Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 517 Difference between Chinese and Western, light displacement of 5 internal organs and 6 in

Chapter 517 The difference between Chinese and Western, light displacement of internal organs
Of course, the fact is indeed the case, and Cui Hao has no sophistry.

Elder Wang didn't mean to blame Cui Hao, he just said it casually, hoping that all hospitals can pay more attention to Chinese medicine.

Chinese medicine is indeed lonely now, and it is scattered by the lens of western medicine.

Let’s not talk about how many Chinese medicine doctors there are in regular hospitals now. Most people will give priority to seeing Western medicine as long as there is a Western medicine hospital nearby.

The main reason is that Western medicine prescribes medicines quickly and has quick results, so everyone naturally chooses faster treatment methods.

And Chinese medicine is the impression of a slow doctor in the impression of ordinary people.

In fact, this point of view itself is wrong. Chinese medicine can also cure quick diseases, and the effect may actually be better.

If nothing else, just talk about orthopedics.

Fracture is definitely very uncomfortable for a person. Western medicine usually asks you to take an X-ray first, and then helps you reset it in various ways.

And a skilled gravity orthopedic specialist, as long as he puts his hand on your arm and squeezes it twice, he can probably guess the exact position of your bone misalignment, so there is no need to take a film or the like.

Then the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine can directly reset it for you through manipulation, and the speed can be said to be completely unmatched by western medicine.

Of course, Chinese medicine is slow in treating many diseases. This is undeniable, and there is no way to deny it.

The reason for this is the difference in the treatment concepts of Chinese and Western medicine.

To put it simply, Western medicine mainly focuses on killing viruses. For example, if you have a cold and a fever, Western medicine will let you take the corresponding medicine to kill the virus. In this way, your cold will heal naturally.

On the other hand, Chinese medicine focuses on reconciling the balance of the human body. Chinese medicine believes that when a certain organ of your body is abnormal, then you will get sick.

Correspondingly, if you want to cure the disease, then I need to restore the normal function of the organ in your body that has a problem, that is, readjust to a balanced state, and wait for your body's various skills to be in a balanced state If you are in a good state, then you will recover from your illness naturally.

"Our Chinese medicine pays attention to the balance of the five elements, and the internal organs also correspond to what we call the five elements and the seven emotions and six desires. One thing Western medicine does well is that through various instruments, we can see the most real situation in the human body."

As he said that, Wang Laolao picked up the materials in Li Fengjiao's case, among which were various examination films and the like.

Elder Wang took out an X-ray film, looked at it and pointed to a few positions.

"You who are studying Western medicine must know more about film than I do. Can you see any problems in this patient's X-ray?"

Wang Lao put the X-ray in front of him, and then showed it to everyone.

He Jincheng, who stood at the outermost edge of the crowd, nodded slightly, deeply moved in his heart, Mr. Wang is still the same Mr. Wang, he has never changed, he is really an admirable senior.

At the same time, He Jincheng also knew that Mr. Wang must have seen the essence of the patient's illness, so he had a solution.

Everyone was at a loss. They had studied this X-ray film together for an unknown amount of time, and they didn't even need to look at it to have the corresponding picture in their minds.

"Old Wang, forgive me for being stupid, I really don't see any problems from this."

The psychiatrist named Huang Li said.

"Maybe you don't think there is any problem, but in my opinion, the patient's internal organs have been very slightly shifted. You can see that the stomach is a little cheaper to the left and the heart network is a little cheaper, and his spleen is obvious. Raise it up a little bit."

Elder Wang didn't say much, pointing directly at the pattern on the X-ray film and speaking slowly.

With swollen and stretched necks, looking at the X-ray film, a look of shock gradually appeared in their eyes.

To say that they complimented Mr. Wang so much before, it was entirely for his status and fame.

With so many people present, how many of them have actually seen Mr. Wang's treatment?

But when they found that the viscera on the X-ray film had really shifted slightly as Wang Lao said, they finally realized that this Wang Laowei could still become a great doctor at the national level.

Just relying on this pair of piercing eyes, Mr. Wang is well-deserved of his reputation.

He Jincheng nodded slightly. He saw the same thing. Although he had never seen an X-ray, after feeling the pulse, He Jincheng could already feel the imbalance of the five elements in Li Feng’s family. describe.

Therefore, if He Jincheng is to be asked to treat this disease, He Jincheng must balance the internal organs and restore the internal organs.

If the internal organs can be returned to their original positions smoothly, then the disease does not even need to be treated at all, and it will be cured naturally.

Of course, how to restore the internal organs is a big problem.

"As I said just now, the internal organs correspond to the five elements, the seven emotions and the six desires in our body. Now you can also see that the internal organs are slightly shifted, although in our opinion, the magnitude of the shift is not very big. For a good human body balance system, this has completely disrupted the five elements in the patient's body. This is why the patient can sit but not lie down, walk but not run. If the patient's body is allowed to continue to be out of balance, then the next There are more incomprehensible behaviors, such as sleeping with eyes open, unable to close them, and so on."

Mr. Wang explained to everyone, his tone was flat and full of patience, just like a teacher teaching his students, he shared his experience and understanding without reservation.

He Jincheng on the side couldn't help nodding, Mr. Wang is Mr. Wang, this is an absolutely selfless and dedicated old man, otherwise he would not have been able to tell He Jincheng his most important method of pulse diagnosis.

"Old Wang, what do you mean to say that the five elements in the patient's body are out of balance, and we only need to restore the balance of the five elements?"

Someone couldn't help asking.

Everyone can see that Mr. Wang is an approachable elder who does not hesitate to support the younger generation, so gradually more and more people ask questions, and the questions he asks become bolder and bolder.

Wang Lao still took the trouble to patiently explain his understanding to everyone.

As an expert in the health care team, I have no time to popularize Chinese medicine or teach more Chinese medicine talents.

This is the biggest regret in Mr. Wang's life, so not only did he not rest at this age, but he traveled all over the country for the time being. He also hopes that through his own efforts, people around him, especially medical practitioners, can increase their understanding of Chinese medicine. .

(End of this chapter)

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