Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 552 There is nothing more to add, the ancient invitation to He Jincheng

Chapter 552 There is nothing more to add, the ancient invitation to He Jincheng
But fortunately, He Jincheng didn't seem to have any intention of speaking ill of him, and he didn't even intend to look him in the eye.

Doctor Wu gave a sigh of relief in his heart, thinking that it might be that He Jincheng saw Mr. Wu, so he was so excited that he forgot what he had offended him just now.

Okay, forget it, so I don't have to worry about it.

Of course, He Jincheng did not forget Dr. Wu.

But he is not the kind of person with a small belly.

Although there is a big problem with Dr. Wu's attitude, it is actually right for him to do so.

Today it was the doctor He Jincheng who diagnosed the patient. From the perspective of He Jincheng's side, it was no big deal. Moreover, if He Jincheng's medical skills were used to diagnose patients, it would be overkill.

But not everyone knows that your medical skills are very good.

Especially here in the hospital, if anyone can see a patient, it would be a mess.

Maybe the doctor at the hospital in the morning made some plans for the patient and arranged some medicines for the patient to take.

As a result, the patient's family members invited another doctor in the afternoon, and continued to treat the patient without telling the hospital.

Regardless of whether it is traditional Chinese medicine or western medicine, it is absolutely not beneficial to the patients if they act recklessly.

So in the hospital, we must resolutely prevent outsiders from treating patients at will.

If you want to invite someone else to treat your illness, you must get the consent of the hospital, or you will go through the discharge procedures and leave the hospital to find someone, otherwise, if anything happens, the hospital needs to take responsibility of.

Out of this consideration, He Jincheng did not make things difficult for Dr. Wu.

But after today's incident, Dr. Wu will definitely restrain himself a lot in his work in the future.

If it can make a doctor think more about patients, it would be considered a good deed.

The worker's leg injury was not a major problem, and the operation went very smoothly. He Jincheng and Gu Gu worked out a postoperative plan.

He Jincheng still focuses on traditional Chinese medicine for recuperation, so he prescribes a prescription for recuperation.

After the prescription was written, He Jincheng did not directly ask the nurse to grab the medicine, but handed it to Gu Gu to check it for himself.

Gu Gu was very satisfied with He Jincheng showing the prescription to himself.

It can be seen that He Jincheng himself must have a certain degree of confidence in his medical skills, otherwise he would not be the first to write the prescription.

After writing the prescription, he did not arrange for the nurse to decoct the medicine as soon as possible, but showed the prescription to himself for inspection, and his attitude was very respectful. This shows that although this person is confident, he is not complacent, let alone conceited. It is with a humble attitude.

Going to look at the house again, I saw that the above various medicinal materials were added and subtracted properly, the usage was moderate, and they were very symptomatic. It can be said that there is no competition or reduction. It can be opened like this.

Even Gu Gu couldn't see such a perfect prescription in such a short period of time. Even at his level, he might have to think about it for ten to twenty minutes.

"Okay, let's follow this prescription. Even if I ask my old man to prescribe the medicine, I can only come up with such a prescription after thinking about it for a long time."

Gu Gu praised him again and again, even at the expense of belittling himself to elevate He Jincheng.

This made everyone stunned again.

No matter how He Jincheng's medical skills are said by Gu Gu, this person will be able to walk sideways in Nandu People's Hospital in the future.

Who dares to provoke, because even the young doctor of traditional Chinese medicine is ashamed of being old.

He Jincheng couldn't help showing a little more admiration for the ancients.

How could he fail to see that Gu Gu said that on purpose, he was doing it to help him build momentum and to make himself famous.

In fact, He Jincheng can guess a thing or two about the old Chinese doctor's thoughts.

Nowadays, the withering of Chinese medicine is different. There are fewer and fewer real masters of Chinese medicine, and the Chinese medicine figures at the national level are aging one by one.

And among the younger generation, I really haven't heard of any outstanding geniuses.

Ancient, this is looking for inheritors for modern Chinese medicine.

No matter what stage it is, in the end if there are not a few masters who can handle it, it will definitely be underestimated by all parties.

He Jincheng naturally admired the ancient good intentions, but this kind of thing can only be thought about in his heart, in front of so many people, he can't just talk nonsense.

"Since both Gu Gu and Dr. He think this plan is good, let's arrange it as soon as possible."

Sun Zixiang, the director of Nandu People's Hospital, quickly ordered.

Immediately after that, a nurse took over the prescription, and hurriedly ran out to grab the medicine and decoct it.

"It's over. We still have an emergency department and an internal medicine department. Several departments have not been inspected. Why don't you continue to go and have a look?"

Sun Zixiang smiled and looked at Gu Gu.

"Okay, since we're here, we can't leave empty-handed. How about that, how about Dr. He and I? If you have any opinions, you can raise them. I believe that the leaders of the People's Hospital will accept them humbly." of."

This is true in ancient times. He wanted to make He Jincheng famous, but he even took the initiative to invite He Jincheng to inspect the work of the Municipal People's Hospital.

He Jincheng has no job and no authority. To be honest, how can he have the qualifications to inspect the work of other hospitals?

But with the old saying, not only can He Jincheng go to inspect the work today, but what he said today will definitely have a great impact on all aspects of the work of the People's Hospital.

For example, if He Jincheng is very dissatisfied with the city doctor system at the Municipal People's Hospital, and says something bad about that doctor Wu today, I am afraid that all the doctors in the hospital will be affected that night, and at least there will be an emergency call. For additional training, there should be a training session on the service attitude of the bed doctor.

Of course, He Jincheng wasn't bored enough to talk about this kind of thing.

If he is really asked to give opinions, he will only give opinions based on the facts. If there are any loopholes or problems on the hospital side, He Jincheng will naturally tell the truth. If he doesn't make corrections, He Jincheng won't have this obligation.

Gu Gu had no reason to refuse He Jincheng's invitation, and immediately followed Gu Gu, and then, accompanied by the hospital's leaders at all levels, began to inspect the work of Nandu People's Hospital.

It was the first time in the history that a young man with no job, no authority, and little fame actually inspected the work of the People's Hospital!

(End of this chapter)

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