Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 545 Old Xue Dayi, Divide Stocks to Two Apprentices

Chapter 545 Old Xue Dayi, Divide Stocks to Two Apprentices
Xue Zhengxin opened his mouth, then shook his head with a wry smile.

"Boss He..."

"Old Xue, no matter what you say, you are also my senior, and now you are also the boss, so don't call me the boss. From now on, you can call me Dr. He, or Xiao He!"

He Jincheng waved his hand and said.

"Then I'll call you Doctor He!"

Xue Zhengxin laughed.

"Well, I like being called Doctor!"

He Jincheng nodded.

"Doctor He, since you've talked about this, my old Xue is not a person who doesn't know how to praise you, but I don't want to take advantage of you alone. How about this? My [-]% [-]% of the shares, and the remaining [-]%, just distribute it to my two incompetent apprentices!"

Xue Zhengxin laughed.

He Jincheng was very surprised. He didn't expect Xue Zhengxin to be so generous that he was willing to give half of the shares to his apprentice.

Xue Zhengxin's two apprentices are named Qin Shun and Chen Dong.

Because Xue Zhengxin is a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine and is well-known in the local area, Qin Shun and Chen Dong have followed Xue Zhengxin to learn Chinese medicine since they were young. They have never been to school, and they even learned to read and write from Xue Zhengxin.

We have a lot of industries, and the rule for accepting apprentices is that you have to study with a teacher for three years, and you have to work for the master for free for three years. After you become a teacher independently, you have to avoid doing business when you see the master.

Of course, the profession of Chinese medicine is very different from other crafts, because it is not something that you can really become a teacher after three years of study and become a master on your own.

For example, a person started learning Chinese medicine at the age of three, and by the time he was 20, he had studied Chinese medicine for 18 years.

In the past 18 years, this person's medical skills have been getting better and better, so when he is 20 years old, can he really be alone?

The answer must be no.

Because of his age limit, most people will not recognize his medical skills.

For example, how Jincheng, even if he said that he was going to treat someone, many people would be confused if they didn't know him, and they didn't want to believe that He Jincheng was really a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine.

When He Jincheng first started seeing patients today, didn't some patients question him?
So, even if you have a little success in medical skills, you still have to accumulate experience with the master, and it is best to be able to participate in the treatment of patients under the guidance of the master.

In this way, it will not only increase the apprentice's experience in Chinese medicine, but also gradually increase the background and reputation of the apprentice in the process of treating diseases.

In this way, with the accumulation of time, the apprentice's medical skills have gradually been recognized by the patients, so that when he sees a doctor independently in the future, he will not be questioned so much.

Generally speaking, a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine should be around 30 years old when he can really go to see a doctor independently.

Both Qin Shun and Chen Dong are in their early 30s this year. Although they have begun to see patients independently, they are still far behind Xue Zhengxin in terms of medical skills.

As for the comparison with He Jincheng, it is even more like heaven and earth.

The two are also the kind of people who know how to repay their kindness. Although they can also receive medical treatment independently, they have always followed Xue Zhengxin's side.

Xue Zhengxin earns more than 2000 a month, and they only earn two to three hundred a month.

Although it is said that the salary is much higher than that of ordinary people, according to their qualifications and experience, they can actually open a medical clinic by themselves or work as a deputy director in a Chinese medicine hospital.

Xue Zhengxin knew that his two apprentices had filial piety, but he also came to Xinsheng Medical Center to pursue higher medical skills.

Although the two apprentices didn't say it in their hearts, after all, the income gap was in front of them.

Doctors are human beings, and they need to eat, drink, have fun, and even support their families.

And these, of course, all cost money.

I have been unable to make money, and I am afraid that no matter how good the relationship is, it will be consumed sooner or later.

So after Xue Zhengxin decided to accept He Jincheng's 20.00% shares, he thought about giving [-]% to Qin Shun and Chen Dong's two apprentices.

One person owns 5.00% of the shares. In this case, there is at least a small income of [-] a year.

The two of them didn't expect to have their own affairs. They were taken aback for a moment, and then they were ecstatic, but after the ecstasy, there were wry smiles on their faces.

"Master, Dr. He gave you this share. How can we take it? Although our salary is not high, it is enough for our daily use. You don't have to worry about us."

Hearing a wry smile, although they said they wanted this part in their hearts, they couldn't do it.

Dr. He directly took out 20.00% of the shares. After one year, at least he could have an income of [-] to [-] yuan. This is definitely not a small income for Xue Zhengxin.

If Xue Zhengxin paid half directly, it would be equivalent to a loss of more than 2 yuan in income.

If it was one or two hundred, Qin Shun and the two of them would agree directly, after all, it wasn't a lot.

But if there was an extra [-] to [-], they didn't dare to ask for it.

"What are you talking about? You have been with me for so long, and you have served my teacher for many years. I have noticed all the filial piety you have done to me over the years. Now Master, I am a little bit small. Small achievements, of course, can't treat you badly."

Qu Zhengxin said disapprovingly that money was no longer that important to him, and the main reason why he stayed in the new business management was to learn more medical skills from the amazing doctor He Jincheng.

"Master, we really don't need us..."

Qin Shun and Chen Dong wanted to say something again, but they were interrupted by Xue Zhengxin raising his hand.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, I'm sure, if you don't want it, then I don't want the 20.00% shares. Doctor He, look at this matter..."

Xue Zhengxin looked at He Jincheng and asked with a smile.

Although he said that he would give [-]% of the shares to his apprentices, these medical clinics were still owned by He Jincheng after all.

So he still needs to get He Jincheng's consent.

"No problem, since I gave away 20.00%, then this 20.00% is yours, Lao Xuan. As for how to use or distribute it, it all depends on your own ideas."

He Jincheng was naturally happy to see such friendship between Xue Zhengxin and his master and apprentice.

With such a person in the medical center, I can rest assured, at least I don't have to worry about someone making trouble.

The three doctors in one hospital are all shareholders of the medical center, so of course everyone will try their best to do things, whoever steals and cheats is irresponsible to themselves. When the business of the medical center is not good, it will affect themselves income.

(End of this chapter)

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