Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 577 Combining Chinese and Western, arrange surgery as soon as possible

Chapter 577 Combining Chinese and Western, arrange surgery as soon as possible
Even if some doctors of Chinese medicine hold an X-ray film, the feeling is completely different from what he feels when he touches it with his hands.

This point must be something that needs to be fully paid attention to in the future training of Chinese medicine.

In addition, Chinese medicine can also borrow many tools from Western medicine, the most simple and common one is the needle tube.

To be precise, it is an injection needle, which is what we usually call an injection.

In fact, sometimes some traditional Chinese medicine can also be injected, and sometimes the effect will be better.

Similar to these things, the threshold is relatively low, and the integration of traditional Chinese and Western medicine can be achieved first.

As for some more in-depth integration, it needs a real medical school integrating traditional Chinese and Western medicine to cultivate and research.

Drinking some tea, he not only understands Chinese medicine, but also has a deep study of Western medicine. He deeply understands the huge role that the two can complement each other.

It’s just that the current medical school is either a school of traditional Chinese medicine or a school of western medicine, and the distinction between the two is special. Then you think about waiting for these trained medical students to come to the hospital and go to the outpatient clinic or emergency department after graduation. Some combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine often have no effect.

In particular, the concepts and thinking of doctors trained by Chinese medicine and Western medicine are completely different.

Take a relatively simple example.

Cancer is a terminal illness in Western medicine. Apart from some anti-cancer drugs, the treatment methods for cancer are either chemotherapy or surgical resection.

But in Chinese medicine, there is no such thing as cancer.

TCM treatment does not depend on what disease you have, but based on the feedback from your internal organs, you will find ways to adjust your internal organs, yin and yang, as long as you can restore your body's balance, then your disease will come naturally It will be fine too.

Sometimes there is indeed a bit of metaphysics. Perhaps terminal illnesses that cannot be cured by Western medicine can be easily cured by Chinese medicine.

Of course, this is not to say that Chinese medicine can cure all diseases.

It is precisely because Chinese medicine does not say cancer, and they make different treatment methods according to each person's situation.

So, there must be some cases of cancer being cured by Chinese medicine, but the probability is not that high. It does not mean that Chinese medicine treatment can definitely cure cancer.

It's just that there are more successful examples of Chinese medicine treating cancer cases than Western medicine.

So He Jincheng has actually been advocating the integration of traditional Chinese and Western medicine.

Traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine treat diseases from different angles, and the results are often different, but the purpose is the same.

A great man once said that no matter it is a white cat or a black cat, as long as it catches mice, it is a good cat.

This sentence can also be used in Chinese and Western medicine. Whether it is Chinese medicine or Western medicine, as long as it can cure people's diseases, it is a good medical skill.

There is no absolute right, no absolute wrong, no absolute good, and no absolute evil in this world.

Chinese medicine is not an absolutely perfect medical system, and Western medicine also has many loopholes. The relationship between the two should not be mutually exclusive, but should attract and absorb each other, and weed out the old to bring forth the new.

Take the essence and discard the dross, this sentence is actually quite correct in any era and at any stage.

Two days later, Smith came to He Jincheng again, and it turned out that He Jincheng happened to be going to the People's Hospital for a consultation these days.

Then Smith was in vain, but he heard that He Jincheng was sitting at the People's Hospital, so he immediately ran to the People's Hospital excitedly.

Last time at the medical center, Smith also saw that He Jincheng was sick, but he didn't have much interest at the time, so he didn't pay much attention to it.

As a result, after a few acupuncture sessions, the back injury obviously improved, and then he saw He Jincheng treating Jack Ma. He was stunned and wonderful during the whole process.

It's a pity that He Jincheng didn't continue to treat the illness after Jack Ma. Smith just felt like he had watched a wonderful movie, but it only ended halfway through and ended abruptly. This feeling is too uncomfortable.

Today, He Jincheng was sitting at the People's Hospital. Presumably, there must be many patients consciously watching by the side.

He Jincheng didn't have a phone either. He was sitting in the consultation room seeing patients, and he didn't know that Smith was coming.

There were not many people who came to see the doctor in the morning, no less than a dozen, and Cheng quickly checked everyone, even some people who came for follow-up consultation.

No one complains at all when He Jincheng treats patients. Those who come back from the follow-up visit are grateful to He Jincheng.

When Mies Shi rushed to the Chinese Medicine Clinic of the People's Hospital, she happened to see He Jincheng seeing the last patient in the morning.

There was no time to say hello to He Jincheng, and Shi Weisi just nodded to him, and then sat down on He Jincheng obediently, which was really a chair in the back.

He stretched his head to see all of He Jincheng's treatment process clearly.

The patient is a young lad who limps and looks like a leg when he walks in with the registration form. What's wrong?
Looking down, he saw a big lump suddenly appeared on the ankle of his right leg. It seemed that he had twisted it, and the twist was so severe that he didn't know if he had a fracture.

"What's going on? Did you sprain your ankle or did you fall?"

He Jincheng seemed to ask while rolling up his sleeves.

Halfway through speaking, He Jincheng suddenly turned his head to look at Smith in the corner.

"By the way, Smith? You can take a message first, and I will accept your interview after I finish filming here."

He Jincheng slightly apologized, and nodded slightly towards Smith.

"Don't be in a hurry, don't be in a hurry. Doctor He, you go ahead and I'll just take a look at it."

Smith quickly waved his hands and said with a smile, but put back the eggs sent by He Jincheng.

The young patient was sweating profusely from the pain at the moment, and he felt a little unbalanced that He Jincheng was chatting so happily with the foreign devil behind him.

"It's not good for Dr. He, the patient is still waiting here, how can you start chatting?"

The young man gritted his teeth in pain and said.

"You should have jumped from a high place and twisted it. Let me help you see where the bones are."

After that, He Jincheng squatted down, then reached out and touched the patient's ankle gently.

"Does it hurt here?"

"It doesn't hurt!"

"What about here, isn't it a little swollen?"

"No bloating, everything feels good."

Asking in a low voice while touching the other party's bones, it can be regarded as a way to distract him.

After being cheated, he seemed to withdraw his hand, and then sat behind the pillow and slowly muttered.

Smith also took a look at the patient's condition. The ankle was swollen and high. There must be something wrong with the bone and it needs to be treated as soon as possible.

"Your bone is a little serious. It must be broken, and there are fragments that are difficult to remove. My suggestion is that you go for surgery as soon as possible. As long as the surgery can help you clear these things, then it is meaningful. I estimate that your chances of recovering your legs and feet are around 60.00%."

He Jincheng continued with a smile.

"Doctor He, don't make fun of me. If there is any way, please use it quickly. My waist is really uncomfortable."

The man said with a wry smile.

"No matter how busy you are, you should spend time with your family."

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"My suggestion is to arrange the operation as soon as possible. I also know a doctor who can perform the operation. I wonder if you would like to do it?"

When the injured man heard that he was going to have an operation, his legs were so frightened that his legs went limp. Now he was lying on the hospital bed sheet, many of which were not reimbursed by the medical insurance, and the sum totaled more than 100 million.

But men don't have so much money.

(End of this chapter)

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