Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 538 We Are Born Different, Everyone Makes Different Choices

Chapter 538 We Are Born Different, Everyone Makes Different Choices

The problem of the original family, from ancient times to the present and even into the future, is unchangeable.

The biggest problem is that the distribution of social resources is uneven, and the gap between the rich and the poor is getting wider and wider.

There is a saying that you can't imagine the world of the rich.

This sentence may be a kind of ridicule on weekdays, but if you taste it seriously, you can really feel the helplessness of reality from it.

Children from rich families have better care from birth, better educational resources, better choices of hobbies, and the same level of friends they make on weekdays. The clothes they wear and the houses they live in are all children of poor families. unbelievable.

The children of poor families have lived a hard life since they were young, believing that knowledge can change their destiny, and their goal is to get rid of poverty and become rich.

When one day, a child from a rich family and a child from a poor family went to the same university and were assigned to the same dormitory, the gap between the two became more obvious.

The hobbies of children from rich families may be playing the piano, painting, photography, etc., while the hobbies of children from poor families are mostly reading and singing, because these basically cost nothing.

Ye Qingmeng's family has only been rich in the past two years, so he is not really a child of a rich family.

Wang Juan is the kind of child from a wealthy family who was pampered like a princess since she was a child.

Fortunately, Wang Juan, although she sometimes has a bit of a temper, never looked down on anyone. She was willing to make friends with everyone, and even fought with gangsters for friends.

This is all off topic, let’s get down to business.

Wang Juan actually didn't want to go back to her hometown, because that's where she came from, and if she went back, she would be trapped there again.

But not going back?Wang Juan will feel very guilty again.

Because when I was admitted to university, in order to collect travel expenses for myself, the villagers really collected every penny, and those who had no money took eggs and duck eggs. It can be said that I entrusted the hope of the whole village to come to Nandu. University.

Going home to teach and educate people, and giving back to her hometown, this is everyone's expectation for Liu Yan.

But after seeing the outside world, Liu Yan also felt a little shaken about going back.

"Liu Yan, I think you have to go back, and if you go back, you can do better!"

He Jincheng seldom makes decisions for others, but this time he directly gave his own advice.

"First of all, you were able to get out of the mountains and come to Nandu to go to school, largely thanks to the help of the villagers. If you don't go back, it will be ungrateful, and I believe you will feel guilty for the rest of your life!"

Liu Yan lowered her head in shame, apparently approving He Jincheng's words.

"Second, actually going back to your hometown is not as bad as you imagined. You go back to be a teacher, and what you bring back is not only your knowledge, but also what you have seen and heard outside. The outside world is brought back, and everyone is encouraged to come out.”

"Third, our economy is developing rapidly, and the country has always been working hard to get rid of poverty and become rich. As for me, I can be regarded as a big or small businessman. If you go back, I can also donate some resources to the past. At least, building a school is no problem!"

He Jincheng said one by one, and when he came to the third point, Liu Yan raised his head abruptly. Although the expression on his face was still very stiff, it could be seen that her agile eyes were shining with excitement.

"Brother He, is what you said true?"

Liu Yan said excitedly.

As a college student who came out of the valley, Liu Yan knows how important education is to her hometown.

She is hesitant to go back. The biggest problem is that the educational resources are too scarce. Even if she goes back, it will only be a drop in the bucket.

But if He Jincheng can really donate a school, it will definitely be a big deal for his hometown.

Liu Yan's home is in the southern mountains of Nanjiang Province. There are more than a dozen villages in a radius of more than ten miles, with more than a thousand people, but there is only one elementary school and no middle school.

Many children have to walk ten miles every day, over mountains and mountains to go to school.

But after finishing elementary school, if you want to go to middle school, you need to go out of the mountains, and the tuition fees are also very high. People in the mountains don’t have this ability at all, so many people think that even if they have good grades, they will stop going to school after finishing elementary school. .

Liu Yan is because her father used to go out to work and saw the good things outside, so he has always fully supported Liu Yan's study. No matter what others say, he made up his mind that as long as Liu Yan can pass the exam, he will pay for her to go to college.

It can be said that Liu Yan is unfortunate because she was born poor.

It can also be said that Liu Yan is lucky because she has a very enlightened father.

"Of course, there is no pressure for me to be a school. I am very interested in your place. How about it? When I have time in the next year, I will take someone there to inspect it. If possible, we can Go to the school first and build a hospital!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

This was not on his whim, but had been planned for a long time.

Originally, he didn't mean to donate schools and hospitals in Liu Yan's hometown. His main goal was to go to the southern mountain range, find and cultivate some medicinal materials, and facilitate future research.

As for the donation, firstly, it is sincere, and secondly, it can happen to be carried out together with the collection, sorting and cultivation of medicinal materials.

"Okay, that's really great, Brother He, if you really build schools and hospitals in our place, the whole village will regard you as a great benefactor!"

Liu Yan was so excited that tears almost came out.

Ye Qingmeng quickly hugged Liu Yan, and patted her on the back to comfort her.

"Dayan, don't get excited. You also know that our family is not short of this little money. For us, it is really just a matter of little effort. Besides, we are good sisters, so we are not willing to do such a good thing?"


Liu Yan nodded vigorously, in addition to being grateful, she was also moved.

"Oh, it's the first time I feel that a capitalist is so good. It's a school hospital or something. It's so rich!"

Wang Juan said with a smile on the side, and then hugged Ye Qingmeng's shoulder.

"Qingmeng, how about this, after I graduate, you recruit me to your company, how about I be your assistant?"

"That can't be done. We have such a good relationship, and there are completely differences of opinion at work. I'm afraid it will hurt our feelings! Juan'er, your family has its own factory, so you should inherit the family business!"

Ye Qingmeng refused without hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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