Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 520 The scene reappears, Mr. Wang's deliberate maintenance

Chapter 520 The scene reappears, Mr. Wang's deliberate maintenance
"Haha, well, maybe I'm thinking too much, so please tell me, young man, how do you describe this scene?"

Elder Wang laughed, and also felt that he seemed to be thinking too much, so he waved his hand for He Jincheng to continue talking.

"We are sometimes injured or sick, but we are unconscious, and most of them get sick unconsciously. For example, Ms. Li Fengjiao, because she drank some wine and then fell, she didn't feel it at first. What's the matter, after returning home, the current situation appeared! If this is the case, then we might as well let the patient repeat the last experience again, maybe something will happen!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

Everyone was at a loss when they heard it. What kind of cure is this? The patient's body is already very weak, and he still makes people torment these things. This kid won't have any grudge against Vice President Xiang, right? of?

Old Wang frowned slightly, but he didn't say anything, as if he was thinking about something.

"Old Wang, my method may not be able to cure Ms. Li Fengjiao's illness, but I don't think it will make her condition worse! Try it, it doesn't seem to be a problem!"

He Jincheng looked at Mr. Wang and whispered.

Hearing this, Elder Wang's brows relaxed.

He Jincheng's method, he has seen similar cases in the book, but this kind of disease is very special, and this method is also special, and it is useless in general cases.

However, as He Jincheng said, giving it a try will not do any harm to the patient, even if there is only a 1% possibility, the consequences can be tolerated by everyone, so of course we should try it.

"Okay, just follow your method, young man, your idea is very special, why don't you introduce yourself?"

Wang Lao was very interested in He Jincheng, looked at him and asked with a smile.

"He Jincheng, a native of Nandu, has also studied Chinese medicine for several years. I have heard for a long time that Mr. Wang is a rare Xinglin master in our country. Today, seeing him today really deserves his reputation!"

He Jincheng bowed his hands to Wang Lao and said very respectfully.

What he said was not intended to be flattering at all.

Mr. Wang can't fault him no matter in terms of medical skills or medical ethics.

Just like Li Fengjiao's disease, with Wang Lao's medical skills, it can definitely be cured, but the treatment method may be different from what He Jincheng proposes now.

But don't forget that He Jincheng also studied with Mr. Wang for half a year in his last life, and then visited all famous doctors, and finally integrated the medical skills and experience of all famous doctors, and achieved the recognized number one in the world at that time miracle doctor.

Therefore, the current He Jincheng is discussing his condition with Mr. Wang as the number one genius doctor in the world. His current medical skills are far beyond what Mr. Wang can match.

If it was in the past, I might not even be able to open my mouth, and I have no idea what these people are discussing.

Now that Mr. Wang had spoken, those who were still thinking of refuting He Jincheng swallowed their words one by one.

Yes, this kid knows that Mr. Wang is a good talker, so he made an inch of it.

Forget it, let's see what tricks you kid can come up with today, and when your methods don't work later, let's see how we drown you with saliva.

"Since Dr. He said what kind of scene reproduction method is used, then everyone should not be stunned, and prepare quickly. By the way, Dean Xiang, the patient is your mother. When your aunt got sick at that time, what exactly happened? What's the matter, you still need to confirm with Auntie, we are all outsiders after all, Auntie may not be able to tell us!"

Qi Donglai said with a smile, but he deliberately used a little careful thought to clarify the relationship between Xiang Jinjin and Li Fengjiao. If Mr. Wang is a person who pays attention to rules, when he hears that the patient is the vice president Mother will definitely be very angry, and even leave in anger.

If so, bad luck for that advance!

It's a pity that after hearing Qi Donglai's words, Mr. Wang didn't express at all, but continued to discuss the illness with He Jincheng, which made Qi Donglai use all his strength to hit the cotton ball, which was very painful. aggrieved.

This old man Wang is really confused, he has no temper at all!
Qi Donglai cursed secretly in his heart.

Xiang Qianjin broke into a cold sweat quietly, and at the same time, he respected Mr. Wang even more in his heart.

With Wang Lao's identity and status, what kind of big shots and what kind of scenes have he not experienced?
For Mr. Wang, a small scene like today is nothing more than a child's play. As for Qi Donglai's little thoughtfulness, Mr. Wang has long seen it clearly.

It’s just that Mr. Wang has long been indifferent to these things. You young people are fighting for power and profit, so you can fight for it yourself. I just want to do something meaningful when I’m old. These fame and benefits are nothing to Mr. Wang. Like floating clouds.

He Jincheng shook his head secretly in his heart, Qi Donglai's structure is too small, such a small-minded person, if he is really allowed to become the president, I am afraid that Chaoyang Central Hospital will be disturbed by him.

"Brother He, then you are here to discuss the illness with Mr. Wang, and I will ask my mother to see if there is anything missing."

Xiang Qianjin knew that this time, he had to rely on He Jincheng no matter what, because Mr. Wang's attitude towards He Jincheng was obviously different from others.

To say that He Jincheng knew Mr. Wang, Xiang Qianjin felt that it was impossible.

But Mr. Wang looked at He Jincheng with a clear sense of relief, because people in the medical field are naturally right, and they are very accurate in judging people.

Mr. Wang seems to want to study He Jincheng on purpose. As for why he wants to test a strange young junior, what else should I say?If he passed Elder Wang's assessment, Director Wang would very likely propose the idea of ​​accepting apprentices.

Being able to become an apprentice of a master of traditional Chinese medicine, just such a title is enough to ensure that you will have no worries about food and clothing, prosperity and wealth in this life.

This time the forward vision was indeed accurate, and Mr. Wang did have this plan in mind now, but he hadn't reached that level yet. He really needed to see how He Jincheng would treat Li Fengjiao's disease next.

After taking Li Fengjiao's pulse, Mr. Wang actually had a treatment method, but his method was chronic, and it took about three days for the patient's condition to improve.

"Xiao He, how long will it take for your method to be effective?"

Wang Lao looked at He Jincheng with a smile and asked.

(End of this chapter)

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