Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 509 Rejecting benefits, Xiang Jinjin's mother is sick

Chapter 509 Rejecting benefits, Xiang Jinjin's mother is sick
He Jincheng and Xiang Qianjin drank a lot during this meal. Two bottles of Maotai were not enough, so they added two more bottles. They were so drunk that they could barely walk.

This is also why He Jincheng really let go of drinking, and didn't use the usual tricks to hangover, so this time he was really drunk.

The two simply stayed in the hotel directly, and He Jincheng was indeed unable to drive in this state.

The next morning, He Jincheng hadn't woken up yet, but was woken up by a knock on the door.

I checked the time, it was only six o'clock, I don't know who came to see me so early, could it be Xiang Qianjin?This is unlikely, he drank a lot yesterday, and he may not be able to wake up earlier than He Jincheng today.

What surprised He Jincheng when he opened the door was that the person standing outside turned out to be Cai Ziming.

"Dr. He, you really haven't left yet. It seems that I came here in time this time. My mother's condition has been stabilized today. I don't know if you have time to come with me again. I would like to ask you to give me another Mom has a follow-up visit."

Cai Ziming said very excitedly when he saw He Jincheng.

He Jincheng felt a little dizzy. He drank so much wine yesterday and fell asleep right after he came back. Now his head is still a little heavy, so he really doesn't want to leave so early.

"Mr. Cai, I have already told you very clearly about your mother's illness. If you want to cure him completely, you still need to untie the knot in his heart. Otherwise, any treatment will be useless."

What He Jincheng said means that it is useless for you to ask me to go to the follow-up clinic now. All I can do now is to ease the patient's emotions to a certain extent.

Even if I see a patient in the past now, the result is actually the same and there will be no change.

"I understand, Dr. He, but I still want to see that you have reviewed my mother for a review in the past. To be honest, I have been trying to help my mother open her heart over the years, but no matter what method I use? If it falls short, it will have no effect at all.”

Cai Ziming showed a very helpless look on his face.

"Mr. Cai, you don't want me to help you untie your mother's knot, do you?"

He Jincheng asked in astonishment.

"If Dr. He can do it, our Cai Group is willing to donate 5.00% of the shares to you, Dr. He!"

Cai Ziming was very serious, looked at He Jincheng and said.

This time, He Jincheng was a little surprised. Cai's Group's assets are currently no less than 5.00 million yuan. Even if it is only 500% of the shares, it is equivalent to [-] million yuan.

Moreover, He Jincheng knew that the development of the Cai Group would accelerate again in the near future, and the market value would directly increase several times.

And the 5.00% shares in my own hands will naturally rise, but it is just a little effort, and I can get the other party's return of nearly [-] million.

It can be seen that Cai Ziming came here this time with great sincerity.

He Jincheng didn't know how to answer for a while.

As for whether he can help open Cai Caihong's knots, there are indeed some, but he doesn't want to get involved in these things too much. After all, this is just a trivial matter in Cai Ziming's family, and he is really not good. get involved.

"Mr. Cai is really sorry. I may not be able to help you with this matter. I think you should try your best to find some solutions from the old man."

He Jincheng thought about it, although 5.00% of the shares is indeed a lot, even in a group, it can definitely be regarded as a major shareholder.

Like the core tasks in the Rainbow Group, except for Cai Caihong, Cai Ziming, his two younger brothers, and his family, if the average is averaged, the shares held by each person may not necessarily reach 5.00%.

But He Jincheng still doesn't want to cooperate with Rainbow Group in this way.

"Doctor He, we have indeed seen many doctors, and you are the only one who can really relieve my mother's illness!"

Cai Ziming looked at He Jincheng with burning eyes, his eyes were full of sincerity.

But He Jincheng still shook his head slightly.

"I'm just here to help this time, and I've really done my best. If you, who have lived with Cai Dong for 30 or [-] years, don't even know Cai Dong, then what's the use of my many ways? ?”

He Jincheng rejected Cai Ziming's invitation again.

Cai Ziming knew that He Jincheng was not trying to shirk, but that there might really be nothing he could do.

"That's really a pity, but Dr. He, your medical skills are extraordinary. If our Rainbow Group needs it in the future, can I take the initiative to contact you?"

Cai Ziming said respectfully.

"I'll give you my office number."

Only then did He Jincheng think of asking the other party to leave a contact information.

While talking, He Jincheng wrote a note to Cai Ziming.

"I'm not often in the office, so you may need to make a few more calls to find me quickly."

"Okay Dr. He, thank you very much. If there is a need in the future, I will definitely come to disturb Dr. He."

Cai Ziming knew that there was no way to move He Jincheng back today, so he didn't think about it anymore, and chatted with He Jincheng for a while with a smile. Originally, he wanted to invite He Jincheng to have breakfast, but He Jincheng had a drink yesterday I really didn't want to drink it, so I declined again.

After Xiang Jincheng learned that He Jincheng had rejected Cai Ziming consecutively, he showed a very helpless look on his face.

"Haha, what is Brother Xiang worrying about?"

He Jincheng laughed.

"Oh, Brother He, I can tell you, but you must not tell others."

Xiang Qian said with hesitation.

He Jincheng said that he would never say it.

After Xiang Qianjin watched He Jincheng carefully for a while, he spoke slowly.

It turned out that Xiang Jinjin's mother, named Li Fengjiao, went to have a wedding dinner last night, but fell down somewhere, and then something went wrong.

It is said that the old lady can lie down but not sit, can stand but not run, and is especially prone to falling asleep, and may fall asleep directly if she is not careful.

Xiang Qian became the vice president of the hospital, and now it's a critical promotion period, he doesn't want to make this matter a big deal, if everyone knows about it, his position as the president may be lost.

But the old mother suddenly fell ill, and the situation was serious. Xiang Jinjin was very anxious and wanted to send his mother to the hospital for treatment, but if the opponent used this matter to beat him, then he might lose the election.

You know, as the dean, your medical skills may not be good, but you must know how to manage and coordinate the four parties.

(End of this chapter)

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