Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 63 The Planting Is Completed, A Family Of Three Goes To Dongyang

Chapter 63 The Planting Is Completed, A Family Of Three Goes To Dongyang
"Dad, listen to me, the money is not all for you. You and mom have suffered all these years. I was incompetent before, and I couldn't honor you. Besides, now Qingmeng lives with you, plus Tingting needs to pay for opening her mouth, so you can keep the money first, and then give it to me if you don't use it up!"

He Jincheng knew that Ye Shanhe was a strong person, and he would not take money if given to him, so he moved out his mother-in-law, wife and children.

Ye Shanhe frowned slightly, knowing that He Jincheng was filial, but where did he ask for 1000 yuan?

Living in the country, although not as rich and colorful as in the city, but as long as you have money, you can buy everything, and it doesn't cost 1000 yuan!

"Okay Dad, don't talk about it, I haven't been to the hospital for several days, and I have to go back quickly!"

He Jincheng put down the money and walked outside.

"Hey, Jincheng, why are you leaving without having lunch?"

Seeing that He Jincheng was about to leave, Guo Lan hurriedly pulled him and said.

"Wait for me to come over to eat at night. I came here early today. I haven't been in the clinic for several days. There must be many people looking for me to see a doctor!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"That's fine too, I'm going to buy some food too, and I'll make you a delicious meal tonight!"

Guo Lan thought about it, and did not force He Jincheng to stay.

After saying hello to Ye Qingmeng and Tingting, He Jincheng returned to Lianhua Village.

As expected, the villagers heard that He Jincheng was back, and the people who came to see the doctor ran over early in the morning to wait for the clinic to open.

Unexpectedly, He Jincheng came from outside.

"Hey, Xiao He, you are here. If you don't come, I will have to go to the town to see a doctor!"

"It's all right now, Xiao He is back, everyone don't have to worry, all line up, don't mess up, come one by one!"

When the villagers saw He Jincheng, it was as if they had seen a savior, and they said with a smile that some people took the initiative to maintain order.

He Jincheng felt warm in his heart. During this period of time, this doctor has won some popular support.

"I'm really sorry everyone, I went to the county seat, and all medical treatment is half price today!"

These words immediately received enthusiastic responses from the villagers.

He Jincheng charged a low fee for medical treatment, but now he pays half the price, which is almost like seeing a doctor for free.

"The people in Jincheng are kind, our Lianhua Village is blessed!"

"Yes, Jincheng also took us to grow medicinal materials, and our fellow villagers have made money!"

Everyone applauded. Many people here chose to grow Chinese medicinal materials with He Jincheng, so they are very grateful to He Jincheng.

"Everyone, don't worry, the seeds and seedlings are in the medical hall. I'll distribute them to everyone after seeing the doctor!"

After He Jincheng finished speaking with a smile, he opened the door of the clinic and started seeing patients.

One morning, He Jincheng saw more than 30 patients in a row.

Fortunately, they are all perennial diseases, especially geriatric diseases. Basically, acupuncture and a few medications are enough.

At noon, Aunt Liu brought food to He Jincheng, which solved He Jincheng's problem of eating.

Now Aunt Liu is treating He Jincheng well. Not only has she cured her own illness, but she has also made a small fortune growing medicinal materials with He Jincheng. Cooking a meal is nothing.

After eating, He Jincheng didn't take a rest, so he couldn't let these folks wait and worry.

It wasn't until after four o'clock in the afternoon that He Jincheng read all the patients' illnesses.

He also breathed a sigh of relief, and then summoned the villagers who had previously signed up to plant medicinal materials with him, and began to distribute seeds and medicinal seedlings.

He Jincheng got these seeds and medicine seedlings from Qiu Lin with a [-]% discount.

He is not the kind of person who can only be a good old man. He sold it directly to the villagers at the original wholesale price, and told them some precautions for preservation. He Jincheng will teach them personally when the seeds are planted.

The price of these seeds and medicinal seedlings is slightly more expensive than grain seeds, but it is within the tolerance of the villagers. After receiving the seeds and medicinal seedlings, everyone went home and waited for the notice to sow.

He Jincheng went back to the old house. Now that the foundation has been laid, he still needs to wait for the cement to dry before continuing to build the main body. After checking the progress, there is no problem. In about ten days and a half months, the house will be completed. It is time to repair as soon as possible.

In this day and age, it doesn't take too much money to build a house, and He Jincheng has enough money now, so he is not in a hurry.

As for his father, He Jincheng decided to go to Dongyang City to visit his old man after planting the medicinal materials in two days.

Since his father was fine in his previous life, he thought it would be safe to come this time. Apart from being a little nervous at the beginning, He Jincheng has also calmed down now.

In the evening, I went to the old man's house for dinner.

Ye Shanhe seemed to be in a good mood, drank two bottles of lotus wine with He Jincheng, and finally got drunk and lay down on the bed to sleep.

Originally, He Jincheng wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to go further with Ye Qingmeng, but unfortunately, after climbing into bed, he became drunk, and before he could do anything while holding Ye Qingmeng, he fell asleep, causing Ye Qingmeng to do the same. I can't laugh or cry.

The past few days have been relatively peaceful. I went to Huanxin Medical Center for consultation during the day and slept at the old man’s house at night.

After an autumn rain, He Jincheng knew that it was time to sow the seedlings and seeds, so he led the villagers to work in the fields.

Everyone is an expert in farming, although this time it was replaced with medicinal materials, but under He Jincheng's teaching, they are doing well.

It took two days to finally sow all the medicine seedlings and seeds.

You only need to water more on weekdays, and you can harvest in the next spring.

Seeing that it was almost time, He Jincheng packed his things and prepared to go to Dongyang City.

"Honey, I'll go with you!"

Ye Qingmeng also packed some clothes and carried the burden on her back. It seemed that she had made this plan long ago.


He Jincheng hesitated.

Back then, his parents were angered by him. He didn't know if he could see them this time. He took Ye Qingmeng there, and he was worried that Ye Qingmeng would be shut out with him.

"It's okay, my parents-in-law still like me better, as long as I'm here, they will definitely not refuse to see you!"

This is also the purpose of Ye Qing's dream of following the past.

"That's it, it's hard work for you, my wife!"

He Jincheng was right after thinking about it. He was an asshole before, and it wasn't because the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law had a bad relationship. Besides, Ye Qingmeng gave birth to a good granddaughter for the old couple.

The old couple must miss Tingting too, so they might as well go together as a family of three, and they can't drive themselves out!
"We are all one family, so don't talk about two families!"

Ye Qingmeng smiled.

It happened that there was a tractor going to the town here, so He Jincheng's family of three took a ride and headed for Pingyao Town.

(End of this chapter)

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