Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 540 Sitting in a medical clinic, convulsive pulse warming leg soup

Chapter 540 Sitting in a doctor's office, spasmodic Baimai warming leg soup
On the second day, He Jincheng did not go to the company, but came to Xinsheng Medical Center.

On the side of the medical center, there are still many people who come to see the doctor every day. With Xue Zhengxin sitting in the hospital, there is basically no problem in terms of medical treatment.

To say that Xue Zhengxin was able to come to Xinsheng Medical Center for consultation, he really felt a little wronged.

At first, He Jincheng hired him at a high price, but with Dr. Xue's medical skills, this salary is really not that attractive.

What really attracted Xue Zhengxin to come was He Jincheng's medical skills.

Xue Zhengxin wanted to sit in the clinic with He Jincheng, so that he could learn something by the way, so as to improve his medical skills.

As a result, at the beginning He Jincheng could come to see the doctor every now and then for half a day, but now he didn't come once a month, which made Xue Zhengxin extremely depressed.

As soon as he saw He Jincheng coming today, Xue Zhengxin simply stood up and let He Jincheng come. He wanted to be a hands-off shopkeeper for a day, sitting next to He Jincheng, just watching him treat patients.

"Old Xue, I'm your boss, why do you think you are my boss?"

He Jincheng said with a wry smile.

"Hehe, why is this, you know it well, I stayed at home for three days during the Chinese New Year, and came here before I passed the third year of junior high school, so why can't I rest?"

Xue Zhengxin knew his boss' temper, so he spoke very casually.

"Okay, okay, I have treated you badly, so I will attend the clinic for you today. It just so happens that I have also suffered from hand addiction, so please don't see me. I am the only one today!"

He Jincheng shook his hand, looking like he was doing something big.

"Hey, Dr. He is going to hold up a piece of sky today. Everyone stop and move a stool to sit next to me. Today we have to learn how Dr. He treats people!"

Xue Zhengxin immediately wanted to see He Jincheng's jokes.

There are at least a hundred patients in the medical center every day. The three of us receive consultations at the same time. Although we can finish the treatment, it is often in the evening.

He Jincheng is so brazen, he only wants to deal with patients for a day. It seems that this little boss hasn't come to the clinic for a long time, and he doesn't even know how the clinic is doing every day. Otherwise, he would not dare to boast like this Haikou.

"Okay, I'm going to pour water!"

The other two doctors also came over with great interest, smiling and ready to watch He Jincheng's joke, and someone even ran to get a teapot and poured Xue Zhengxin a cup of tea.

These two doctors are both younger, and they are both Xue Zhengxin's apprentices. Although their medical skills are not as good as Xue Zhengxin's, they can definitely be independent. Although they have seen He Jincheng treat people before, the number of times is relatively small. With such a big support, they inevitably have the mentality of wanting to see He Jincheng's jokes.

Naturally, He Jincheng would not think so much. With his medical skills, let alone 100 people, even if there were another [-], he would be able to see them all before leaving get off work, unless they were all intractable diseases.

"Okay, let's start then, I also want to see how many people I can see the fastest!"

He Jincheng rolled up his sleeves and began to call out.

Because there are a lot of people seeing a doctor in Xinxin Medical Center every day, we have to start to set up rules similar to registration. Everyone who wants to see a doctor needs to get a number for free, and then wait for the doctor to call the number before going to see a doctor.

He Jincheng came early today, and the numbers outside have just been issued, which happened to start from the 1st.

"Number 1!"

He Jincheng yelled, and with the help of the staff, an old man walked over tremblingly and sat in front of He Jincheng.

The old man looked at He Jincheng, then at the three doctors sitting behind him, his face was full of doubts.

"Which doctor of yours will treat me?"

the old man asked suspiciously.

"Grandpa, this is the founder of our clinic and the doctor with the best medical skills in our clinic. He will treat you today!"

Xue Zhengxin said with a smile.

Seeing what Xue Zhengxin said, the old man couldn't help but look at He Jincheng again.

"Old man, don't worry, if what I said is wrong, you can ask Dr. Xue to show you again, we won't make fun of your illness!"

He Jincheng said with a smile, after not coming to the clinic for a long time, many patients don't know him anymore. Seeing how young he is, it's normal for them to murmur to some extent.

"That's it, okay, what's the name?"

The old man thought about it, the reputation of the Xinsheng Medical Center is here, so he can't smash his own signboard.

"My name is He Jincheng. I used to be here for consultation. You can just call me Xiao He. Please give me your hand. I'll take your pulse first. What's wrong with you recently?"

He Jincheng said with a smile, asking while feeling his pulse.

"I, in fact, my bones are not bad, but my legs are always uncomfortable, I always want to move, otherwise it will be very painful, but I am old, and I will get tired after walking a few more steps, so this walking I’m trembling all the time, and I’m exhausted every day, don’t you think it’s strange!”

The old man said with a wry smile.

He couldn't help but kept walking, He Jincheng knew what was going on when he heard the symptoms and combined with the results of the pulse diagnosis.

According to the words of Chinese medicine, this is spasm.

"General Discussion on Distinguishing Convulsive Diseases of Febrile Diseases" also said: "Convulsions are called rigidity. Later generations call opisthotonos, which is also called convulsions in ancient times. Lacturnal patients are called wriggling and shrinking, and later generations call it twitching." , Convulsions, what the ancients called twitching."

In the language of Western medicine, restless legs syndrome is a sensory and motor disorder of the nervous system that mainly affects the legs. It sounds like a mouthful.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that convulsions are caused by deficiency of the liver and kidney. If you want to cure them, you need to supplement liver and kidney qi.

Baimai Wenleg Decoction is the best treatment prescription. It mainly contains medicinal materials such as huainiu lacquer, astragalus, angelica, chuanduan, papaya, chicken blood Teng, cassia twig, parasitic, white peony root, keel, and roasted licorice. The function of liver, nourishing blood and moistening tendons makes the kidney essence sufficient, the liver blood flourishes, the muscles and bones are nourished, the spirit is able to do something, and the brain and nerve functions are restored.

"Grandpa, your problem is not serious. I will give you a few injections, and then I will prescribe a prescription. You take the medicine once a day and drink it for three days in a row. It will definitely improve. You can stop the medicine after another three days. After that, you can stop the medicine after going to bed at night. Remember to soak your feet in hot water and develop this good habit to ensure that you will not relapse in the future!"

He Jincheng quickly came to a conclusion. When the old man heard what He Jincheng said so relaxed, he was overjoyed. He cooperated very well and let He Jincheng have acupuncture last night. As expected, his legs felt much more comfortable.

It took only 5 minutes for the old man to prescribe the medicine with the prescription. Patient No. 1 was read by He Jincheng. The speed was not bad. Xue Zhengxin and the others looked at each other, and they all saw surprise in each other's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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