Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 546 Staying alone in an empty room, illness is not necessarily a bad thing

Chapter 546 Staying alone in an empty room, illness is not necessarily a bad thing
"Then let's make a deal like this. Your salaries will still be paid at the moment. For the shares, dividends will be distributed at the end of the year. I think you all have some understanding of the annual income of our medical center."

He Jincheng did not say that too many companies are really small money in front of the shares.

Especially for Qin Shun and Chen Dong, with this 5.00% stake, their annual income may be more than tenfold.

For He Jincheng, the 20.00% stake is really just a drop in the bucket.

Now the He Group is getting bigger and bigger, and this year's profit is even approaching hundreds of millions of yuan.

Although the company has been making great investment and construction, such as the drug research and development center in Lianhua Village, the first-level office building of the Staff Building.

These three projects all cost money, but He Jincheng is not worried at all.

Relying on the [-] million profit of the He Group this year, those banks and loan companies will probably come over and beg me to give them loans.

So He Jincheng doesn't have to worry about the interruption of the capital chain at all now, and the cash flow is not enough.

What he needs to do most now is to continue to develop the group's profitable business while advancing the drug research and development project.

According to He Jincheng's idea, the main task of the group's money-making business is to make money to obtain more profits, and then turn it around and invest in drug research and development.

The drug development cycle of traditional Chinese medicine may be shorter than the required development cycle of a new drug.

However, it also requires a lot of financial support.

Of course, in order to verify the efficacy of the medicine, it is also necessary to do various experiments one by one.

If it was placed in ancient times, it would naturally not be necessary, but now everything needs a certification.

If the traditional Chinese medicine you have developed has not passed various national certifications, it is equivalent to selling fake medicines, and the consequences are needless to say.

After leaving the hospital, He Jincheng returned home.

Ye Qingmeng has just started the new semester, and there are many things to do, so he has been living at the school during this time.

So, poor He Jincheng can only stay in the empty room at night.

But a good family has a lot of people, so it is quite lively.

The second treasure, He Mengen, is one year older, and now he can run all over the place, but he still can't explain clearly.

Generally, newborns can walk in nine months or ten months if they are fast, and they can walk in about a year if they are a little slower, and they can walk in two years if they are slower. It may be that there is something wrong with the child's body. , which requires parents to pay attention to do some checks as soon as possible.

As a senior Chinese medicine practitioner, He Jincheng, of course, has personally participated in the training of children from birth.

When the child is too young, he needs to drink milk. At this stage, Su Jincheng did not participate. After all, breast milk is the best nutrition for children.

But when the child starts to take complementary food, the key leader begins to intervene in person.

He would often propose to cook a certain dish or supplementary food based on Erbao's various physical changes.

Under He Jincheng's constant attention, Er Bao only had a fever once when he was so old, and when he had a fever, He Jincheng did not immediately intervene in treatment, but told his family members to let him have a fever.

Everyone didn't understand at first, thinking that He Jincheng was joking with the child's life.

After He Jincheng explained, everyone gathered firewood and understood what He Jincheng wanted to do.

There is an old saying that too much is too late, and there is another old saying that too much steel is easy to break.

It means to say that something would be better if it remained that way all the time.

Just like the second treasure, he has been healthy since he was a child, and he neither has a fever nor a cold.

In fact, this is not a healthy phenomenon.

No matter from the perspective of Western medicine or Chinese medicine, if a person is really free from illness and disaster since childhood, it is simply incredible.

Whether it's a cold or a fever, it's actually your body fighting against foreign viruses.

The two sides kept coming and going, both wanting to kill each other.

Our defense system wants to drive out foreign viruses, or even kill them.

And those foreign viruses want to occupy our body's territory and at the same time destroy our body's immune system.

It is impossible for a person to have no problems forever. Even the most perfect and powerful person cannot fail to win all his life.

A common cold and fever is equivalent to a military exercise. When you really face the virus in the future, your body's defense system will be even stronger after adjustment.

Of course, a child with a fever cannot be left alone so easily.

He Jincheng dared to do this because he was watching from inside.

And as a person who wants to quickly cool down, there are many ways to do it. Acupuncture and moxibustion alone have many ways to cool down the human body.

The whole process of Erbao's fever lasted for about seven days. On the first day, the high fever persisted. He Jincheng just adopted some normal physical cooling methods to help the child relieve the pain.

Then the next day, when I was the second treasure, I almost retreated. Although I was still a little weak, there was basically no problem overall.

Since Xiaobao had a fever once, his body seems to have become healthier, and his walking has become faster and more stable. At the same time, he has begun to call some more common names or titles.

Like parents, grandparents, uncles and aunts, brothers and sisters, younger brothers and sisters and so on.

Although Er Bao didn't yell so clearly, it was obviously much clearer than before he had a fever.

In the evening, He Jincheng played chess with Ye Shanhe and He Qingsong.

Ye Shanhe was fine, he had seen He Jincheng's lawsuit a long time ago, so he didn't intend to fight He Jincheng at all, so he let He Qingsong come first.

He Jingsui thought he knew what his son's skill level was, but in the end, he was disconnected and was pushed flat within ten rounds.

This move surprised He Jincheng. In his impression, his second son seemed to have never learned how to play chess.

Don't look at the clear borders of Chu River and Han on this chessboard, soldiers and officers have different colors and skin colors.

But in the small expectation, there are extremely vigorous military secrets.

What He Qingsong killed for He Jincheng did not leave a piece of armor behind, and he couldn't keep his face.

In the end, in the end, he threw down the chess pieces in anger, stood up and went back to sleep.

"Hahaha, Jincheng, you really need to change your style of playing chess. Don't be so aggressive. That's your father, who is so relentless."

Ye Shanhe knew this would happen a long time ago.

Compared with He Qingsong, I seem to have won a small round in total. In the end, both Qingsong and He Jincheng were killed by He Jincheng, so what are you talking about? Let's chat, we will talk about chess.

(End of this chapter)

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