Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 576 An unexpected joy, investing in the construction of a medical school

Chapter 576 An unexpected joy, investing in the construction of a medical school
Finally, when Jack Ma got off the hospital bed, he felt like his soul was out of his body. This feeling was not exhilarating, but excruciatingly painful, as if his entire soul had been pulled away.

"Help Mr. Jack Ma sit aside for a meeting!"

He Jincheng ordered Xiao Wang to help Jack Ma sit aside.

Jack Ma was still a little dazed, he really wanted to scream a few times, the kind that screamed fiercely, but after getting out of the hospital bed, the real pain just now was gone, he wanted to scream I can't call again, this feeling is really too aggrieved!

"Mr. Jack Ma, let's sit next to you for a while, and you will feel that your body has improved after a while!"

Xiao Wang said with a smile, he didn't see how damaging He Jincheng's technique was, the main reason was that he knew He Jincheng's medical skills, even Xue Zhengxin felt ashamed, and he respected He Jincheng to the extreme. Say something.

Therefore, Xiao Wang subconsciously thought that Jack Ma's reaction was obviously due to the effect of He Jincheng's treatment.

"How are you feeling, Jack? Are you feeling better?"

After Smith's acupuncture, his back injury was obviously relieved. This feeling is very comfortable, so he also felt that Jack Ma should be as comfortable as himself. He walked over with a smile and patted Jack Ma. shoulders.

All in all, this exchange activity organized by Ye Qingmeng was very successful.

These wine bells selected from overseas are very satisfied with the itinerary.

The school of Nandu Normal University also expressed their praise for this activity and exchange, and expressed their recognition of Ye Qingmeng's work.

After Smith went back, he said a lot of good things, and at the same time revealed a piece of news, that is, he wanted to cooperate with the Traditional Chinese Medicine Center to open a medical school in Nandu.

The leaders of Nandu Normal University were immediately overjoyed.

You should know that the main subjects of Nandu Normal University are for students, such as kindergarten, primary school, middle school and so on.Many things are pedagogical, but subjects that are more practical like the School of Medicine are the most scarce in Nandu Normal University.

In terms of education, Nandu Normal University can rank first in the province.

However, if the selection is made in terms of research results, Nandu Normal University does not even rank in the top ten in the province.

If a medical school can be established in cooperation with Smith under the mediation of Nandu Normal University, it will be of great significance to the ranking of Nandu Normal University in the province and even the country.

However, it is not an easy task for Nandu Normal University to win this project, because they are not engaged in medicine themselves, and Smith has developed a very strong interest in Chinese medicine, so this kind of idea.

The only advantage of Nandu Normal University is that they are responsible for receiving Smith during this exchange event, and the reason why Smith intends to cooperate to establish a medical school is also because Ye Qingmeng took him to the Traditional Chinese Medicine Center.

But Nandu also has its own medical school. Once they get the news, they will definitely come over to compete with Nanjing Normal University.

In terms of professionalism, Nandu Normal University is a normal school after all, and it must not be comparable to other medical schools.

Therefore, the leaders of Nandu Normal University are very secretive about Smith's plan to build a medical school.

But paper is always unable to contain fire, and there is no impenetrable wall in this world.

After Smith expressed to the leaders of Nandu Normal University that he wanted to help build a medical school, Nandu Medical College got the news the next day.

The dean of Nandu Medical College is named Zhang Qiming.

On the same day, he came to Nandu Normal University in person and met Zhong Wenming, the president of Nandu Normal University, and the two chatted for an afternoon.

In the end, Zhang Qiming walked out with a smile, while Zhong Wenming showed a look of helplessness.

There was no way, and he didn't want to let it out at the beginning, but the normal school was just a normal school after all, and he simply didn't have the ability to cooperate with Smith.

So the principals of the two schools finally reached an agreement that you Nandu Medical College and Nandu Normal University will jointly cooperate with Smith Fang.

Smith also told his family about this matter. It seems that because Smith has a very high status in his family, he got a reply quickly.

The Smith family is willing to invest $5000 million in building a medical school.

The first condition for the construction of this medical school is that the Xinsheng Medical Center must participate in it.

This time, the two principals of Nandu Normal University and Nandu Medical College are two-zhang monks, and they can't figure out what this Xinxin Medical Center means?
Since it is to establish a medical school, does it have anything to do with a medical center?

After getting to know each other, the two finally figured out that the reason why the Smith family was willing to donate the medical school was entirely because Smith saw the magic of Chinese medicine.

Especially what he saw, heard and experienced in the Xinsheng Medical Center gave Smith a new concept and understanding of Chinese medicine.

When Ye Qingmeng told He Jincheng about this, He Jincheng was quite surprised. He didn't expect Smith to be so courageous. In this era, 5000 million knives is definitely not a small amount.

If possible, I would really like to cooperate with Smith.

However, the specific terms of cooperation still need to be clarified.

He Jincheng felt that if he founded a medical school, it would not be just Chinese medicine.

There are many pharmaceutical companies and medical institutions under the Smith family. They have a lot of production needs and medical equipment, and many things are ahead of the world.

Since Smith founded this medical school out of interest in Chinese medicine, they must focus on absorbing Chinese medicine.

However, He Jincheng believes that Chinese medicine has the benefits of traditional Chinese medicine, and Western medicine also has advantages that cannot be ignored.

Modern medicine, in fact, should abandon all kinds of bad voices, and should advocate the combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine.

Chinese medicine pays attention to looking, smelling, asking and cutting to detect the disease, while Western medicine likes to make various judgments through instruments.

In fact, everyone is using various means to understand the condition and come up with a treatment method.

So why can't the two blend together?

For example, for some patients with bone injuries, it is obviously more direct and faster if an X-ray film can be taken, and then the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine can perform manual reset.

Of course, it is definitely not as simple as what we say with our mouths. After all, the reset of the technique relies more on experience and the technique of touching the bones.

(End of this chapter)

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