Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 571 Lumbar Fracture, Smith Acupuncture Treatment

Chapter 571 Lumbar Fracture, Smith Acupuncture Treatment
"How many times have you treated your waist injury before?"

He Jincheng asked in a deep voice.

"I've had two treatments, all of which were seen by Western medicine. I took some medicines, mostly anti-inflammatory medicines. At the beginning, there were some effects, but after taking two or three times, the pain increased instead of diminishing!"

Smith is also very clear about his back injury, mainly because it is too uncomfortable, and he has been thinking about how to relieve the back pain all day long.

"Your injury is not just a muscle injury, but more importantly, a slight injury to the bone. If I am not wrong, there is a crack in the penultimate of your lumbar spine. Just take some anti-inflammatory drugs and it will definitely be fine. Yes, the point is still to re-heal your bones."

He Jincheng withdrew his hand and said slowly.

Smith was stunned for a moment, and he didn't react for a while.

I heard it right, the other party actually said that there was a crack on the penultimate bone of his lumbar spine.

Isn't this a joke?I also went to the hospital to take a film before, and it seems that no doctor said that there was a crack in my bone.

Bone fractures are neither big nor small. If they are not discovered for a long time and left untreated, it will definitely have a very bad impact on the future.

Of course, if it is detected and treated in time, it will basically not have much impact.

What shocked Smith was that this was the first time he saw He Jincheng, and he was so sad. Although everyone knew that he had twisted his waist, few people knew the extent of his injury.

I won't talk about other things, just the fractured bone that He Jincheng mentioned just now. He went to the hospital to see it by himself, but the hospital did not show it on the X-rays. Why did he say that he had a fractured bone?
Moreover, He Jincheng judged that his bones were broken just by feeling his pulse. To be honest, no one would believe it even if it was true.

Could it be that your eyes can still see through the human body like an X-ray film?

So subconsciously, Smith felt that He Jincheng was talking nonsense, but his good upbringing still made him stop the urge to get angry.

"Doctor He, may I ask how you judged that my lumbar spine was fractured? To tell you the truth, I have been to the hospital twice, and the X-rays were taken both times. The doctor did not see that I had a fracture. Fractures occur."

Smith said.

"Different doctors have different judgments on the condition. Mr. Smith, you went to the hospital twice before. After taking the advice or prescription prescribed by the doctor, has your waist injury improved? ? Actually, I don’t think I need to ask you this question at all, because if your medicine is really cured, then you won’t let me see it anymore.”

He Jincheng picked up a pen and began to write a prescription.

Smith was a little angry when he heard He Jincheng's words, but after thinking about it, it seemed that what He Jincheng said made sense.

That's right, even if what He Jincheng said was outrageous, at least the logic of what he said was correct.

If I also choose to believe what the doctor at the hospital I saw before said, then my waist should already be healed.

But now the waist is not healed, and it seems to be more serious than before, which means that the previous doctor's judgment was wrong.

He Jincheng revealed that he had a fractured lumbar spine without knowing anything about his condition, which shows that the other party had a completely different diagnosis from the previous doctor.

And the previous diagnosis has been proven to have no effect, so who can say that He Jincheng's diagnosis is wrong?

"This prescription can help your bones heal very well. You can grab seven medicines, one medicine a day, and drink it for seven days in a row. I believe the effect will be very good. In addition, these are the marks of several acupuncture points. The marks you took Go find Dr. Xue Zhengxin and ask him to give you acupuncture."

As He Jincheng was talking, he took out another piece of paper, on which he wrote the labels of several acupoints and how many inches were written. This was to inform Xue Zhengxin how deep these acupoints should be pierced.

"Okay, Dr. He, but I would like to ask, how long will it take for my waist injury to heal at the earliest?"

Smith took the paper with the acupoints marked on it, then looked at He Jincheng and asked.

"It's not easy to say. According to our Chinese old saying, a hundred days of injury is basically not three months. You must not be able to move as normal. But according to my prescription, you can do as much as possible." Shorten the recovery time. If you recover according to my method, I think you can recover more than [-]% in two weeks at most, and you can recover to more than [-]% in one month."

He Jincheng doesn't like to guarantee any patient.

Because no matter who it is in the process of treatment and recovery, unexpected things may always happen.

For example, if you tell a patient that he can be discharged from the hospital, he usually only needs to pay attention not to eat meat or something, and his illness will be almost cured.

As a result, the patient did not eat any meat or fish after he was discharged from the hospital, but ate some seafood. Then the patient relapsed due to a seafood allergy, and then became more serious, even life-threatening.

Well, if you told the patient that you can be hospitalized before, and only wrote some contraindications, then it is very likely that you will cause trouble.

Therefore, when a doctor treats a patient's disease, especially the disease that is difficult to recover in a short period of time, even if you are [-]% sure, you cannot say [-]% of the word.

Leaving a front line for treatment is actually leaving a way out for oneself.

If Smith recovers well according to He Jincheng's method, then his fractured bone can definitely be cured.

But because his disease is a disease that recovers slowly and takes a long time, if something unexpected happens during the period, and people say that you did not follow the instructions, then the doctor may have to bear a lot of responsibility.

Maybe in the eyes of us normal people, this kind of thing is unimaginable, but when it really involves medical disputes, and the family members of the patients are the kind of unreasonable people, then they will hold on to you and put your reputation to shame. It's messed up, even if it ends up in the court and the doctor wins the case, then after going through the long process of rights protection, he is already exhausted, and some patients even know that you are the one who wins or loses in this lawsuit. It’s not important for them, what’s important is that they know that your relationship has caused some problems to the patients, so many people will not dare to come to you for treatment in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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