Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 542 Chapter 560 Stop the bleeding quickly, the favor of the Xiao brothers

Chapter 542 Chapter 560 Stop the bleeding quickly, the favor of the Xiao brothers
"Doctor, then what am I going to do, you must save my brother!"

The younger brother was about to cry, his face was full of despair.

"It's okay, don't worry too much. Fortunately, you delivered it in time. If it's 2 minutes late, I don't know what to say!"

He Jincheng comforted with a smile, and at the same time kept massaging the injured.

"You guys come too, massage the wounded man according to my method, don't let his body cool down, understand?"

Looking at the two doctors who were still in a daze, He Jincheng frowned and shouted.

These two are still not good enough. Compared with their master Xue Zhengxin, they are far behind.

Only then did the two of them seem to wake up, and hurried to the wounded, and massaged the patient according to He Jincheng's method.

Five minutes later, Xue Zhengxin brought over with soup and medicine.

"I have cooled down, and now the temperature is moderate, you can drink it!"

Xue Zhengxin knew that He Jincheng had to give the wounded medicine as soon as possible, so after decocting the medicine, he immediately cooled the temperature with ice cubes.

"Well, give it to the wounded!"

He Jincheng nodded.

After feeding the patient and taking the bowl of decoction, He Jincheng continued to massage the injured. After about 3 minutes, He Jincheng stopped and signaled the other two to stop as well.

"Well, the body temperature of the wounded has stabilized and shows signs of rising. Go get a quilt and push it with external force. As long as the body temperature returns to normal, the blood loss will be resolved!"

He Jincheng ordered.

After covering the wounded with a quilt, He Jincheng was slightly relieved. It seemed that the wounded's life was saved.

"Doctor, my brother..."

The injured man's younger brother looked at He Jincheng nervously.

"It's okay, the bleeding has stopped, and it shouldn't be life-threatening, but after people wake up, they should go back and recuperate for a few days to avoid too much physical labor!"

He Jincheng gave the injured brother a reassuring look.

Only then did the injured man's younger brother heaved a sigh of relief, as long as he is fine!
"Thank you doctor, see how much money you need, I will give it to you!"

While talking, the injured brother took out money from his pocket, which seemed to be only a few dollars in bits and pieces.

"It's five cents in total, and the medicines used are not expensive! Everyone works on the same street, so I don't charge labor costs."

He Jincheng laughed.

Not charging, it will make the patients feel embarrassed, and it will also break the rules of the hospital. If it is charged normally, even five yuan is not an exaggeration in such an emergency situation, but obviously the two brothers are not paying enough. Therefore, He Jincheng simply charged five cents symbolically, which is good for both parties.

"Five points? Could it be too little!"

A look of joy flashed in the eyes of the injured brother, but he also seemed to know that He Jincheng was charging less money on purpose, and his heart was full of gratitude.

"Doctor He, I only have so much money on me, why don't I give it all to you!"

As he said that, he wanted to hand over all the odds and ends in his hand to He Jincheng.

"It's really unnecessary. Five cents is enough for our medicinal materials. This time your brother is bleeding heavily, and he will definitely need to be recuperated for a few days before he can fully recover. If you don't want to go to the hospital, you can also buy some supplements yourself, otherwise you can use it If you don’t use enough strength, the sky will spin and you won’t be able to work at all, so you should keep the money for yourself!”

He Jincheng waved his hand.

After hesitating for a moment, the injured brother bowed deeply to He Jincheng, with tears flickering in his eyes.

"Doctor He, my name is Xiao Xiaohu, and my elder brother's name is Xiao Dalong. We work at the construction site next door. If you need it, just tell us. Our brothers have no other skills, but we still have a lot of strength!"

Today He Jincheng saved Xiao Dalong's life for only five cents. They must never forget this kindness.

"It's easy to say, it's our doctor's bounden duty to save lives and heal the wounded!"

He Jincheng nodded with a smile.

After a while, Xiao Dalong's complexion looked much better. After He Jincheng checked the situation, he asked someone to prepare brown sugar water.

As a result, less than 2 minutes after the brown sugar water was ready, Xiao Dalong woke up with a cough.

"Brother, you're awake, that's great, you really scared me to death!"

Xiao Xiaohu shouted in surprise, tears streaming down his face.

The parents of the two brothers died early, and it was their grandfather who brought them up. Xiao Dalong was five years older than Xiao Xiaohu. None of them went to school.

Later, Xiao Dalong brought Xiao Xiaohu to work on the construction site to make money, but he didn't expect this accident to happen within a few days.

"Xiaohu, brother is fine, don't worry!"

Xiao Dalong was still a little weak, after all, he bled so much all at once, it couldn't be recovered with just a dose of decoction.

"Come on, drink some brown sugar water!"

He Jincheng handed the brown sugar water to Xiao Xiaohu and asked him to feed it.

Xiao Xiaohu looked at He Jincheng gratefully, and then quickly fed Xiao Dalong with water.

"Brother, this is Dr. He from Xinsheng Medical Center, he is the one who saved you today!"

After feeding Xiao Dalong the brown sugar water, Xiao Xiaohu briefly explained to Xiao Dalong the treatment process of He Jincheng today.

Knowing that if it wasn't for He Jincheng, his life might be in danger today, Xiao Dalong was also afraid for a while, so he immediately got up and kowtowed to He Jincheng to thank him.

He Jincheng hastily held down Xiao Dalong.

"Okay, okay, we are in a new era, don't come here, don't need to thank you, Xiaohu has already paid the consultation fee!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

Knowing that He Jincheng is kind-hearted, the two of them have nothing to do except to be grateful in their hearts. They just think that they will repay He Jincheng well if they have the opportunity in the future.

After resting in the medical hall for about two hours, Xiao Dalong has recovered a lot of energy, at least he can get out of bed and walk, but he must have a good recuperation these two days. If you work, it may be counterproductive. If there is another accident, it will be bad.

He Jincheng also instructed in every possible way, and the two brothers of the Xiao family nodded in agreement, and then left the hospital with the help of them. As for whether Xiao Dalong would follow He Jincheng's doctor's orders, then I don't know.

Watching the two leave, He Jincheng sighed, no matter what age, poor people are afraid of seeing a doctor.

Turning around and sitting back, Xue Zhengxin and his two apprentices came over. Xue Zhengxin was fine, but his two apprentices looked at He Jincheng eagerly, obviously wanting He Jincheng to tell them about the pathology.

Xue Zhengxin knew He Jincheng's treatment method, but he also wanted to hear He Jincheng's own opinion. This young boss can often give people a feeling of enlightenment!
(End of this chapter)

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