Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 539 Helping out, the company's employment problem

Chapter 539 Helping out, the company's employment problem
"Ah, Qingmeng, how could you treat me like this? You know, our small factory is just a small workshop compared to yours! Brother He, can I ask you a question? Why is your factory, It's so big!"

Wang Juan said pitifully.

He Jincheng smiled faintly. Although this Wang Juan seemed to be joking, she was actually inquiring about the He Group.

But it's okay, He Jincheng also knows the clothing factory in Nandu very well. The factory of Wang Juan's family has been losing money for several years in a row. If it continues like this, it will close down soon.

As a daughter, Wang Juan, how could she not be worried?

"In fact, the most important thing is to have your own superior products. Your factory seems to be called Dalong Garment Factory. It used to be a state-owned factory, but it was bought by your father Wang Dalong. In the past, this factory was mainly for tooling. As a result, In the past two years, the number of orders has been decreasing, and the business has been worsening day by day! If you continue to work, you can save a little money, if you close the store directly, you will really lose all your money!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

As soon as Wang Juan heard it, she knew that He Jincheng probably knew more about her factory than herself.

"Oh, it's like this. Our family's wealth is about to be lost. Brother He, your business is so successful, why don't you give us a trick!"

Wang Juan looked at He Jincheng with some expectation.

"It's not impossible. Our factory happens to have a batch of workwear-style clothes to make. We can place an order for your father's factory, but this involves our business secrets, so we may need to sign some agreements!"

He Jincheng thought about it, and felt that it was not impossible.

But the company is not owned by himself, and he can't be so irresponsible and just hand over the design drawings to Dalong Garment Factory. The story of the farmer and the snake is not uncommon!

"Oh, brother He, you are so kind, Qingmeng, where did you find your husband? Introduce one to me too!"

Wang Juan had a carefree personality, and shouted while hugging Ye Qingmeng's arm, which attracted the attention of many people around. After realizing this, Wang Juan shrank her head in embarrassment.

"As long as you look for it with your heart, of course you can find it!"

Ye Qingmeng knocked Wang Juan on the head and said with a smile.

Several people ate and chatted, and the happy night passed like this.

When it was almost ten o'clock, He Jincheng first sent Wang Juan and Liu Yan back, and then brought Ye Qingmeng back home. As for Liu Yan's medicine, he could only give it to Liu Yan tomorrow.

The Chinese New Year will be in a few days, and as usual, we still have to buy all kinds of New Year's goods.

With Zhou Qingyuan's arrangement on the company's side, He Jincheng is more at ease, so he doesn't have to worry about anything.

In the past few days, apart from going back to the company occasionally to see the finishing work, He Jincheng just played with the children.

Xiaoyu has basically adapted to the life here now, and she can get along well with Tingting, Erbao can walk, but if she wants to play with Xiaoyu and Tingting, I'm afraid I have to wait for two years.

The health of the old people is still good recently.

Especially Ye Shanhe and Guo Lan, both recovered from their illnesses. Under He Jincheng's special treatment and conditioning, their bodies recovered very well, basically no different from normal people.

As for He Qingsong and Li Huixin, the health of the two elders has never been a problem. The four elders live together, with a nanny to look after them, and children to play with them. Life is enjoyable.

The eldest brother and sister-in-law are mainly at the No. [-] factory. Basically, all the affairs of the factory are handed over to He Jinshan. When the time is right, He Jincheng will also arrange a position for He Jinshan on the group side, and hand over the power to him little by little. He Jinshan.

A stable family is a good thing for anyone.

He Jincheng needs to do a lot of things now, and being able to have the current family status is absolutely the most perfect.

It was another New Year full of New Year's flavor, and it was spent happily amidst the laughter and laughter of everyone.

After the Lantern Festival, all departments and factories of the He Group started to go to work.

In the new year and new weather, He Jincheng personally waited for the employees at the gate of the company and distributed red envelopes for everyone to start work.

Each factory and store also has corresponding arrangements.

After distributing the red envelopes, He Jincheng called Zhou Qingyuan and Du Fei to the office, his face a little unhappy.

Both Zhou Qingyuan and Du Fei were a little nervous. Generally speaking, if He Jincheng showed such an expression, it meant that he had discovered some problems in the company, and they must be responsible.

"Have you noticed that we have fewer employees?"

He Jincheng said in a deep voice.

"He Dong, it should be normal for someone to resign after this year, and I don't think there has been much change."

Zhou Qingyuan said cautiously.

He had received some resignation letters, but they were not many, and the company still had plans to recruit new people after the year, so he didn't take it seriously.

"You didn't look at our company's situation. The salary we offer now is basically [-] times that of the same industry, plus year-end bonuses, special bonuses, etc., even twice that of the same industry. All kinds of benefits are not missing, the work intensity is not too high, overtime and overtime pay, such a generous salary, why would someone resign?"

He Jincheng was really puzzled.

Logically speaking, this kind of salary will be the welfare of big factories in the future, and it is everyone's dream. What's more, in the 80s, most people's thinking was just to find a stable job.

"Yeah, Mr. He, it's a bit strange for you to say that. I'll ask someone to find out what's going on later."

Zhou Qingyuan was not stupid either. He Jincheng immediately saw the problem when he said that.

Now who wants to work in the He Group without breaking their heads, there are still so many people resigning. It would be strange if there is no problem here, especially because the company's staff building will be built soon. There are quite a few people who can get a house.

"Well, I'll leave this matter to you, play it by ear, just let me know when it's done!"

He Jincheng nodded and said.

He only needs to give orders, and someone will naturally do it well. If he does everything himself, won't he be exhausted?

I sat here for a day at the company, met with the heads of various departments, and set the plans and goals for the new year. In the evening, He Jincheng had dinner with everyone, and Ye Qingmeng also participated in tonight's event. During the banquet, everyone also knew that Director He's wife is about to graduate, and she will definitely be working at the group when the time comes. Director He is greeting everyone in advance.

(End of this chapter)

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