Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 541 Chapter 559 Unfinished, emergency arterial hemorrhage

Chapter 541 Chapter 559 Unfinished, emergency arterial hemorrhage
Of course, they also knew about convulsions, but they didn't think of this kind of illness so quickly.

It is conceivable that He Jincheng's accurate judgment of diseases and skillful use of prescriptions are far superior to them!

At the beginning, the three of them were more or less holding the mentality of watching a joke, but now they restrained themselves a little. They sat or stood behind He Jincheng with serious faces, watching He Jincheng treat patients seriously.

And once He Jincheng got into the state, he also became forgetful. After seeing the first patient, he immediately started calling the next one.

The second patient was a middle-aged woman who felt uncomfortable in her abdomen. After He Jincheng checked the pulse, he diagnosed that the woman had an imbalance of Qi and blood, and prescribed a prescription for nourishing Qi and blood.

The third patient was a child with strabismus. He Jincheng used acupuncture to help him adjust his nerves and slightly adjusted the position of his pupils. However, it will take several more acupuncture treatments to completely heal. He Jincheng asked people to remember the patient If you come back next time, you can directly ask him to deal with it.


So, under the dumbfoundedness of Xue Zhengxin and the others, He Jincheng finished reading sixty numbers in just two hours in the morning, and it was only eleven o'clock at this time.

"Doctor He, aren't you a little too fast, you've read ten of the afternoon's issue!"

Xue Zhengxin couldn't help but said.

Generally, there are 120 numbers in the Xinsheng Medical Center a day, and if there are really many patients, it will be increased to [-], which is enough for Xue Zhengxin and the three to get off work and even work overtime.

"Ah, it's gone? I just came to the state, what, look at the patients outside, if there is still an afternoon number, you can come and see first!"

He Jincheng rubbed his hands together and said.

"Um, Doctor He, don't you want to take a break?"

Xue Zhengxin said in astonishment.

"What are you doing resting? I'm in a state of health now, let's watch the [-]th number again!"

He Jincheng laughed.

So, once everyone was stunned, He Jincheng read another [-] numbers in an hour, and it happened to be twelve o'clock at noon.

"Come on, I'm treating guests today, let's all go to the restaurant next door for dinner!"

After seeing [-] patients in one go, He Jincheng not only didn't feel tired, but felt energetic and in a good mood.

There are still some patients in the hall of the medical hall, but it is impossible for the doctor not to eat, so at noon, the medical hall will provide the patients with lunch boxes, and some patients with serious illnesses will be asked to lie on the hospital bed and wait.

Generally speaking, the medical center will rest for half an hour at noon, including eating and so on.

Today, because He Jincheng was in the clinic, the speed of seeing a doctor was extremely fast, so everyone took a longer rest.

After eating, Xue Zhengxin took advantage of this time to ask He Jincheng several questions. He Jincheng naturally did not hide his secrets. They have all come here, and if they really encounter some difficult and miscellaneous diseases, Xue Zhengxin can also take care of them alone.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, He Jincheng continued to sit in the clinic, and at around three o'clock in the afternoon, he had read all the appointments made today. Not only He Jincheng, but even Xue Zhengxin felt that they still had something to say.

He Jincheng was not enough to see a doctor, but Xue Zhengxin and the others were mesmerized by watching He Jincheng's smooth diagnosis process, just like watching the production process of a work of art. At the same time, they learned a lot.

Today's patients, except for the old man at the beginning, are not very complicated. This is the main reason why He Jincheng's speed is so fast today.

Seeing that there was still time, He Jincheng chatted with Xue Zhengxin and the others to answer some of their doubts.

Xue Zhengxin has put down his figure a long time ago, the one who has the best is the first, and only by humbly asking for advice can he help improve his medical skills!
Just as everyone was chatting, there was a sudden cry for help from outside the medical hall.

"Doctor, doctor, help!"

There was urgency in the voice, He Jincheng and the others hurriedly got up and walked out, and saw a man carrying a person on his back, coming to the medical center, his face was full of anxiety.

What was shocking was that the face of the person carrying it was as pale as paper at the moment, blood was continuously flowing down his clothes, and in the blink of an eye, the ground was covered with blood.

"Hurry up, carry the person to the hospital bed and prepare the gauze!"

He Jincheng said immediately, waking up the three of Xue Zhengxin who were in a daze.

Xue Zhengxin has been a doctor for more than 30 years, and it is not uncommon for him to see such a situation. However, such massive bleeding is usually sent directly to the hospital for blood transfusion or rescue. He rarely comes to a Chinese medicine center, and Xue Zhengxin has never treated massive bleeding before. Patient, so seeing such a scene suddenly, I was a little dazed for a while.

He Jincheng was used to this kind of situation for a long time, so he didn't panic at all, and commanded the first aid very calmly.

"Doctor He, no, this man is bleeding profusely. Even if the bleeding stops, he will faint due to excessive blood loss, or even..."

Xue Zhengxin's complexion was very ugly, and so were the others.

He Jincheng used acupuncture to stop the bleeding, and then bandaged it with gauze, which temporarily stopped the bleeding. However, the injured had lost too much blood before. If the blood was not transfused in time, it is very likely that he will become apathetic, Coma or even death is not only very dangerous, but also very urgent.

Looking at the situation of the wounded, if the blood transfusion cannot be performed within 10 minutes, it may be very dangerous.

"Doctor, hurry up and give my brother a blood transfusion, you can't just leave him alone!"

The person who brought the wounded over said anxiously.

The two are brothers, and they work part-time at a nearby construction site. Today, my brother accidentally fell off the scaffolding, but he didn't get hurt. However, the wire on top cut the main artery in his leg, and he was bleeding profusely.

The younger brother was terrified and didn't know any first aid measures, so he hurried over with his elder brother on his back.

Although the journey was not long, only three to five minutes, the bumpy journey and the lack of first aid treatment for the wound caused the injured to lose too much blood.

"We are a Chinese medicine center here. Which Chinese medicine center have you seen give people blood transfusions?"

Xue Zhengxin shook his head and said, "Call the ambulance quickly!"

However, there was one thing that Xue Zhengxin didn't say, that is, the nearest Western Hospital, it would take about 15 minutes for an ambulance to arrive. If it took such a long time, the injured would probably die.

"Ah, is it too late? I'll call right away!"

The younger brother really panicked and didn't know what to do.

"No need, Lao Xue, licorice, Paojiang and Wuhuo are fried quickly, hurry up!"

He Jincheng said suddenly.

Xue Zhengxin was startled for a moment, but then he realized that he quickly grabbed the medicine and ran to decoct it.

(End of this chapter)

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