Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 551 Ancient love, let's consult together

Chapter 551 Ancient love, let's consult together
"Hahaha, I know you, but you may not know me. As for the two of us, there is actually a bit of fate, or it can be said that there is no fate!"

Gu Gu laughed and said, He Jincheng was confused by what he said.

There is no fate, it is more about between couples, Gu Gu put it between himself and He Jincheng, this is really just another joke.

"Old, I'm so sorry, I don't know what you mean!"

He Jincheng smiled wryly and cupped his hands towards Gu Gu.

Ancient, named Gu Xinyu, is a well-known master of traditional Chinese medicine in the province. Although he was not included in the list of imperial doctors, He Jincheng also knew that his level of medical books was definitely higher than that of imperial doctors.

Gu Xinyu should be around [-] this year. Unlike other traditional Chinese medicine doctors, he is not only proficient in Chinese medicine, but also has a lot of research in Western medicine. He is even good at surgery, especially liver resection. It takes no more than a handful of powerful surgeons.

It can be said that Gu Xinyu is definitely a master of centralized medicine and Western medicine, and he is considered a rare power in the domestic Chinese medicine field.

If I remember correctly, the fairy Agu Xinyu is also the president of the Provincial Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the vice president of the Medical Association, and an expert consultant for the Provincial Health Care Group. To give him some face, suddenly appearing in this small Nandu Hospital is undoubtedly shocking.

What was even more shocking was that Gu Xinyu called out He Jincheng's name as soon as he opened his mouth, which made everyone present, including the experts and leaders who followed Gu Xinyu, stunned, and couldn't help but stare at him. To He Jincheng.

Where the hell is this He Jincheng?To be able to make the ancients pay so much attention.

Could it be the old juniors?

That's not right, if it's the relatives and juniors of Gu Gu, there's no need for Gu Gu to have such an attitude.

The old attitude now is more like seeing a friend than a junior.

Or is this He Jincheng the apprentice of a certain Chinese medical expert?
Seems somewhat possible, but also doesn't seem likely.

With the level of ancient medical skills, his status and status in the country will definitely not embarrass any capable person in traditional Chinese medicine, even if he does not give anyone face, no one dares to do anything to him.

This made everyone confused, even if He Jincheng himself couldn't figure it out, why Gu Gu was so polite to him.

"Some time ago, I met Lao Liutou, drank some tea, and heard Lao Liutou mentioned you. I heard that Doctor He Jincheng not only has superb medical skills, but also has good writing skills. I happened to be here today. Let’s inspect the hospital here, and I heard the names of He Jincheng when passing by the ward.”

Gu Gu said with a smile, when it comes to this point, there is actually no need to continue explaining.

Everyone also understood that it turned out that Gu Gu heard He Jincheng's name from other people's mouths, and He Jincheng came over to say hello when he met by accident.

However, everyone's minds began to become active again.

Who is the old man Liu in the ancient mouth?People who can be friends with Gu Gu are definitely not simple characters.

After thinking about it, everyone didn't come up with a reason, so they didn't think too much about it. Anyway, He Jincheng must have a strong background, otherwise Gu Gu would definitely not have such an attitude.

"So it's Mr. Liu."

He Jincheng said with a wry smile.

He Jincheng had been ill for Mr. Liu before. Although he didn't have much contact with Mr. Liu on weekdays, he had a close relationship with Mr. Liu's son Liu Lisheng, whom He Jincheng called Uncle Liu.

He Jincheng's business has developed so well in the past few years, in fact, it is largely due to Liu Lisheng's help.

So I am very grateful to Liu Jia and He Jincheng.

Now it seems that Mr. Liu's ability to mention his name in front of Gu Gu is obviously helping him increase his reputation.

You must know that if a junior can get the appreciation of the ancients, the future for him will naturally be bright.

But now Gu Gu is giving He Jincheng face in this way in front of so many people. Among other things, if He Jincheng wants to work at Nandu People's Hospital, it is only a matter of one word.

"Don't dare to do it, don't dare to do it. Complete medical skills are just borrowed from the predecessors. As for calligraphy, it is even more scribbled and can't be put on the table."

He Jincheng waved his hands again and again, and said dumbfounded.

"Whether the medical skills are good or not is not up to you. As for the level of calligraphy, you can't fake it. How about it, Doctor He, let's take a look for the patient, and how about we discuss calligraphy afterwards?"

Gu Gu said with a smile, his tone was very easy-going, giving people an approachable feeling.

Everyone's seniors have said so, if He Jincheng still refuses, it will be shameless.

"Then please give Gu Gu a lot of advice. It's a junior's honor to be able to discuss the illness with Gu Gu."

He Jincheng smiled sincerely.

In fact, He Jincheng also respected Guxinyu.

In his last life, he did not have a teacher of Baigu Xinyu, but he also attended two of his lectures.

In those two lectures, Gu Xinyu gave speeches on the theme of combining Chinese and Western medicine, which benefited He Jincheng a lot, and inspired him to study Western medicine again.

It was also after the two lectures on Guxinyu that He Jincheng began to study attraction, so that he laid a solid foundation for becoming a master of Chinese and Greek in the future.

It can be said that although Guxinyu was not He Jincheng's master, it has largely influenced the direction of He Jincheng's subsequent medical research.

If it weren't for Gu Xinyu's paintings, He Jincheng might only be an expert in traditional Chinese medicine, but not a genius doctor who takes both Chinese and Western medicine into consideration.

So, although Gu Xinyu is not He Jincheng's teacher, He Jincheng's respect for him is definitely not weaker than that of any teacher.

"Okay, okay, I know your medical skills are definitely not inferior to mine, let's discuss the condition openly and honestly, and say what you have, and don't hide it."

Gu Xinyu said with a smile.

He Jincheng quickly asked Gu Xinyu to sit down.

He talked about his postoperative recovery to the patient.

Gu Xinyu personally checked the pulse and came to a similar conclusion.

Now the doctors in the hospital didn't dare to talk nonsense, especially Dr. Wu, who was in charge of the bed, was as quiet as a cicada.

Everyone recognized He Jincheng's medical skills in ancient times, and he just reprimanded He Jincheng fiercely.

If He Jincheng has a small belly, as long as his mouth is so crooked in front of Gu Gu, his future in this life may come to an end.

(End of this chapter)

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