Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 572 Unreasonable trouble, Jack Ma doesn't know etiquette

Chapter 572 Unreasonable trouble, Jack Ma doesn't know etiquette
Smith has always been more polite. He can understand what He Jincheng said, but he still has some doubts about what He Jincheng said about his waist injury.

First of all, although he also felt that he went to the hospital to see a doctor before he could tell you that the diagnosis of those doctors was not very accurate.

Secondly, He Jincheng said that he had a fractured lumbar spine, which was a brand new situation for Smith.

But if you really want Smith to agree with what He Jincheng said, then you still need to verify it with facts.

Now there are no other patients in the medical center except for these exchange students, so Smith went to Xue Zhengxin with the prescription given by He Jincheng and the acupoint marking map.

Xue Zhengxin knew what happened to Smith after looking at Smith's prescription and the acupoint marking diagram written by He Jincheng.

"You have a fractured lumbar spine. The problem is not too big. Lie on the hospital bed and lift your shirt, and I will give you acupuncture! Young people, you should pay more attention when exercising. One of the most important parts of your body. It sounds like a twist or something, it’s not a big deal, but if you don’t get proper treatment, it will torture you for the rest of your life.”

Xue Zhengxin is older, so he likes to preach to young people.

Especially when I meet a foreigner, I want to show off intentionally when I'm sure I'm new. I have to let these foreign devils see the profoundness of my Chinese culture.

When Smith heard that Xue Zhengxin also said that he had a fractured bone, he immediately believed in He Jincheng's diagnosis.

It seems that He Jincheng is not talking nonsense.

Following Xue Zhengxin's arrangement, Smith took off his shirt and lay on the hospital bed.

Then Xue Zhengxin took out the silver needle and started to sterilize it, and then started using the needle according to He Jincheng's instructions.

Xue Zhengxin was already very familiar with this set of procedures.

In fact, acupuncture for general conditions does not have very high requirements for acupuncture techniques, but the requirements for acupuncture points and depth are quite high.

In the case of Smith, a five-inch needle can basically be solved.

But because Smith has a fractured bone, the depth of each needle may reach more than three inches.

Xue Zhengxin used more than a dozen needles during the whole process. Smith was a little nervous and afraid at first, but after waiting for a while, he just felt like his waist was bitten by an ant, and suddenly hurt, but it was not unacceptable. degree.

After dozens of stitches, Smith immediately felt sore and swollen in his waist, which was very uncomfortable.

It didn't feel that kind of special pain, but there was a feeling of qi and blood being blocked and blocked in my waist.

Not long after, Smith smelled the fragrance of herbs, turned his head and saw Xu Zhengxin holding a smoking thing around his waist.

"Doctor, what are you doing? Could it be Huaxia's magic?"

Smith asked curiously.

Xue Zhengxin was immediately happy when he heard it. The spell itself only used a little moxibustion. How could it become a spell?

"This is mugwort. The incense lit by it can penetrate into your body through Yingzheng. It's actually just a kind of medicinal herb, and it will only assist the effect of acupuncture."

Xue Zhengxin explained it anyway, I heard that the boss is really ignorant.

"This smells very good, and it makes me feel very comfortable. Is this a kind of aromatherapy?"

Smith knew a little bit about medicine, and had heard of aromatherapy.

Xue Zhengxin shook his head after thinking about it.

"I have basically never used aromatherapy, but what I can confirm is that it is not aromatherapy, but our traditional Chinese medicine treatment method in China. If only silver needles are used for acupuncture, we call it acupuncture. But Up to now, we tend to ignore the moxibustion of acupuncture. In fact, the moxibustion of acupuncture refers to moxibustion.”

Xue Zhengxin was like a teacher explaining the knowledge of Chinese medicine to a student, especially when he saw the curious and surprised expression on the face of Smith, a foreigner, Xue Zhengxin felt that he was making some contributions to the public.

You can see that the eyes of this foreigner are full of admiration and curiosity. Isn't this due to myself?
Here, Xue Zhengxin was talking about these things while giving Smith acupuncture.

On the other side, He Jincheng has already started to feel the pulse of Jack Ma.

"Doctor He, right? I think you are very young. How many years have you agreed? Have you ever gone to medical school? Have you got a medical license? If you don't have a medical license, it's hard to see a doctor in this kind of medical center." It's more troublesome."

Jack Ma could still maintain some basic etiquette in front of Smith, but Smith sent He Jincheng away, and now Jack Ma Ke had no scruples, sitting in front of He Jincheng and speaking was questioning He Jincheng's qualifications for treating diseases.

"Excuse me, what are you here for?"

He Jincheng is not angry either, for this kind of unreasonable person, if you are really angry, you will let his purpose succeed.

"I'm an overseas student who came to Nandu Normal University for an exchange. Today I was invited by Ye Qingmeng to visit your medical center. Of course, according to what Ye Qingmeng said, we came to the medical center. Mainly to understand the situation of Chinese medicine. My world, but when I came here, I was very disappointed to be honest."

Jack Ma said proudly.

"Oh, that's it. I don't know what dissatisfaction you have with us, Mr. Jack Ma. You can also give us some suggestions. If it is reasonable, we will correct it."

He Jincheng was not in a hurry, he said with a smile and at the same time reached out his hand to feel the pulse of Jack Ma.

"First of all, this place of yours is a medical clinic. In fact, it can also be called a small clinic, but the surrounding environment around your place is really bad. Look at the many people on the street, it is clearly a In the business district, you have opened a medical clinic here, which is really out of place."

This Jack Ma is really looking for trouble. It seems that there is no specific requirement for where the medical clinic is opened.

Even if people drive into deep mountains and old forests, as long as they are willing, can others control it?
"Then I don't know Mr. Jack Ma, where do you think our medical clinic is more suitable?"

He Jincheng continued to ask with a smile, there is really no need to be angry with this kind of person.

"Where to open is your business. I'm just offering some opinions. This place is not suitable for opening a clinic, so I think you should move to a quieter place."

(End of this chapter)

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