincheng asked with a smile, his face full of amusement.

These words made Ou Hongwei very upset, can't I?I don't want to risk my life with you!Is it true that I am cowardly?

"Ah, haha, what, I'm going to the bathroom, let's continue drinking when I come back!"

Ou Hongwei let out a haha, then turned around and went to the bathroom without waiting for anyone to answer.

After arriving in the bathroom, Ou Hongwei was not convenient, but lay down on the side of the toilet and began to scratch his throat. After a while, he vomited wildly, and the whole toilet was a mess.

After vomiting all the wine in his stomach, Ou Hongwei felt much more comfortable. After rinsing his mouth, he took a pill from his pocket and swallowed it.

"Hmph, this is an imported anti-alcoholic medicine, and I won't feel drunk after drinking ten catties. Wang Dong, let me see how you play with me!"

Ou Hongwei looked at himself in the mirror, with a smug smile on his lips.

When Ou Hongwei came back, he found that He Jincheng had already drank a bowl with his younger brothers. This made Ou Hongwei very happy. Bowl out.

I just relieved my burden and took medicine, so it was a good time!
"Oh, I didn't expect me to go to the bathroom. You guys are drinking again! Mr. Wang, come on, it's rare to meet you like this!"

The master of wine, we must have a good drink today, this bowl, I respect you! "

With that said, Ou Hongwei picked up the wine bowl, raised his neck and drank in a big gulp.

He Jincheng picked up the bowl unhurriedly, looked at Ou Hongwei with interest, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Ou Hongwei finished the bowl happily, but when he put down the bowl, He Jincheng didn't drink it, and his expression darkened immediately.

"Mr. Wang, what do you mean, do you look down on me, Ou Hongwei?"

(End of this chapter)

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