Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 519 Good eyesight, feeling of deja vu

Chapter 519 Good eyesight, feeling of deja vu
"Old Wang, why don't I stand here and tell you."

He Jincheng is also a newcomer, and the relationship with the people here is very tense, so he said with a smile immediately.

"Oh, old man, I'm exhausted. My neck tends to get sore when I lift it up for a long time. You'd better sit next to me. Let's have a good discussion on this issue."

However, Mr. Wang patted the table next to him, which was exactly where Qi Donglai was.

At this time, Qi Donglai was extremely embarrassed.

In fact, Xiang Qianjin should have taken my position, but because Qi Donglai took the lead, he sat on Wang Lao's right side, and Dean Cui sat on Wang Lao's left side.

Unexpectedly, Cheng Yaojin, He Jincheng, who came out halfway, won the favor of Wang Lao.

More importantly, Elder Wang just wanted He Jincheng to sit on his right, how much attention must be paid to him.

"I forgot, I'm so sorry, I feel a little sick to my stomach, why don't I go to the toilet first."

No matter how stupid Qi Donglai is, he still understands that now Mr. Wang just wants to let him go, and then give up his position to He Jincheng.

There is a saying that one must have good eyesight. Although Qi Donglai said that he is not as advanced in medicine and management, he is the best at judging people's eyes.

I forgot that it was just such a sentence, in which I immediately stood up and said that I had something to do and gave up the position to He Jincheng logically.

Of course, he also wanted to pretend that he hadn't seen the hint from Wang Lao, so he had to bite the bullet and have been doing things with Wang Lao for several hours.

What can I lose by myself?

This probably requires him to truly step into the society and open a room for people to take medicine before he can realize it.

"Young man, you have a very good idea. Tell me about the scene reproduction method you mentioned. How should you do it?"

Mrs. Wang took He Jincheng a long time to take pictures. He just looked at He Jincheng like this and always felt that this person was somewhat familiar.

"Since Ms. Li's viscera were displaced due to an injury after drinking, we might as well imitate the scene when he was injured at that time, and then let Ms. Li go through that scene again."

He Jincheng said very seriously, in front of Mr. Wang, He Jincheng, a student, had to be serious.

"Then why do you think that repeating the previous scene will definitely restore Ms. Li's internal organs to their original positions?"

Wang Lao continued to study the school, and now he is learning about He Jincheng's technology and related knowledge.

"It's really hard to say, but I think the possibility is more than [-]%. Of course, all this needs the cooperation of Ms. Li. We need to see with our own eyes what caused Ms. Li to feel unwell. At the same time, we You can also understand some root causes and methods of healing from the scene online.”

He Jincheng said calmly, but he didn't directly answer Wang Lao's question.

Hearing what He Jincheng said, Mr. Wang was not unhappy, but instead gave He Jincheng a very encouraging look.

In terms of Wang Lao's level of consultation, the medicine He Jincheng prescribed today is indeed very good.

The effects of the two medicines are actually similar, but the effect of Western medicine is not as fast as that of Chinese medicine.

"Old Wang, I am going to use Bupleurum Decoction to balance the imbalance of the five viscera in the patient's body. What do you think?"

He Jincheng wrote a prescription while talking, which is the most common Xiaochaihu Decoction, in which some changes have been made to individual medicines.

Soon, He Jincheng finished writing to shine, and handed it over to Mr. Wang, asking him to comment on it.

Looking at He Jincheng's prescription, Elder Wang couldn't help nodding his head repeatedly. The more he looked at it, the more he felt that He Jincheng was a young man to be feared.

"I don't know what your name is, young man? I really don't seem to have any impression. I know almost everyone. Even if I haven't seen you for ten years, I can recognize them. But you give me a familiar feeling, But so clear. The whole thing is like a dream."

Elder Wang looked at He Jincheng in a daze.

"Old Wang, what's the matter, just tell me if you have anything to do."

Seeing Teacher Wang's expression was different, He Jincheng asked quickly.

"Young man, your name is He Jincheng, right? Have we met somewhere before?"

After thinking about it, Mr. Wang couldn't help but tell the secret he kept in his heart.

"We haven't seen it before. I saw you on TV before, how you told a story so beautifully, but because of the problems in the program itself, the update of the program was finally stopped. Maybe I can definitely recognize it. It's from Wang Laoni, but my face is so ordinary that I can't be more ordinary, I often think it's normal to see it there."

He Jincheng said quickly.

I can't say that I will be a famous doctor in the future, but because of myocardial infarction, I traveled back to the 80s and started my glorious life again.

If you say this, don't say whether you believe it or not. If someone really believes it, it can only mean that there is really something wrong with that person's brain, and it is a big problem.

"Haven't you seen it? Then why do you always give me a feeling of deja vu?"

Elder Wang still stared at He Jincheng's face as if he wanted to see something unusual from his expression.

"Forget it. Don't worry about who I am. Let's discuss the condition as soon as possible and come up with a feasible plan. How about we describe it slowly after the patient's condition improves? "

He Jincheng said with a wry smile, he was also amazed and shocked in his heart, he really had never met Mr. Wang before, why he always felt a kind of deja vu to him.

Could it be that because of my rebirth, the trajectory of this world's history has undergone slight changes.

Maybe I really met Mr. Wang once a long time ago.

To be honest, seeing the way Mr. Wang looked at him, even He Niansheng doubted himself a little.

But the most important thing right now is Li Fengjiao's condition.

The scene reappearance method proposed by He Jincheng is actually not a treatment method of traditional Chinese medicine in the strict sense.

However, this is also one of the great advantages of Chinese medicine, that is, being good at using various things around you, so as to create the most beneficial side for yourself, and then solve the problem.

Not only Chinese medicine practitioners, but even Chinese people themselves prioritize their own interests before helping others.

He Jincheng doesn't make much sense about this. After all, in this era, the development of materials and production materials is so scarce, it is already very good to be able to do this.

(End of this chapter)

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