Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 58 Alleviating the condition, encountering Chen Fasheng at the restaurant

Chapter 58 Alleviating the condition, encountering Chen Fasheng at the restaurant
Seeing such a scene, He Jincheng secretly sighed in his heart.

What in the world is more painful than the feeling of losing a loved one. Fortunately, I came in time, otherwise, Qiaohong would be no different from a living dead.

Qiaohong looked at Liu Hao in a daze, opened her mouth, and let out a very hoarse voice.

"Husband... I'm so tired..."

"What? Qiaohong, what did you say? Brother He, did you hear that? Your sister-in-law spoke!"

Liu Hao was so excited that his tears couldn't stop flowing.

"Yes, I heard that, my sister-in-law said she was very tired!"

He Jincheng said with a smile, and immediately wrote a prescription.

This prescription uses astragalus as the main medicine, together with ginseng and Chuanqiong, which is the main way of traditional Chinese medicine to treat senile dementia.

"Brother Liu, this is a prescription, go grab the medicine first, and let my sister-in-law take a good rest after drinking it."

He Jincheng handed the prescription to Liu Hao.

Without the slightest hesitation, Liu Hao took the prescription and handed it to Chen Ma, telling her to grab the medicine quickly.

Just a few injections made his wife better. How could Liu Hao not believe in He Jincheng's medical skills now? It's simply miraculous.

Therefore, no matter what He Jincheng says now, he will do it without hesitation.

Chen Ma took the prescription and hurried out to grab the medicine.

He Jincheng checked Qiaohong's condition again, and then said to Liu Hao: "Brother Liu, sister-in-law's condition is not serious, the prescription prescribed just now needs to be taken for seven days, and if there is no recurrence after seven days, you can temporarily stop. "

"Okay, I've made a note!"

Liu Hao nodded repeatedly, like a primary school student listening to a teacher assigning homework.

"Sister-in-law's illness, medicine and acupuncture treatment are just to help her son. The more important thing is to let sister-in-law open her heart. Perhaps because she failed to keep the child three times, sister-in-law's heart closed by itself. Only by letting her see it again Hopefully, this disease can be completely cured.”

He Jincheng said again.

"Brother He, please think of a way for me!"

When Liu Hao heard that there was hope for a cure, he hurriedly said.

"I'm not sure, but I think if I can get my sister-in-law to conceive again and successfully save the child, it will rekindle my sister-in-law's hope of living."

He Jincheng said seriously.

"This... is Qiaohong's current situation, so it's not appropriate."

Liu Hao hesitated. After all, Qiaohong's current situation is not very good, and it would be somewhat inappropriate to do that kind of thing again.

"Take seven days of medicine, you will definitely get better, and sister-in-law's biggest regret is not being able to leave a son and a half for you, so she will not refuse. Brother Liu, if you really want sister-in-law to recover, there is only one Method."

He Jincheng said with a wry smile.

"I'll write you another prescription. After my sister-in-law's condition improves, you can take it together, which can help you to keep your baby safe."

Then, He Jincheng wrote another prescription and handed it to Liu Hao.

Liu Hao took the prescription very solemnly, and put it away carefully.

"Okay, brother, I will listen to you."

At this time, Chen Ma also came back with the medicine.

He Jincheng decocted the medicine himself, and at the same time told Chen Ma the whole process of decocting the medicine.

An hour later, the medicine was ready, and Liu Hao carefully fed Qiaohong. After a while, she gradually fell asleep.

Seeing his wife's complexion slightly rosy, Liu Hao's heart was completely relieved.

"Hey, this time I'm really bothering you, brother, it just so happens that it's time for dinner, let's go eat!"

Liu Hao enthusiastically dragged He Jincheng to the state-run restaurant for dinner. It just so happened that Chen Fasheng was also eating here, so they all ate together at the same table.

He Jincheng was originally worried that Chen Fasheng and Liu Hao didn't know each other, and it would be awkward to have dinner together, but it turned out that they had known each other earlier than He Jincheng.

Liu Hao is mainly in charge of the He family's business in the county. Naturally, it is inevitable to deal with Chen Fasheng, who is in charge of the market, and the relationship between the two is pretty good.

The three knew each other, which surprised all three of them.

"Haha, I really didn't expect that the three of us have known each other for a long time, and we met together by such a coincidence. We must not get drunk today!"

Chen Fasheng laughed.

"Yeah, the world is so small, we've been going around for a long time, so we've known each other for a long time. Don't argue with me, my family has a happy event, and I must invite you for today's meal!"

Liu Hao is in a good mood now, and said with a smile.

"Why, Lao Liu, what's the happy event in your family?"

Chen Fasheng asked in surprise.

But he knew that Liu Hao's wife had a strange disease, and Lao Liu was generally sad, so how could there be any happy event?

"This matter is thanks to Brother He!"

Liu Hao said with a smile, and then told about He Jincheng's treatment of his wife.

"Oh, look at my brain. When I met Xiao He, it was because of seeing a doctor. Why didn't I think of recommending it to you!"

Chen Fasheng slapped his thigh suddenly and said.

He knew about He Jincheng's medical skills, but he didn't think of it at the time. After all, although his relationship with Liu Hao was good, he hadn't reached the point where he could keep it in his heart all the time.

"It's not too late now, it's God's blessing that I met Brother He, you can order whatever you want, I'll handle the drinks!"

Liu Hao laughed out loud.

"The two old brothers are too polite. As a doctor, it is natural to treat illnesses and save lives as our bounden duty. I can't guarantee anything else in the future. For the matter of seeing a doctor and treating illnesses, you two will let me know, and I will definitely follow you!"

He Jincheng said.

"Okay, with the genius doctor Xiao He here, we don't have to worry about our health anymore, he can even revive the dead!"

Chen Fasheng laughed loudly.

After ordering food, the three of them started to eat and chatted happily.

The drinking capacity of the three of them was astonishing. They drank seven or eight bottles of wine in one meal, and it was as if they hadn't drunk.

In the afternoon, Chen Fasheng still had a meeting to hold, so he didn't continue to drink. The three of them chatted for a while, and then they left.

He Jincheng followed Liu Hao to the seed station.

In this day and age, seeds are a scarce commodity.

Of course, you can also keep food as seeds, but the harvest of such seeds is usually relatively mediocre in the coming year.

If you want to have a good harvest, the seeds specially researched by the seed station must be easier to believe.

There are also medicinal seeds, including some medicinal seedlings, but the quantity and variety are relatively small.

Liu Hao has someone here, and it is more convenient to bring He Jincheng to get the seeds and medicine seedlings, and the price is very low.

As for the quality, it needs to be checked by He Jincheng himself.

(End of this chapter)

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