Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 525 Therapeutic Concept, Dr. He's Small Classroom

Chapter 525 Therapeutic Concept, Dr. He's Small Classroom
There was no other way, He Jincheng could only continue to explain to everyone.

"Here, Ms. Li Fengjiao is overjoyed, and his heart will gradually return to normal. Think about it, did Ms. Li Fengqiang ever laugh after falling down? He has always been immersed in a very sad mood. That's why, when a person is depressed and in a bad mood, it is very difficult to treat. But when he is optimistic and proactive, he will be more likely to overcome the disease."

"After Ms. Li Fengjiang was happy, her heart became normal, so her blood supply will slowly adjust itself. At this time, we intervene in eating and drinking, and use it as an auxiliary tool to speed up the adjustment of blood in Ms. Li Fengjiao's body."

"Ms. Li Fengjiang is not a good drinker. After drinking two glasses, she started to think wildly and recalled the past. Especially when he saw the picture of his husband who had passed away for many years, he felt sad. So his lungs The department quickly entered the adjustment state."

"Before, Ms. Li Fengxiang could sit but not lie down, walk but not run, otherwise she would have shortness of breath, and there was even the possibility of suffocation, because the lungs were oppressed and could not flow smoothly. After this, let Ms. Li Fengjiang lie down If so, the previous situation will not happen again.”

"Of course, there is the last step, which is to let Ms. Li Fengjiao walk back and forth in the stairwell a few times. This is to use a slight physical intervention method to help Ms. Li Fengjiao restore the position of other five internal organs in her body through slight up and down vibrations. This is my main idea and method of treating Ms. Li Fengjiao's disease."

After finishing speaking, He Jincheng felt a little thirsty. He sat down and picked up the water glass to take a sip of water, but found that there was nothing in the glass.

A doctor closest to He Jincheng saw this scene, ran over quickly, and picked up He Jincheng's cup.

"Doctor He, please speak slowly, I will fetch water for you."

While talking, the doctor took He Jincheng's water cup and ran towards the tea room.

"Doctor He, I understand a little bit what you said just now, but why did you bring in some voices, such as sighing and screaming, what does this have to do with healing?"

A doctor of traditional Chinese medicine raised a question.

The doctor of traditional Chinese medicine is named Liu Guangcai.

His medical skills are mainly family traditions.

In Chaoyang City, he is quite well-known, but Liu Guangcai's medical skills are so far away that he has not reached the level of his family's true inheritance.

After hearing He Jincheng's remarks today, I just felt my eyes were wide open, as if I saw a different sky.

Originally, he only wanted to make a living in Chinese medicine, but now this idea has changed.

It was because Liu Guang discovered that Chinese medicine is really profound and interesting, and it is worth spending time on research and study.

"In our traditional Chinese medicine, sound can also be used to treat diseases. In fact, Western medicine also has some research in this area, but the research methods of Western medicine determine that their research in this area will definitely not be particularly fast. On the contrary, our Chinese medicine is in the Trials in this area have been started a long time ago.”

"Let me tell you one of the most typical cases of sound healing that almost everyone knows. That is, hiccups can also be called hiccups in Chinese medicine. Hiccups are because the qi goes up but not down, so we will not Stop hiccups. Sometimes hiccups last for ten, twenty or ten minutes, but sometimes they last for several hours, or even a few days. Although this is a small problem, it seriously affects our life. "

"To treat hiccups, I believe that everyone in fights knows a way, and that is to scare them. This is also related to what we said about the kidneys governing panic and panic. When you are startled, the gas will go down. If you are particularly scared , and may even lead to incontinence, that's what it means to fuck off."

"At this time, the eldest brother is going up because of the qi, and after you are taken aback, the qi will go down. If the two cancel each other out, it will naturally return to normal."

He Jincheng said with a smile, explaining this matter very thoroughly, and it is easier for people to understand.

Liu Guangcai nodded, and kept taking notes in his hands, especially when he was writing with special seriousness when the internal organs corresponded to the seven emotions and six desires.

"I wonder if you have heard of Zhu Youke?"

He Jincheng looked at it and asked everyone.

A small number of people nodded to indicate that they had heard of it, but most of them still shook their heads, indicating that they had not heard of it.

"For those who have heard of it, they must have studied Chinese medicine before. It doesn't matter for those who haven't heard of it, because the development of Zhuyou Branch is not going well, and it can even be said to have almost disappeared."

He Jincheng said with a wry smile.

"This Zhu Youke was actually a very good or miraculous school of Chinese medicine in the past. Their treatment methods actually have very reasonable explanations in many aspects. Although it seems ridiculous to us, it is indeed possible Heal people. For example, in the past, Zhu Yuke would use some messy things to give people IQ, and then kept shouting some spells, and outsiders couldn’t understand them at all. But if you really understand Zhu Yuke’s words, you will I found that these incantations are actually just a few paragraphs composed of a fixed arrangement. Any difference in tone, usage, and order of use will affect the performance of Zhu Youshu."

"It's a pity, because Zhu Youke's content is very complicated. When treating a person, many patients will often ask what's going on, but Zhu Youke's explanation is not very clear, so it is said that gradually it is passed on. For the sake of superstition and feudalism, and after a period of severe crackdowns, there are only a few experts who have been researched by Zhu Youke."

He Jincheng really felt very sorry for Zhu Youke's almost demise.

Helpless, He Jincheng doesn't know much about Zhu Youshu, but he doesn't only doubt and dislike Zhu Youshu like others.

He Jincheng felt that maybe this was a chance.

If possible, I can also get to know and be familiar with Zhu Youshu through this meeting, some real Zhu Youshu experts, that is still very remarkable.

"Doctor He, I've heard of Zhu Youshu, but can it really cure diseases just by reciting mantras? I really can't understand it!"

A doctor of Chinese medicine asked, looking at her, she looks like a very diligent and studious student!
(End of this chapter)

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