Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 62 Mother's letter, things I didn't know in my previous life

Chapter 62 Mother's letter, things I didn't know in my previous life
Ye Shanhe looked at He Jincheng in surprise.

Before, his wife and daughter said that He Jincheng had changed his sex. Looking at it today, it seems that he is really not as jerk as before.

The prodigal son will not change money when he turns back, of course Ye Shanhe hopes that his son-in-law can be a good person and treat his daughter well.

Therefore, he did not continue to embarrass He Jincheng.

"Well, I heard that you opened a medical clinic, how are you doing now?"

Ye Shanhe hummed, and asked a seemingly casual question.

"Most of the people in the countryside are poor people, and it doesn't cost much to see a doctor, but they can barely make ends meet!"

He Jincheng said truthfully.

It is impossible to make a fortune by opening a medical clinic in the countryside, and earning living expenses is already pretty good.

"That's enough. To be a person, you must be down-to-earth. Don't always think about getting rich. Nowadays, being able to stutter and have clothes to wear is much better than ten years ago!"

Ye Shanhe, who has experienced natural disasters, has a very deep impression on poverty.

For him, although the current life is not luxurious, it is far better than that period in those days.

Now the big pot of rice is gone, and the land is subcontracted to households. Everyone has land to plant. As long as they are diligent, they will not starve to death.

And when He Jincheng opens a medical clinic, his life will obviously be better than that of ordinary farmers, so that his daughter's life will also be much better.

"Yes, Dad, you are right, I will definitely abide by my heart and never act recklessly!"

He Jincheng said respectfully, secretly heaving a sigh of relief.

Now that the old man said so, he won't pursue his past bastard deeds any more. The situation is still very good.

"By the way, when did you learn Chinese medicine, why didn't I know?"

Ye Shanhe asked the doubts in his heart again.

No one would believe that such a former bastard turned into a doctor.

"I learned it by myself. When I was free, I would read medical books. Later, I went to the county to take a medical qualification certificate to ensure that all the procedures are true. Dad, don't worry about that!"

He Jincheng said quickly.

"Oh, it seems that you are quite capable! Treat Qingmeng better to us in the future. If Qingmeng and the old woman hadn't said a lot of good things for you this time, I wouldn't let you enter this house!"

Ye Shanhe became serious again, and glanced at He Jincheng coldly.

"Dad, don't worry, I will never let Qingmeng down!"

He Jincheng immediately promised.

"Okay, now that I've finished talking, let me tell you something, your mother sent a letter!"

Ye Shanhe waved his hand and asked He Jincheng to sit down.

Hearing this, He Jincheng's body trembled, with mixed feelings in his heart, he sat down with a wry smile.

"Over the years, your mother has been writing to me, asking me about your situation. I have done my best and never said anything bad about you. This is your mother's letter from yesterday. You can read it yourself!"

When Ye Shanhe said this, his tone obviously softened a lot, and even He Jincheng could hear a trace of helplessness in it.

He Jincheng accepted the letter nervously, his thoughts turned, and he returned to more than two years ago.

He Jincheng's father, He Qingsong, used to be Ye Shanhe's comrade-in-arms, and the two had a good relationship. After being demobilized and returning home, they have been farming in the countryside.

It is said that filial sons are born under the stick, but as a result, the bastard He Jincheng not only failed to be honest, but became more and more a bastard. He Qingsong would be very angry when he saw He Jincheng.

His mother, Wang Huixin, is a gentle and virtuous woman who loves He Jincheng very much. Every time He Jincheng makes a mistake and needs to be beaten, Wang Huixin will protect him.

It's just that He Jincheng was too disappointing, he still forgot the pain after the scar healed, and went fooling around again the next day.

Later, the eldest brother He Jinshan got married, and his sister-in-law Zhang Yue was an educated youth who went to the countryside to jump in the queue. She was a literate person.

He Jincheng's nonsense made the whole family uneasy.

When the policy was changed and my sister-in-law could go back to the city, my eldest brother, under the persuasion of my sister-in-law, went to Dongyang City, which is more than 800 kilometers away from Chaoyang City.

He Jinshan earned some money in Dongyang City and sent it back home, so He Qingsong had the cheek to go to the Ye family to propose marriage and help He Jincheng marry a wife, thinking that this would make him calm down.

The result can be imagined, not only did He Jincheng not restrain himself, he even stole Ye Qingmeng's gift money and ran out to fool around.

He Qingsong was hospitalized directly, and Wang Huixin also completely gave up on He Jincheng.

Later, the two old men were taken to Dongyang City by the elder brother He Jinshan. They have been there for two years and have not been in touch.

In his first rebirth, He Jincheng also wanted to apologize to his parents, but now that he didn't even make arrangements for his family, what face would he have to apologize to his parents and elder brother?

"In the past two years, your parents have often written to me. Your mother cared about you, and your father also felt that he owed me. He kept persuading me to let you divorce Qing Meng, but Qing Meng refused, so I didn't care too much."

Ye Shanhe knocked on the cigarette pot and said slowly.

He Jincheng felt pain in his heart, yes, his previous self was not worthy of such a good wife as Ye Qingmeng, and it was perfectly normal for his father to ask his old comrades to divorce their children.

"Dad, I'm sorry, I've lived like a beast these years."

He Jincheng knelt down in front of Ye Shanhe with a plop, and kowtowed heavily.

Although the old man has a hot temper, but to be honest, he hopes that He Jincheng and Ye Qingmeng can live a good life more than anyone else.

"Don't talk about the past. Your mother wrote to say that your father is seriously ill. I think you need to take a look."

Ye Shanhe said in a deep voice.

He Jincheng hadn't read the letter yet. When he heard what the old man said, his body froze, and a chill rushed from the soles of his feet to his forehead.

But soon, He Jincheng reacted.

seriously ill?Probably not, the old father lived a good life in the previous life, and his body was still healthy in the year of his rebirth.

However, during the years of his reformation, he did not see his father.

In other words, during this period of time, did my father suffer from a serious illness?

He Jincheng felt a little pain in his heart, he was really unfilial, he didn't even know his father was seriously ill.

"Don't worry too much, maybe things haven't reached that point yet."

Seeing He Jincheng's pale face, Ye Shanhe nodded inwardly.

To have this reaction shows that this kid He Jincheng has really changed his mind.

"Dad, I'm fine, but I really want to see my dad."

He Jincheng said in a deep voice, after thinking about it, he took out almost all the money on his body.

"You take the 1000 yuan first."

He Jincheng put the money on the table.

"Bastard, what do I want your money for? I'm not short of money, so hurry up and take it back!"

Ye Shanhe immediately stared, and said very displeased.

(End of this chapter)

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