Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 59 In the Yaomiao Station, the stationmaster made things difficult for He Jincheng

Chapter 59 In the Yaomiao Station, the stationmaster made things difficult for He Jincheng
The seed station is very lively. Basically, the seed shops in the towns and towns below the entire county buy seeds from here.

In addition to some crops, there are medicine seedlings, saplings, etc., which can be said to be everything.

Liu Hao took He Jincheng directly to the medicine seedling station.

"The name of the stationmaster here is Qiu Lin, and I am an old acquaintance. I will definitely give you the best medicine later, and the price is absolutely no problem!"

Liu Hao said with a smile, obviously he was very relieved of his acquaintance.

He Jincheng nodded with a smile, if this is possible, of course it would be a good thing.

The Yaomiao Station is actually a house, with a yard at the back serving as a warehouse.

Inside the house, a person sat and drank tea, the food and seed shop was very lively, but the medicine and seedling station was very quiet.

After all, there are far fewer people growing medicines than crops.

"Old Qiu, how about some tea?"

Liu Hao walked in with a big smile.

When Qiu Lin saw Liu Hao coming, he smiled and got up to greet him.

"Hey, old Liu, you kid hasn't come to see me for a long time, what's the matter, you want to introduce me to a big business today!"

The two had known each other while working together.

Liu Hao is now in charge of the medicinal material business of the He family, and has dealt with him several times as the stationmaster of the medicine seedling station.

Because both of them can drink relatively well and their tempers match, they have a good relationship on weekdays.

"Of course it's a big business. Did you see that this is He Jincheng, brother He, the great doctor of our county. He came here to buy medicines and seedlings from you. I said a lot of luxury before I invited this great doctor. Come here!"

Liu Hao smiled and introduced He Jincheng.

Surprise and doubt appeared on Qiu Lin's face, he looked He Jincheng up and down, and then smiled.

"Old Liu, are you kidding me for nothing? How can I not know the famous doctors in our county? Besides, there are only a few people who know a little about Chinese medicine, and they are all old people. I think this little brother You're only in your early twenties, even if you want to fool me, find someone who looks like you!"

Obviously, Qiu Lin didn't believe that He Jincheng was a doctor at all, and felt that Liu Hao was teasing him.

"Don't underestimate Brother He, he is a real genius doctor. My Lao Liu has seen many Chinese and Western doctors in his life, even more than you Lao Qiu. I don't care about others at all. Li, but I am convinced of Brother He's medical skills!"

Liu Hao immediately became unhappy.

He Jincheng just cured his wife's illness, and then he was questioned about his medical skills, so of course he had to defend it.

"Hey, you really act like a kid. I thought I would believe it? We have been dating for so many years, so stop fooling me here! Tell me, what do you want me to do? Medicine seedlings, as I have already said, you should contract a few hundred acres of land, and then plant medicinal materials yourself, the cost will come down immediately, why bother to buy them!"

Qiu Lin still felt that Liu Hao was joking with him, so he said indifferently.

"Stationmaster Qiu, hello, I really want to buy medicine seedlings, Brother Liu is just introducing me!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Huh? Really? Then you are really a Chinese medicine doctor? Or, as Lao Liu said, a miracle doctor?"

A playful smile appeared on Qiu Lin's face.

This is really interesting. I have dealt with medicinal materials for most of my life. I have never seen such a sound. I have never seen a young Chinese medicine doctor like He Jincheng.

Besides, although I am not a doctor, I know a little about some medical experiments, especially Chinese herbal medicine.

But even so, I dare not say that I am a very qualified Chinese herbal medicine pharmacist. This young man seems a little unsteady.

"A genius doctor is not considered a genius doctor, he just knows a little bit about medical skills! Besides, buying medicine seedlings seems to have nothing to do with whether I am a Chinese medicine doctor or not. Why don't we talk about the medicine seedlings?"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Hehe, you are interesting, but Lao Liu is not kind. If you insist on saying that you are a miracle doctor, I still don't believe in this evil. How about it? Come and take my pulse and see my physical condition. If you You're right, I'll give you a [-]% discount on how much medicine you buy, if you're wrong, I'm sorry, you can only go back empty-handed today!"

Qiu Lin chuckled and sat down again.

"Old Qiu, you are not giving me face. Brother He was brought by me, why are you still doing this!"

Liu Hao suddenly said displeased.

"Hey, it's because you said he was a genius doctor. It's nothing if I asked him to take my pulse. Who asked you to fool me!"

Qiu Lin chuckled with a smug look on his face.

In his opinion, Liu Hao was exposed by himself, panicked and anxious.

"I really didn't realize that your old boy is such a person. Forget it, if you don't want to sell, let's change it!"

Liu Hao was very upset in his heart, thinking that this kid Qiu Lin had taken some gunpowder by mistake today, and he spoke so aggressively, he didn't give himself any face at all.

This time, I really felt sorry for He Jincheng. He didn't buy the medicine seedlings, and he was questioned for nothing.

When I go back, I must treat him to a good meal, and I will make up for it.

"Brother Liu, don't worry, since Station Master Qiu is willing to give me a discount, why should I not continue?"

He Jincheng smiled and sat aside, then stretched out his hand.

"Station Master Qiu, please give me your hand!"

"Good boy, have the guts, come on!"

Qiu Lin was quite surprised, he didn't expect this kid to dare.

Okay, then I will let you take a good look at it, and let you see what it means to have a deep society.

It doesn't matter whether you are a genius doctor or not, anyway, what you say later, I won't be right. I'll see how you keep pretending.

He Jincheng took Qiu Lin's pulse. At first, his expression was normal, and he took the pulse carefully, but suddenly he exerted a little force on his fingers, and his face became serious.

This made Qiu Lin and Liu Hao stunned.

"Brother He, what's the matter, did you see something?"

Liu Hao asked quickly.

Fighting back to fighting, his relationship with Qiu Lin is still very good, but don't really have any major problems.

"Hehe, young man, don't scare me. I won't accept your tricks. I know my own body. You can't scare me!"

Qiu Lin looked nonchalant about his clothes, and said with a smile.

He Jincheng ignored the two of them, and then continued to pinch the pulse. After a while, he stood up.

"Station Master Qiu, please let me take your pulse again from the neck and ankle!"

He Jincheng said in a deep voice, his tone and expression were very serious.

"Come on, I'll do whatever I want, just watch!"

Qiu Lin suddenly panicked, but his face still looked relaxed.

(End of this chapter)

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