Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 497 Volcanic eruption, I like to cheat people more and more

Chapter 497 Volcanic eruption, I like to cheat people more and more
He Jincheng smiled and shook his head.

"Ou Shao has a good drinker capacity, of course I have to accompany him! I'll drink this bowl!"

With that said, He Jincheng picked up the bowl and was ready to drink.

Ou Hongwei on the opposite side stared at He Jincheng, only waiting for He Jincheng to make a fool of himself after drinking.

However, at the moment when He Jincheng brought the bowl to his mouth, Ou Hongwei shivered for no reason. Although he suddenly felt like a fire was burning in his stomach, a wave of heat surged up, and he went straight to the hospital. Pushing up to his voice, it feels like a volcano that has been silent for a long time is about to erupt suddenly, it feels so fast and so strong.

Ou Hongwei quickly sat down, took a deep breath, and was about to push back the heat wave, but as soon as he took in the air, he felt the urge to hiccup. , pick up a piece of watermelon.

His stomach is burning badly now, and he really wants to eat something cold to suppress it.

However, after Ou Hongwei ate a piece of watermelon, the burning sensation did not weaken at all, but became stronger and stronger.

At this moment, Ou Hongwei knew that it must be broken, and quickly put the fruit plate aside, and hurried to the bathroom.

As a result, as soon as Ou Hongwei stood up, turned around and took two steps, he felt a cloud of air rushing from his stomach to his throat, and then he heard a hiccup, and Ou Hongwei suddenly made a standard vomiting movement, With a puff, a wave of yellow and white sprayed out from Ou Hongwei's mouth, sprayed into the air, and even formed a cloud of water mist. Many people around were sprayed on their bodies because they didn't react, causing a panic attack. There were screams and exclamations.

The moment the vomit spewed out of his mouth, Ou Hongwei knew it was over. He wanted to make a fool of others, but in the end he made a big fool of himself, and in front of so many people, he happened to be facing the dance floor. The one with the vomit sprayed all over his face was staring at him angrily at the moment. .

Ou Hongwei doesn't have the face to speak at this time, he is about to run, he has to leave here quickly, even if he is the young master of the Ou family, he dare not provoke public anger!

However, Ou Hongwei had just taken two steps, and it seemed that the bumps were too strong, and there was another tumbling in his stomach, and he vomited all over the floor. Some people who wanted to come up to beat Ou Hongwei, seeing Ou Hongwei like this, hurriedly squeezed No one wants to get so close to a volcano that may erupt at any time!

Just like that, Ou Hongwei was masturbating while walking. Not long after, everyone in the disco stopped dancing and went to the side to watch Ou Hongwei vomit all the way. The place he passed was simply unsightly.

Those who wanted to leave Ou Hongwei at the beginning were even a little worried at this moment whether this guy would just vomit to death!
As for the few people that Ou Hongwei had found, they were also standing there stunned at the moment. They were also thinking about whether to help Ou Hongwei, but seeing him like this, they really didn't dare to do so!
Many people secretly cheered for Ou Hongwei in their hearts, hoping that he could walk into the bathroom as soon as possible!
Ou Hongwei staggered, and finally walked to the door of the bathroom. His face was already pale, as if he had suffered from a serious illness.

But his mind is still very clear, when he thinks of his current appearance, he wants to find a crack in the ground and get in. It's shameful, it's really too shameful, when he was such a shameful young master of the Ou family!
At this time, the owner of the disco finally discovered the abnormal situation here. He knew Ou Hongwei, a regular customer of the disco, and this kid's father is the chairman of the Red Star Group. Where is he, a small disco owner? Dare to neglect!
However, he was a little disgusted with Ou Hongwei's current appearance, so he took ten yuan to the waiter and asked the waiter to check the situation.

The waiter didn't want to at first, who would dare to approach him if he was so disgusting, but for Qian's sake, he also healed himself and came to Ou Hongwei's side, whispering: "Mr. Ou, what do you think? Do you want it?" call you a doctor?"

"Damn, who said I'm in trouble, I'm fine, get out!"

Ou Hongwei was so angry now that he swung his arm and almost pushed the waiter to the ground.

Then he walked forward, thinking to go to the bathroom quickly, no matter how embarrassed he was then, he would definitely not let others see him.

As a result, he had just walked two steps, and when he was about to push open the door of the bathroom, the alcohol came again. The door just fell straight down.

This frightened the waiters, including Boss Dong, the owner of the disco.

He didn't care so much anymore, and hurried over to check the situation himself.

Boss Dong's face was pale, as if he was the one who got drunk.

But now at this time, the entire disco was full of sourness, and a few people could dance in this environment. They stood up one by one, covering their noses, and walked towards a farther place.

But everyone knew that the person who was drunk and sprayed all the way was the young master Ou Hongwei of the Red Star Group.

All the people in the disco stood at a distance, wanting to see what was going on with this good show.

Only Ye Qingmeng covered her mouth with disgust and surprise.

What she disliked was that Ou Hongwei's appearance was really disgusting. Most girls would turn pale with fright when they saw such a situation.

She was surprised because she knew that He Jincheng did all of this.

How is this possible? She was by the side all the time just now, and she didn't see He Jincheng drugging the other party or using other means. Why did Ou Hongwei end up so miserable.

"Husband, what the hell is going on? You did it all?"

Ye Qingmeng leaned into He Jincheng's ear and asked softly.

"What do you say?"

He Jincheng didn't answer directly, but looked at Ye Qingmeng with a faint smile.

Ye Qingmeng already knew about this, it must be He Jincheng who played tricks.

When He Jincheng was at the new product launch conference before, he said that today he would bring himself to watch a big show, and the show was really exciting enough.It's just that this way is somewhat disgusting.

Ye Qingmeng felt that she didn't want to watch this kind of performance anymore, it was so fresh in her memory, I'm afraid I would dream of it, it was so disgusting.

"You, you, if you do this kind of thing in the future, please don't take me with you. I can't stand watching it."

Ye Qingmeng felt goosebumps all over her body, and said that her husband really likes to cheat others more and more now.

However, a person like Ou Hongwei really has to cheat him for a while!
(End of this chapter)

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