Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 550 Doctor-patient relationship, are you He Jincheng?

Chapter 550 Doctor-patient relationship, are you He Jincheng?

"What's the matter with the patient's friends? Could it be that you are friends and you can treat him casually?"

The doctor said with a sneer.

"If you are really that good, why do you still have to go to the hospital to see a doctor? It's better to go home and have an operation."

This sentence is a bit too much.

Leaving aside the hospital, it is actually a service industry. Healing the sick and saving the sick is the purpose and bounden duty of all doctors.

Let's not talk about free life-saving and the like.

But it is a big problem to say why you still need to come to the hospital to see a doctor.

First of all, the person who said this kind of thing put himself on a higher level, and for him, these patients are all inferior to him, and he needs to ask himself to see a doctor.

A doctor who treats patients with this mentality is not worthy of the word doctor at all.

In fact, doctors and patients are always a pair, contradictory and interdependent.

If there is no disease in the world, then naturally there will be no medicine in the world.

If there is no doctor in the world, then who should the sick patients turn to for treatment?

Physicians support themselves by getting paid to treat patients.

It is understandable to collect money for medical treatment.

After all, if you can't even support yourself, what strength is there to save others?
So both sides are interdependent and interdependent.

Neither aspect will work.

It is a pity that because of the scarcity of medical resources, there are always more doctors than patients now.

Therefore, the profession of doctor has become a very familiar but very rare profession in our daily life.

To become a qualified doctor of Western medicine, you first need to go to school and graduate, then practice and rotate for a few years before you can truly receive medical treatment independently.

Some doctors can be regarded as very young doctors if they can independently receive consultations at the age of 28.

But like this bed doctor, he looks like he is in his thirties this year, but he is still just a bed doctor. Obviously, this person is not very good in his daily life, otherwise, how could he still be here? ?
Hearing someone dare to refute my bed doctor, the nose is not the nose, and the eyes are not the eyes.

"What kind of friends are you all? In our hospital, you have to abide by the rules of our hospital. If you don't want to stay, you can leave the hospital."

The doctor in charge of the bed said very displeased.

Hearing that several people in the room here have some books and want to beat people up.

What is this boy saying?

He Jincheng also didn't take it seriously at the beginning, but he was a little embarrassed, and now he is very unhappy.

If all doctors are as arrogant and domineering as he is, can a hospital still be a hospital?

You come to the hospital to see a doctor to solve the pain, not to endure your temper.

In He Jincheng's past life and in this life, he has seen many people, no matter what state the other party is in, be it angry or sad, He Jincheng treats them equally and wants to help as much as possible.

"You are Doctor Wu, right? If I'm not wrong, Doctor Wu is just an ordinary doctor now. Although you need to manage the situation of several wards, with your qualifications, it seems that you haven't made any mandatory decisions for patients. Make the decision to leave the hospital!"

He Jincheng's temper is much better now, otherwise, according to his previous personality, he would have gone up to let this kid know what a fist with the size of a sandbag is.

"What do you mean? I'm a doctor and I'm not qualified. Are you still qualified?"

Doctor in charge of the bed, Doctor Wu's face is extremely ugly, and he is determined to sing with you. I heard that this kid is completely disrespectful to himself. I really think that I can't deal with you, kid.

"I didn't say that you are not qualified, I just said that Doctor Guancheng has no real management power. I don't think it's better than this. If you really want to solve the problem thoroughly, then accept our friend's plan."

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Fart. I think you are here to make trouble. I limit you to leave the hospital within 3 minutes, otherwise I will let the security guard come over."

Dr. Wu was very annoyed, the matter of being blocked, the suffering man said, it may be because his English level has gradually improved, but his Chinese level has plummeted.

No matter who they are, they still hope that China's traditional culture can be passed on forever.

"What's the matter with calling the security guard? Is someone making trouble? Even the security guard is going to be alarmed."

At this time, I suddenly encountered an old voice, coming from the door.

This kind of people are slightly startled, and they don't know who is coming, but Doctor Wu's sharp eyes and hands are about to see the person, and he immediately withdrew a bright smile on his face, and walked towards the old man. He walked over, and at the same time stretched out his hands, resolutely and eagerly.

"Old man, why did you always come here?"

The bed doctor has been working in the hospital for more than ten years, and he is quite familiar with the design leaders of various systems in the hospital.

But it is still so many people together, I am afraid it is not as good as the old saying.

"Recently, I have nothing to do here. Naturally, I need to travel around the mountains and rivers. I wonder if anyone is willing to play with me."

Gu Gu smiled and said to everyone.

As a result, everyone looked at me and I looked at you and didn't agree immediately because they were very hesitant, although the ancient demonstration just now proved that the glass bottle is still relatively friendly.

"Hey, is your name He Jincheng?"

Gu Gu ignored Dr. Wu who was walking towards him with a smile, but looked at the helplessness on He Jincheng's face.

"Senior knows me too?"

He Jincheng was a little surprised, because in his impression, he didn't seem to have any intersection with Gu Gu.

Perhaps he was indeed here at the time.

But He Jincheng was sure that he had absolutely nothing to do with this ancient man, and he didn't know how he knew him.

"Good old, old know me?"

He Jincheng quickly stood up and greeted the old man. Although he said he didn't know the old man, since the other party could call him by his name, it meant that he must have some relationship with him.

That being the case, it is also a traditional virtue to respect the elders.

Doctor Wu was stunned, what's the situation, a person of Gu's status actually knows this ignorant kid?Moreover, judging from Gu Gu's attitude, it seems that he still takes the initiative to make friends!

On the other hand, the boy on the opposite side seems to not know the old look at all!

At this moment, Doctor Wu only felt a chill run from his heels to his forehead.

It's over, I kicked the iron board today!

(End of this chapter)

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