Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 511 Denying the conclusion, Mr. Wang, an expert from the Health Bureau

Chapter 511 Denying the conclusion, Mr. Wang, an expert from the Health Bureau

Although Xiang Qianjin is mainly responsible for administrative work and has not achieved much in medical skills, he is not a medical idiot. Of course he knows what kind of disease bipolar disorder is.

But what Xiang Qianjin was very puzzled was that his mother was fine two days ago, and yesterday when he was drinking with He Jincheng, he said that he had a fall, and then it became like this.

It is not impossible for bipolar disorder to have this possibility, but it only takes one night to cause bipolar disorder, and this possibility is really slim.

"Doctor Huang, what you said is very good, but the patient's mental state, physical state, and all aspects were in a very good state before yesterday's daytime. Generally, bipolar disorder is caused by long-term mental torture or emotional torture. The shock of the disease was caused slowly over time, I don't think it would be possible for this symptom to appear overnight!"

Xiang Qianjin said, his tone was not too harsh.

A look of embarrassment appeared on Dr. Huang's face. He had no choice but to speak out about bipolar disorder.

In fact, when you have a consultation together, you already know that there is nothing wrong with the other person's body, whether it is a chest X-ray, X-ray, brain CT, blood analysis, or knee jerk reaction. In short, all the items that can be checked by Western medicine are basically checked for the patient.

The other party is the mother of the vice president of the hospital. How can everyone not do their best and do everything according to the best standards, but there is no problem at all, so what can everyone do?

"Our orthopedics department conducted the most detailed examination and found that there is no problem with the patient's bones."

"We at the Department of Brain Surgery have also done a study on the CT of the patient's brain and found no abnormal lesions within our investment."

"Our cardiology department also checked and tested the blood and the patient's blood vessels and found no abnormalities."

Representatives of various departments expressed their conclusions one after another. Generally speaking, the patient does not seem to have any physical problems at present.

Therefore, only Doctor Huang, the director of the psychiatric department, bit the bullet and said such a conclusion.

In fact, of course they also know that this is almost impossible, so you can't say, the dean's old mother deliberately pretended to be sick, to fool the big guy.

You must know that the dean's mother, Li Fengjiao, is in the ward now. The person who came here last night did not lie down to sleep, but sat on the hospital bed. You have seen it with your own eyes. Once Li Fengjiao is lying on the hospital bed, she will immediately experience shortness of breath. Symptoms of wheezing, shortness of breath, flushing of the face.

The situation looked like it was about to suffocate for a night.

So now there are special nurses guarding Li Fengjiao's side in the ward, lest she fall asleep leaning on the head of the bed, suddenly fall down and become lying down, that would be a big joke.

"But I think you should also be able to see that the patient's condition does exist, and there is nothing false or intentional about it. So since the disease really exists, why can't we find out what the reason is? ?”

Xiang Qianjin was very angry, but he knew that he could not get angry rashly in this special period and under special circumstances, otherwise, not only his mother's illness would not be cured, but his future might also be terminated.

"This one……"

For a while, all the experts were silent, and they all lowered their heads and dared not speak.

All possibilities were discussed, but the final results were overturned.

As long as the patient is not lying down or walking, there is no difference at all, and he is completely a normal person.

If you can really show a particularly obvious symptom, then everyone may still find a way to prescribe the right medicine.

What I am most afraid of encountering is that when this state is different from another state, the condition is completely different.

"Vice President Xiang, I think we may need to ask for assistance from the provincial hospital. I know a consultant from the provincial hospital. He has a deep understanding of the diseases of the elderly."

At this time, a doctor spoke in a low voice.

It's not a problem to keep procrastinating like this. We must find a solution, or someone who can solve this disease.

"Could it be that you are talking about Mr. Wang Dingshan, an expert from the Health Bureau of the Provincial Hospital?"

Xiang Qianjin's eyes lit up and said immediately.

The wording in the field of medical care is very strict. Geriatric experts are basically experts who specialize in elderly care and common diseases with high attainments.

And to be able to achieve a high status in the provincial hospital is basically an old expert of the Provincial Health Bureau. Such experts are basically very skilled in art, and their status and status are different. The direction is not the chief physician of the Chaoyang Central Hospital. Comparable.

In fact, Xiang Jinjin didn't have any interest in kissing other doctors at first, but if he could really invite Mr. Wang over, Xiang Jinjin would be [-]% willing.

If he can make friends with Mr. Wang, and at the critical moment, Director Wang only needs to advocate for himself in Lingang, then his future future will be limitless.

In the final analysis, if I want to advance, I still hope to go higher and higher in my official career.

"That's right, Vice President Xiang. Mr. Wang took me for half a year before, and my relationship with him is not bad. I just heard that Mr. Wang came to Chaoyang City two days ago. I originally wanted to go Visiting the teacher, I didn’t expect to meet the current situation, so I will try to talk to Mr. Wang, if Mr. Wang is interested, he may come and have a look.”

The doctor said.

"Okay, okay, that's great. If Mr. Wang dares to act, the patient's illness will definitely be cured quickly."

Xiang Jin quickly said that if he could really invite Director Wang, then he could have a good relationship with Mr. Wang.

"Okay little vice president, I'll call Mr. Wang now and ask."

The doctor smiled and nodded towards everyone, then went to the telephone next to the conference room, picked up the receiver, and began to dial a number.

Everyone's attention was on the doctor, and they were filled with emotion.

Mr. Wang is a big shot who often walks around the provincial leaders at all levels.

On weekdays, it is the kind of director Wang that those big leaders can like. As for the contact information of Mr. Wang, it seems that there are not many people in the medical field in the province who have this qualification, even Xiang Jinjin, the vice president. Yes, I didn't expect that there would be such a chief physician.

This can make everyone envious.

(End of this chapter)

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