Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 498 Plagiarism results, the company needs major rectification

Chapter 498 Plagiarism results, the company needs major rectification
Boss Dong took people to check on Ou Hongwei's situation. He saw that Ou Hongwei's face was pale, and there was something like a meal at the corner of his mouth. He hiccupped, his breath was so strong that he had to pinch his nose if he was within a meter of him.

"Go and call the doctor, don't let something happen to Ou Shao!"

Seeing that Ou Hongwei was so unconscious, Boss Dong became anxious immediately, and quickly asked someone to call the doctor.

He said he was a doctor, but he was actually just a barefoot doctor with a name in the disco, and he also had a medical qualification certificate. In fact, his medical skills were not as good as doctors in small clinics in the community.

If it was a simple trauma, the doctor could still handle it. When he saw Ou Hongwei's situation, his hands trembled with fright.

"This... this won't work, I don't think so, this person must be poisoned by alcohol, I think it's better to hurry to Songda Hospital!"

As soon as the doctor spoke, Boss Dong's expression darkened, and he immediately stopped the doctor's words.

Ma De, you are so short-sighted, you actually said that the person is alcoholic, I am a disco, and the drinks are provided by me, aren't you saying that I sell fake wine?

The doctor knew that he had said something wrong, so he quickly closed his mouth, stepped forward bravely, and checked it pretendingly.

"I don't think there's anything serious about this guest, but he's been drinking too much. Look at the vomit, it's too bad! Come and send him to the hospital for gastric lavage. Too much alcohol is not good!"

Soon, two waiters carried Ou Hongwei out and sent him to the hospital.

He Jincheng didn't pay any attention to what happened to Ou Hongwei. He just used a little trick to make this guy vomit for a while, and then he went back to sleep and he was fine.

After such a meal, Ou Hongwei must be ashamed to go out again!
And Ou Hongwei's group of younger brothers, seeing that the boss is like this, how dare they continue to drink with He Jincheng? After reacting, they ran away.

In the evening, He Jincheng and Ye Qingmeng stayed at the guest house.

Today, relying on the reporter's method, the situation of Red Star Group's plagiarism has been revealed. To what extent it can be fermented, it still has some influence. I hope to learn more details by then.

"Husband, who do you think is most likely to leak the design draft on our side?"

Ye Qingmeng lay in He Jincheng's arms and asked softly.

This question has troubled Ye Qingmeng for a long time.

Ye Qingmeng has also come into contact with those people in the design department, and some of them are her alumni, who were introduced by Ye Qingmeng himself, so if someone really leaked company secrets, and this person was introduced by Ye Qingmeng If not, then she will feel more guilty and blame herself.

"There is still a definite result, doubting anyone makes my heart ache!"

He Jincheng smiled wryly and shook his head. Although there were a few people's guesses in his heart, if it really leaked, He Jincheng really didn't know what to say.

For the design department, He Jincheng invested a lot of human, material and financial resources, but the production effect was not satisfactory, and he even charged his own family members for the operation.

Although it is said that a company is a company and an individual is an individual, it should be clearly distinguished.

But sometimes, these things are not clear at all.

So far, the people He Jincheng has reused are those who have been with him for a long time. It can be said that He Jincheng is definitely the kind of person who is nepotism.

Of course he knows that the consequence of doing this is that everyone in the whole company has some relatives to some extent. If you ask you for a favor, you may get entangled when doing something.

Especially in cross-departmental cooperation, some departments put forward some unreasonable requirements, and after a fellow villager asks people from another department to communicate and cooperate, it will inevitably be some favoritism and fraud.

But so far, He Jincheng has relatively few talents in his hands, so there is no way to appoint people according to their abilities, and he can only choose people he is relatively familiar with to take up important positions!
This matter is also something that He Jincheng needs to deal with seriously and make adjustments as soon as possible.

"Telling you some suspects now may make you have some bad thoughts, so I think we should investigate the matter thoroughly before we talk about who committed the theft."

He Jincheng thought about it, but still didn't express his guess.

"Okay, I understand you, so I won't ask, anyway, the truth will be revealed by then."

Ye Qingmeng gently stroked He Jincheng's chest, and said softly.

"Honey, haven't we spent a long time in the world of two people, it seems that there is very little time to rest today."

He Jincheng smirked, and began to be dishonest with one hand.

"Okay, stop making trouble... oops..., oh..."

Soon there was a happy cry in the room, which lasted until the early morning, and then gradually subsided.

The next day, He Jincheng woke up from his sweet dream, looking at Ye Qingmeng who was hugging him tightly, He Jincheng felt a sense of happiness that could not be described in words.

After breakfast, He Jincheng bought a newspaper. He had long seen that the Red Star Group issued a communiqué on yesterday's so-called plagiarism incident, acknowledging the plagiarism, and at the same time imposed the most severe punishment on the relevant responsible persons. Fired from office, and retained some other responsibility to track down those involved.

As for the specific investigators, it was not mentioned in the newspaper, so it is inconvenient to come down?

Need to wait until December this year, the company is about to Chengli Xinxing Building!
Although he didn't get the specific person, he must know the news!
"Ha ha ha ha……"

Everyone laughed one after another, ten yuan and 20 yuan can't catch up at all!

There was no reason for He Jincheng to stay here, so he packed up his things and returned to Nandu.

After arriving in Nandu, before He Jincheng was ready to get busy, the phone on the desk suddenly rang.

"Hi, I'm He Jincheng!"

"Doctor He, hello, I'm Xiang Qianjin, the vice president of the People's Hospital. Nice to meet you. I wonder if I have time to communicate with you?!"

The voice on the other side was magnetic.

"Oh, Dean Xiang, hello, what can I do for you?"

He Jincheng asked with a smile.

"That's Dr. He. I know you have superb medical skills. I have an unfeeling request. I also hope that Dr. He can go out for a walk. Well, how about we get to know each other?"

Xiang Qian said with a smile.

He Jincheng said in his heart, I guessed it a long time ago, otherwise, why would he suddenly call himself inexplicably?
(End of this chapter)

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