Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 61 He Jincheng will also be afraid of his wife's natal family

Chapter 61 He Jincheng will also be afraid of his wife's natal family

Next, everything went smoothly.

He Jincheng ordered rhubarb, Kochia chinensis and puffball puffball from Qiu Lin.

Rhubarb is relatively easy to grow. He Jincheng has planted a batch before, and the harvest is very good. The two flavors of Kochia chinensis and puffball are He Jincheng thinks they may be used frequently.

Kochia chinensis, also known as Dikui, is taken from its seeds and used as medicine. It is oblate, has a light smell, and is slightly bitter when used as medicine. It returns to the kidney and bladder meridian.It has a good effect on dysuria, urticaria, eczema and itchy skin.

As for the puffball, Hericium erinaceus in shape is exhausted, dried and used as medicine, which returns to the lung meridian, and is mainly used for clearing lung heat.It has a good effect on cough, loss of voice and other diseases.

These three herbs are relatively easy to grow and take care of. In ancient times, they were all wild herbs collected from the mountains. It is also good to grow them yourself.

Now there are not many people planting medicinal materials with He Jincheng, and only more than 100 mu of land in the village will be used for planting medicinal materials, so He Jincheng does not want to make it so complicated.

In the evening, Qiu Lin treated the guests to dinner, because He Jincheng had to go back at night, so he didn't drink.

It didn't end until after eight o'clock in the evening. Liu Hao wanted to drive He Jincheng home, and immediately brought the medicinal seeds back to He Jincheng.

He Jincheng naturally did not refuse, otherwise Liu Hao would feel that he did not regard him as his own.

Because the house is being built at home, it will definitely not be well built in a few months.

He Jincheng simply went back to the clinic and put the seeds in the warehouse.

"Brother He, you are not building this house very quickly. You might as well go to the county to buy a house. If you don't have money, I can lend you some first!"

Liu Hao persuaded.

He Jincheng shook his head with a wry smile. He also thought about building a house in the county.

After all, the current house price, compared with the future, can be said to be the price of cabbage. Even if you buy a house in the county town, after ten years, it can increase by more than ten times.

However, He Jincheng didn't buy it because he didn't have money.

The more important reason was that he hoped that he could stay in the countryside for a while longer.

In this way, you can hone your temper and stabilize your mind.

The most important thing is that this is a new starting point for his life. He must be down-to-earth and grow step by step, so that he can feel at ease.

"Forget it, Brother Liu, I don't have any plans to develop in the county yet, but don't worry, I will go there soon, but now is not the time!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Oh, that's fine, as long as you know it yourself, a small pond can't hold a real dragon!"

Liu Hao patted He Jincheng on the shoulder, and said goodbye before leaving.

He was very optimistic about He Jincheng, knowing that he would not be trapped in such a small place forever.

After Liu Hao left, He Jincheng took a shower and went to bed.

Lying on the bed, eyes open but not tired at all.

Liu Hao's words touched He Jincheng more or less.

He seriously thought about his plan, thinking about how to take every next step.

The night was as sinking as water, and there was no sound all night.

The next day, He Jincheng got up early and went to his mother-in-law's house.

Ye Qingmeng was helping her mother-in-law dry the wheat, while Tingting was squatting under a tree and counting ants.

"Mom and Dad, Qingmeng!"

He Jincheng yelled.

The father-in-law, Ye Shanhe, was smoking a dry pipe. When he saw He Jincheng coming, the smile on his face suddenly disappeared, and he turned around and entered the room with a cold snort.

He Jincheng smiled wryly.

The mother-in-law treats me well, but the old man really despises me from the bottom of his heart.

If it wasn't for the fact that He Jincheng's father proposed a marriage with a shy face back then, said a lot of good things, and made a lot of promises, Ye Shanhe would never have let his daughter marry He Jincheng.

Even now that He Jincheng seems to have changed his mind and started a new life, Ye Shanhe is still full of resentment towards him.

Guo Lan, the mother-in-law, was overjoyed when she saw her son-in-law coming with things.

In the past, she would not have looked at He Jincheng directly, but now it is different. During this period of time, she found that He Jincheng had really reformed himself.

Not only did he make some money by opening a medical clinic, but he also helped his son Ye Chunlin become a deputy director of business at Pingyao winery. Ye Chunlin came back two days ago, brought a lot of good cigarettes and wine, and even took 200 yuan .

This made Guo Lan very happy. After raising his son for so many years, this was the first time Ye Chunlin took money from his family.

So, now Guo Lan treats He Jincheng like a son-in-law.

"Jincheng is back, sit down quickly, Mom will get you some water!"

Guo Lan asked He Jincheng to sit down, and then hurried to pour water.

He Jincheng took the shovel from Ye Qingmeng.

"Why are you still working, go and accompany Tingting, and send the things I brought to our dad!"

Ye Qingmeng shook her head with a wry smile, "It seems that you are still quite afraid of my dad, why don't you send it in yourself?"

Ye Shanhe's temper is very hot. When he heard that Ye Qingmeng was being bullied by He Jincheng, he rushed to Lianhua Village with a kitchen knife, scaring He Jincheng into hiding in the house and did not dare to come out.

Therefore, even now, He Jincheng is a little afraid of Ye Shanhe.

"Who's afraid, the old man can still eat me, and besides, I'm making money to support my family now, so there's nothing to make the old man angry!"

He Jincheng didn't want to show timidity in front of his wife, so he said immediately.

"Okay, then you can send it in by yourself, this work will be done soon, I can do it myself!"

Ye Qingmeng covered her mouth and smiled, then took back the shovel from He Jincheng's hand, and pushed him aside.

He Jincheng's heart was filled with bitterness, and his wife was starting to learn how to be bad now.

There's no way, I can't say, I'm really scared, right now I'm riding a tiger, I can't get up!

Carrying two bottles of lotus wine and two Hongmei cigarettes, He Jincheng bit the bullet and walked into the house.

Ye Shanhe was sitting on a chair smoking a dry cigarette, and when he saw He Jincheng coming, he immediately let out a low, cold snort.

"Hmph, my good son-in-law, it's really not easy to come to see me once in three years!"

This directly made He Jincheng embarrassed and didn't know what to say.

I have been married to Ye Qingmeng for three years, and I really only came here once. The other times I saw my father-in-law, he came to beat me up.

"Dad, I was wrong. I used to be stupid. Don't take it to heart. From now on, I will change my mind and start a new life. I promise not to bully Qingmeng again!"

I can't think of anything else to say, just a guarantee.

"You try to bully me, don't look at me now that I'm old, it's still easy to deal with you kid!"

Ye Shanhe sneered again.

This statement is true, Ye Shanhe had fought in the war back then, and there was no one in the village who was not afraid of him.

"Yes, yes, you are right! If I make a mess again in the future, Dad, you will beat me to death!"

He Jincheng could only laugh along with him and put the things aside.

(End of this chapter)

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