Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 526 Sound cures diseases, I wish you the magical place

Chapter 526 Sound cures diseases, I wish you the magical place
"Zhu Youshu actually doesn't mean that only mantras are used to cure diseases. I read in a book that there is no doctor or hospital in a remote mountain village. There is only one who is called a half-immortal by the villagers. People who can be regarded as doctors in their village!"

He Jincheng talked about the records in a medical book that he had seen by accident.

It is recorded in that medical book that there is a Chinese medicine doctor named Jia Renheng who wanted to learn Chinese medicine. In order to accumulate his own experience and increase his experience, he traveled all over the country with a bamboo basket on his back.

He was in a mountain area in the southwestern region and heard that there was an old Chinese doctor in the mountain who was good at using Zhu Youshu to treat diseases. He was very happy, so he went into the mountain overnight to find the doctor.

It was very late at that time, and the Chinese medicine doctor happened to be treating a patient who seemed to be scratched by a wild animal.

Jia Renheng immediately sat aside and watched the old Chinese doctor treat patients seriously.

I saw that the old Chinese doctor sprinkled a little powder on the wound of the wounded, and then ignited two flames in front of the wounded, and then the old Chinese doctor put his hands together and put on a very strange posture.

All I could hear was the old Chinese doctor chanting words, his voice changed from small to loud, and gradually the whole room was filled with the voice of the old Chinese doctor.

The voice sounded incomprehensible, which made people feel that what they heard was in the fog, and they didn't understand what it meant at all.

It lasted like this for about three to five minutes. Suddenly, the old Chinese doctor gave a full cry, which startled everyone present, including Jia Renheng.

Then everyone was surprised to find that the injured patient's leg had some scars on the wound, and almost no blood was left, which can be regarded as a successful hemostasis.

Everyone present naturally regarded the old Chinese medicine doctor as a fairy, while Jia Renheng was more of a thinker. What kind of Chinese medicine method did the old Chinese doctor use to heal the blood of the patient.

In the end, the injured left a little money after being thankful and grateful, and then left ecstatically.

After everyone left, Jia Renheng went forward and told the old Chinese doctor his intention of coming.

"Old man, I see that your Zhuyou technique is superb. I don't know if you can pass that spell to me."

Jia Renheng really couldn't figure out why he could stop the bleeding by reciting a spell.

So Jia Renheng really wanted to get this spell.

If the bleeding could be stopped just by chanting a mantra for a few minutes, it would definitely be extremely helpful in future medical activities.

When the old Chinese doctor heard that Jia Renheng wanted his own spell, he immediately waved his hand and refused.

Fortunately, Jia Renheng was not a pedantic person. He still had some money at home, so he was right. Traditional Chinese medicine understood it with emotion, moved it with reason, and lured it with profit. In the end, the old Chinese doctor finally moved his mind.

"I just want to tell you because you are not from our local area. But after you know this spell, you must not spread it to the outside world, otherwise it will smash my signboard and may even cause a lot of conflicts." .”

Before the old Chinese doctor uttered that incantation, he repeatedly instructed Jia Renheng.

Of course, Jia Renheng nodded repeatedly and patted his chest in reassurance.

Immediately after confirming that there was no one else around, the old Chinese doctor finally told Jia Renheng the secret of that spell.

After listening to the old Chinese doctor's secret, Jia Renheng's face was full of dumbfounding expressions.

He felt a little dazed, what did he hear just now?Is it really a spell?Isn't this respected old god really kidding himself?

It turned out that the incantation that Jia Renheng heard was just a nursery rhyme from other places.

This nursery rhyme is not well known locally, but it is still widely circulated in other provinces.

In addition, the old Chinese doctor deliberately sang this nursery rhyme in a tone that he didn't even know what it meant, so what everyone listened to was a monk in the fog, confused and confused.

Jia Renhe also accepted this old Chinese doctor, and he used such a fooling nursery rhyme as a spell to heal people. Isn't this a joke?

But what puzzled Jia Renheng was that the patient's leg wound was indeed showing a tendency to heal, and the bleeding also stopped at the same time.

You say that the spells of the old Chinese doctor are very absurd, or you say that the old Chinese doctor is cheating, bluffing and deceiving.

But the results he had achieved were real in front of him. He indeed stopped the bleeding and saved his life.

How can this be explained?
Jia Renheng has been thinking about this matter since he went back, but he couldn't figure it out.

Later, he couldn't help but tell a good friend of his, and replaced the name of the old Chinese doctor, as well as the name of the place where the mountain village is located. This is not a breach of his promise to the old Chinese doctor.

Jia Renheng's friend is also a doctor, and he studies Chinese medicine with a higher level than Jia Renheng.

It just so happened that Jia Renheng's friend had recently read about the healing method of sound.

So the two of them seem to have got the voice and the direction of healing.

Then from then on, the parents began to study what kind of effects various sounds have on the human body?
Finally, after one or two years, Jia Renheng finally understood the secret in that nursery rhyme.

It turns out that the tone and rhythm of this nursery rhyme are particularly in line with the rhythm of the human body.

And the old Chinese doctor modified and adjusted the nursery rhyme to a certain extent, modifying and replacing these tones and words.

Ever since, such a nursery rhyme for healing appeared.

Combined with some hemostatic powder made from local materials by old Chinese medicine practitioners, after singing a song, the effect of hemostasis and blood coagulation is immediate.

At the same time, this song selects different passages to sing, and it has some great or small curative effects on other diseases.

The most obvious of these is irregular menstruation in women.

When menstruation comes, some women will experience various reactions in the body, such as back pain, weakness in legs, and some severe stomach pains, which are even severe enough to be hospitalized.

Jia Renheng personally tested it. If a girl suffering from menstrual irregularity is sung to a certain passage of this nursery rhyme, the bad symptoms before the next menstruation will be significantly relieved.

After personally verifying the results, Jia Renheng finally believed in the voice, and it could also cure diseases.

This is actually the biggest feature of Zhu Youshu.

What they are actually chanting is not a mantra, but the study of sound healing is too thorough, and ordinary people can't understand it at all.

(End of this chapter)

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