Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 510 Expert Consultation, Possibility of Bipolar Disorder

Chapter 510 Expert Consultation, Possibility of Bipolar Disorder

"This is a bit interesting, but Brother Xiang, you are too sensitive. That is your mother. She is sick. If you don't actively treat her, wouldn't it be more gossip?"

He Jincheng said with a wry smile.

Xiang Qianjin is not an unfilial person, it's just that he is too cautious at the current turmoil.

"Oh, of course I know. What I'm most afraid of is that my mother's illness won't be cured! Brother He, you must be good to me!"

Xiang Qian said with a sigh.

"Okay, how about this, you go and take the aunt to the hospital first, and I'll go there after breakfast!"

He Jincheng thought for a while and said.

"Do you really want to send it to the hospital? Can't you do it at home?"

Xiang Qianjin was a little hesitant. If he was sent to the hospital, everyone in the hospital would know that his mother was sick, and there would definitely be a lot of trouble.

"No problem, just leave it to me!"

He Jincheng waved his hands with a smile.

Although he has not met Li Fengjiao yet, from Xiang Jincheng's description, He Jincheng already has a [-]% or [-]% understanding of the disease. Not to mention that it can be cured [-]%, but there is definitely a way to alleviate the symptoms.

The reason why he asked Xiang Jinjin to send his aunt to the hospital was because he wanted to help Xiang Jinjin establish his prestige.

With the energy of Rainbow Group, I believe that Xiang Jinjin will be able to obtain the position of dean in the near future. Prestige must be established, otherwise, it will be really difficult to carry out future work.

"Okay, I trust your brother, then I will arrange it now!"

Xiang Qian thought for a while, clapped his hands vigorously, and made a decision.

His only concern is that his mother's illness will not be cured in a short time, which will definitely make his competitors catch him and say that Xiang Jin has something to do at home, and his energy is low during this time, so he is not suitable to be the dean.

But if the doctor in the hospital can't cure the disease, but Xiang Jinjin's friend cured it, it means that the dean has a strong network, and he will have the confidence to speak in the hospital in the future!
My medical skills may not be very good, but I know people with superb medical skills, so this is enough!

He Jincheng went downstairs to have breakfast, while Xiang Jincheng immediately arranged for his mother to be sent to the hospital.

In the middle of the night last night, Xiang Qianjin was woken up by the waiter. He was a little dizzy at first, but when he heard that his mother was sick, he suddenly woke up.

He also found a few doctors he had good friends with and showed it to Li Fengjiao, but those doctors were powerless, and there was no way Xiang Jincheng could do anything, so Xiang Jincheng came to invite He Jincheng.

Now that I think about it, I'm still a little too utilitarian, I only think about my own future, and I shouldn't have sent my mother to the hospital immediately!

Chaoyang Central Hospital, as the hospital with the most medical resources and the strongest physician team in the city, is well-known in the province. Except for a few hospitals with senior official backgrounds such as the provincial No. Definitely in the top three.

The higher the hospital's ranking, the more patients will come to see the doctor, and the more patients, the more income the hospital will have.

A profitable unit naturally becomes a government office. I don't know how many people are staring at the position left by the old dean after he retired.

Xiang Qianjin did have to deal with all this carefully, which is understandable.

After receiving the notice from Xiang Qianjin, the inpatient department quickly made preparations for the reception.

Although Xiang Jinjin has not yet become the official dean, but the third-ranked deputy dean also has a high status in the hospital, so of course special attention should be paid.

At around 09:30 in the morning, Li Fengjiao was taken to the hospital by an ambulance and arranged to enter the cadre ward. However, at the special request of Xiang Qianjin, it was only a single ward with no other special places.

Of course, the doctors and nurses receiving the consultation don't need to make advance arrangements, so it's definitely the best thing.

As soon as Li Fengjiao was admitted to the ward, relevant experts from the hospital gathered in the ward to start consultations.

After an hour, all kinds of inspections were done, and a group of doctors and experts came to the conference room for a meeting.

Because the patient's family members are progressing, this meeting is somewhat different.

Xiang Qianjin sat at the first place with a serious face. The experts and doctors below, big and small, basically had to obey Xiang Qianjin's management, so it was difficult to say when it comes to the diagnosis of the disease.

"Colleagues, we have been working together for so long, and everyone knows my temper. My mother's illness is really not easy to deal with. Say what you see!"

Xiang Qian said in a deep voice.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and said to Vice President Xiang, if you move your mouth, we will all come, but do you really dare to say anything?

Most of the doctors didn't dare to speak for a while, but there were also some senior doctors who spoke after deliberating for a while.

"Dean Xiang, the patient's condition is very hot, so I won't talk about those hypocrisy. In my judgment, the patient is probably suffering from severe bipolar disorder."

The person who spoke was Huang Li, the chief physician of the hospital's psychiatric department. He has been engaged in psychiatric diagnosis and treatment for more than 20 years and is an old man at Chaoyang Central Hospital.

"Bipolar disorder? Is there any basis for it?"

Xiang Jin frowned slightly, thinking that if he had bipolar disorder, he would not be so nervous. Although bipolar disorder is still not a good thing, it is still more serious than Alzheimer's disease, which is more serious. As long as it can help patients There is still hope for healing.

"My reasoning is very simple. We have scanned all the organs of the patient, including the blood, and have also carried out tests. No obvious abnormalities have been found, which means that the patient's physical functions are completely normal! Then only the mental aspect Something went wrong!"

Huang Li said in a deep voice, and after a pause, he continued.

"I observed the patient's condition. She can sit, not lie down, stand, but not walk, and trot but is fine. This is not a normal performance at all, so I think it is bipolar disorder!"

Bipolar disorder, also known as bipolar disorder, is a common mental disorder characterized by both manic and depressive episodes, the first onset of which can occur at any age.When a manic episode occurs, the patient has symptoms such as high emotion, increased speech activity, and energy; while when a depression episode occurs, the patient often shows symptoms such as depression, loss of pleasure, decreased speech activity, and fatigue.

Its clinical manifestations are complex, and its complexity is manifested in low or high mood, repeated, alternating, and irregular presentations, accompanied by distracting, rash, exaggerated, racing thoughts, hyperresponsiveness, decreased sleep, and increased speech. .Anxiety, obsessive-compulsive, and money abuse are also common, as well as auditory hallucinations, delusions of persecution, and high mental stress.

(End of this chapter)

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