Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 516 Elder Wang Diagnoses Pulse, Discusses Diseases and Avoids Patients

Chapter 516 Elder Wang Diagnoses Pulse, Discusses Diseases and Avoids Patients

Listening to Li Fengjiao's words, Mr. Wang took her pulse and nodded slightly from time to time.

"Okay, switch to the other hand!"

After a while, Elder Wang withdrew his hand and pointed to Li Fengjiao's other hand.

"Hey, okay!"

Li Fengjiao nodded and stretched out her other hand, while Wang Lao continued to feel the pulse.

It took about 10 minutes before and after, and no one in the ward dared to speak.

The young assistant who came with Mr. Wang also had a slightly dignified expression.

This assistant, surnamed Zhang, is not only Wang Lao's life assistant, but also learning medical skills from Wang Lao. Although he has not yet graduated from a teacher, his medical skills are definitely not inferior to any chief physician in a Chinese medicine hospital.

He is very familiar with Mr. Wang's medical skills. For ordinary minor illnesses, Mr. Wang can touch them in less than half a minute, and for more complicated diseases, it only takes three to five minutes.

I have been with Mr. Wang for five years, and there are only a handful of Mr. Wang who felt his pulse for more than 10 minutes. I didn't expect to encounter such an intractable disease this time!
"Well, let the patient rest for a while, just rest on the head of the bed, let's go out first!"

Elder Wang nodded, then got up and said to everyone.

Xiang Qianjin quickly got up and led the way, Cui Hao and Qi Donglai also accompanied him.

As a qualified doctor, it is the quality of the doctor's profession not to discuss the condition in front of the patient.

You must know that many patients do not have such a strong psychological capacity. If the condition is bad, if the patient hears some misunderstanding, it will cause great trouble for the follow-up treatment.

Moreover, if the patient suffers mental torture and does something extreme, the doctor is also responsible.

Of course, do not discuss the illness in front of the patient. This is mainly for some complicated or serious illnesses. For some mild illnesses, such as fever and cold or skin trauma, of course, it is still necessary to instruct clearly in front of the patient.

Mr. Wang has never discussed the illness in front of the patient. Even if it is mild, he will first ask the patient for his opinion, and then tell the results of his pulse diagnosis.

He Jincheng admires this point of Wang Lao very much. As far as he knows, Wang Lao has insisted on this point for 35 years.

It is said that when Mr. Wang was young, he was in his 30s. Not long after he left his teaching career, he saw a heart patient. So with the attitude of giving it a try, I came to see Chinese medicine.

It happened that Mr. Wang had been in contact with similar cases, and he was young and energetic, so he accepted the patient resolutely.

After taking the pulse and asking the doctor, Mr. Wang really felt that he could cure the patient, but he didn't dare to say [-]%, so he told the patient that you should be mentally prepared.

As a result, before the patient could listen to Mr. Wang's next words, the heart attack relapsed due to nervousness, and then there was no more. From then on, Mr. Wang never discussed his condition in front of the patient again.

Only He Jincheng who was present knew about this matter, because it was a time when He Jincheng and Mr. Wang solved a very complicated illness together. The two had a long talk that day and talked a lot about each other's personal matters.

Even Assistant Zhang didn't know about it.

When everyone came out of the ward, Cui Hao suggested that Mr. Wang go to the meeting room to discuss the condition.

Elder Wang naturally had no objection, nodded and came with the others to the large conference room of the hospital.

On the hospital side, news of Elder Wang's arrival has long been spread, so many doctors and doctors rushed to the meeting room to see Elder Wang's demeanor.

You must know that it is very rare to be lucky enough to see Mr. Wang for treatment once.

The main reason is that if you can learn a thing or two from Wang Lao's side, it will benefit you for a lifetime.

The large meeting room, which can accommodate more than 30 people at a time, was crowded with more than 40 people, and there were still many people standing outside the corridor at the door.

Seeing so many people, Mr. Wang just shook his head with a wry smile and didn't say much.

After everyone was done, Mr. Wang spoke slowly.

"How does the hospital handle the patient's condition?"

Elder Wang looked at the doctors in the hospital.

"It's like this, forget it, because we haven't figured out why the patient has this disease so far, so in terms of treatment, we just adopted some conservative treatments, mainly sedatives and sedative drugs, to alleviate the suffering of patients."

"In addition, we also conducted a detailed examination of the patient's physical indicators, and found no abnormalities."

The chief physician in charge of Li Fengjiao's case said with a serious expression.

Everyone was silent, feeling a little nervous in their hearts.

What the chief physician said was as if he hadn't said anything. You can think that our hospital has done its best, but we really don't know what disease the patient has. You should see for yourself, Mr. Wang.

Thinking of this, everyone's faces turned slightly red.

In fact, most doctors in the hospital look down on Chinese medicine. Many people think that Chinese medicine can indeed cure diseases, but it can only treat chronic diseases and some relatively mild symptoms.

In fact, for any disease, as long as you come to the hospital for various examinations of Western medicine, you will be able to find out the cause of your disease, and prescribe medicines according to the cause of the disease, so as to solve the disease.

But they finally discovered one thing today, that is, not all diseases can be found out by Western medicine, and not all diseases can be effectively treated or alleviated by Western medicine.

Giving Li Fengjiao tranquilizers and tranquilizers was actually a helpless move.

Because Li Fengjiao is very tired now, she can't lie down, she can only sit and sleep, if you let you do this every day, your waist will probably be broken.

"So you still need to increase your understanding of Chinese medicine."

After listening to the doctor's words, Mr. Wang just said this lightly.

After a while, you must think that since Mr. Wang said so, he must have a certain way, otherwise he would not have said such a thing.

"Forget it, do you have any opinions? We are all juniors and should learn from him."

Cui Hao quickly said with a smile.

As the current dean, in fact, he did not pay too much attention to Chinese medicine during his tenure.

Now the central hospital also has a Chinese medicine department, but there are only two Chinese medicine doctors in the department, and these two are both orthopedic doctors, mainly for bone setting.

So, if Mr. Wang thinks that the hospital doesn't pay much attention to Chinese medicine, doesn't that mean that Cui Hao doesn't pay much attention to Chinese medicine?
(End of this chapter)

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