Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 60 A False Alarm, Qiu Lin Recognizes He Jincheng

Chapter 60 A false alarm, Qiu Lin recognized He Jincheng

He Jincheng tasted Qiu Lin's neck artery and ankle artery for 1 minute each.

When he sat down, his face was extremely ugly, as if he had encountered the most difficult disease in his life.

"Brother He, don't scare me, what's the matter?"

Liu Hao immediately became anxious. His wife's illness was so difficult to treat, and He Jincheng only frowned slightly.

It's like this now, which means that Qiu Lin's illness is even more troublesome!

Qiu Lin also frowned slightly. Just now He Jincheng checked his own pulse in three places respectively. This is called the three-part pulse diagnosis method.

This method is to examine the pulse condition changes in the three parts of neck Renying, hand Cunkou, and foot tuiyang, so as to infer the disease. It is a pulse diagnosis method advocated by Zhang Zhongjing, a famous doctor in the Han Dynasty.

Before Zhang Zhongjing, the general diagnosis method in the "Neijing" was the mainstream, and the "Nanjing" even classified the three nine-hand methods of pulse diagnosis into the Cunkou method, which is the radial artery in Western medicine, which is our human wrist. at the artery.

However, the Cunkou diagnosis method is indeed more convenient and fast, but it also loses a certain degree of integrity judgment, so Zhang Zhongjing is very opposed to using the Cunkou diagnosis method alone, and advocates the three-part diagnosis method.

In "Quansheng Zhimi Fang" written by the famous doctor Song Kuang (kuang fourth tone) in the Song Dynasty, there are extremely detailed records of the three diagnostic methods. Breath, less than fifty, unknown life and death, the three are the key to life and death.

For common diseases, it is enough for mature doctors to rely only on the Cunkou diagnosis method. Unless they encounter difficult and difficult diseases, these three diagnosis methods will be used, which is the pulse diagnosis method He Jincheng uses now.

Seeing that He Jincheng was so solemn, Qiu Lin was also a little flustered.

"Oh, it's not easy!"

He Jincheng sighed for a long time, his face full of sorrow.

"Brother He, what's the situation? Why is it so difficult? What's wrong with Lao Qiu?"

Liu Hao asked anxiously. Although Qiu Lin didn't say anything, he began to feel anxious.

"This kid is probably playing tricks, what am I afraid of!"

Qiu Lin muttered in his heart, but if he saw He Jincheng, he would not have a high probability, and it would be [-]%.

"Station Master Qiu, your illness has troubled you for more than ten years!"

He Jincheng looked at Qiu Lin and asked seriously.

sick?What disease?How come I don’t know, and it’s been bothering me for more than ten years?

This kid is really playing tricks, he's defrauding me.

Thinking of this, Qiu Lin couldn't help but underestimate He Jincheng.

Going back and forth, you're still fooling people.

I am in good health, there is no problem at all, let alone the three diagnostic methods, even if your eight diagnostic methods are useless, can you still diagnose the disease if you are not sick?

"Oh, yes, yes, Brother He is really powerful, you can see it right away, I don't know what kind of disease I have?"

Qiu Lin laughed, with a bit of playfulness in his eyes.

Didn't you say I was sick?That's fine, I'll admit that I'm sick, but what kind of sickness it is, you have to say for yourself.

"Stationmaster Qiu's disease sometimes itches, and when it's extremely itchy, it hurts. Sometimes it doesn't flare up, and sometimes it's fatal when it flares up. It's really troublesome!"

He Jincheng looked like an old god, still very serious.

Qiu Lin was very displeased in his heart, thinking that you really can make it up, you have already thought about the symptoms, so don't you know what kind of body I am?

Although I said that I am not a Chinese medicine doctor, I have been dealing with medicinal materials and seedlings for more than ten years, and I know some medical principles anyway. As a result, I feel like I have been insulted by He Jincheng.

"If I say that I don't have these symptoms, don't you believe me?"

The smile on Qiu Lin's face was much less, and he was obviously a little angry.

Liu Hao was stunned, not knowing what was going on.

The doctor says you are sick, but you say you are not sick.

So should you listen to the doctor, or should you trust yourself?

This kind of situation, not to mention in novels, is not uncommon even in the real world.

"Stationmaster Qiu is also a person who is proficient in medicine, why don't I prescribe a prescription, if the stationmaster Qiu thinks the prescription is useful, then even if I know some medical skills, if I don't use it, I will leave immediately and never come again Disturb Station Master Qiu."

He Jincheng smiled and proposed a method.

Qiu Lin's eyes lit up, and he thought that this kid He Jincheng was very good at doing things. This not only took care of his privacy, but also showed his medical skills. Could it be that he really saw what was wrong with him?
It shouldn't be, I seem to have a beriberi problem, and my body has been pretty good.

The next moment, Qiu Lin was stunned.

After more than ten years of torture, sometimes itching, itching is very painful, isn't this just athlete's foot!

Oh, I'm really stupid, what He Jincheng is talking about is athlete's foot.

How could I forget this.

Looking at He Jincheng again, Qiu Lin looked squarely in his eyes.

It's not simple, this young man is really not simple.

He didn't ask a doctor, didn't check, just took a pulse, and he found out his beriberi problem, and the time said it was about the same.

This is not a miracle doctor, who is still a miracle doctor.

At this time, He Jincheng's prescription was also written, and he smiled and handed it to Qiu Lin.

"Station Master Qiu, let's see how this prescription works."

Qiu Lin quickly took the prescriptions, which were some relatively common herbs.

But the more he looked, the more surprised Qiu Lin became.

He knew all these medicinal materials, such as purslane, flavescens, cocklebur, Kochia and so on.

However, it was the first time he saw such a match.

The increase and decrease are moderate and well-organized. It is definitely not a prescription that ordinary doctors can prescribe.

"Use this prescription externally, and it will be effective within a week."

He Jincheng stretched out a finger and said with a smile.

"Hahaha, brother He, you are indeed a miracle doctor, I am convinced, brother!"

Qiu Lin burst out laughing suddenly, stepped forward and patted He Jincheng on the shoulder very enthusiastically.

Liu Hao, who was still thinking about how to deal with this matter, was a little dazed when he saw this scene.

what happened?A prescription made Qiu Lin suddenly change his attitude. What kind of magical prescription is this.

"I said you two, are you bullying me for not knowing Chinese medicine? What's going on, tell me quickly!"

Liu Hao couldn't help asking.

Qiu Lin and He Jincheng looked at each other, then laughed.

"The secret must not be leaked, you'd better not know about it. By the way, about the medicine seedlings, you give me a list, and all the medicine seedlings you buy will be calculated at a [-]% discount."

Qiu Lin was very happy, and directly gave He Jincheng a lot of money.

(End of this chapter)

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